2019年鲁教版六年级上学期英语期末试题 (I).doc

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2019年鲁教版六年级上学期英语期末试题 (I) 一、听力选择:(略)二、单项填空:21. This is not _ English car. Its _ Chinese car.A. a, anB. an, a C. a, a D. an, an22. Those _ my cousins.A. are B. is C. am D. be23. My _ is my fathers brother.A. uncle B. aunt C. cousin D. parent24. I have a basketball. Lets play _.A. a basketballB. the basketball C. basketballs D. basketball25. -Whats this? - Its a photo _ my family?A. in B. of C. to D. on26. - _ he _ a soccer ball? - Yes, he does. A. Does, hasB. Do, has C. Does, have D. Do, have27. -Is she your aunt?- _.A. Yes, it is B. No, he isntC. Yes, she isD. No, it isnt 28. The baseball is _ the table _ the floor.A. on; under B. on; on C. under; on D. under; in29. Whats _ phone number? A. he B. youC. your D. me30. - Whats that _ English? - Its a jacket. A. on B. in C. about D. for 31. For breakfast, Tom _ eggs and bananas. A. like B. likes C. are D. is like32. -Lets watch TV. -That _ boring. Lets play tennis. A. looksB. soundsC. takesD. meets33. - _Where is the school? - Sorry, I dont know.A. Excuse me? B. Listen!C. See! D. Look at34. The green shorts _ sale for 25 dollars. A. is on B. are in C. are on D. is at35. I _ a new book, but my brother _A. dont have; have B. doesnt have; haveC. dont have; does D. doesnt have; has三、完型填空:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。Look at the girl, She is _36_ good friend She is _37_ English girl, _38_ name is Lucy_39_ twelveMy _40_ is Fangfang, _41_ a Chinese girlIm elevenLucy _42_ sports very muchShe has _43_tennis racket, three basketballs and four soccer balls, but I only _44_ a soccer ballLucy and I _45_ sports every day36AI Bme Cmy Dyour37Aa Ban Cthe D38AHis BHers CHer Dshes39AShes BShe CHis DHes40Aname Bbook Cbag Dfriend41AI BIm Cshe Dshes42Alike Bhas Clikes Dhave43Aone Btwo Cthree Dfour44Ahas Bhave Cdoesnt have Ddont have45Aplays Bplay Cto play Dis playing四、阅读理解:阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目。从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。A46. Gina has _, but she doesnt have _.A. a watch, a ball B. a clock, a watch C. a clock, a ball D. a watch, a baseball bat47. Kate has _, but she doesnt have _.A. a watch, a ball B. a ball, a clock C. a book, CDs D. a clock, a watch48. Paul and Jim have _. A. books B. CDs C. balls D. tennis rackets49. Tommy has a _ and some _.A. watch, balls B. book, CDs C. baseball, CDs D. video tape, books50. Kate doesnt have _.A. a watch B. an alarm clock C. a book D. CDsBThis is Toms roomThe bed is next to the wallBeside the bed, there is a deskThe schoolbag is under the desk The watch is on the desk Some pencils are on the chairWhere are the CDs? Oh, theyre under the bedLook, the keys are in the drawer(抽屉)51The room is_AToms BJims CPetes52_are under the bedAThe keys BThe CDs CThe watch53The schoolbag _Ais on the chair Bis next to the wall Cis under the desk54Where are the keys? ATheyre under the bed BTheyre on the chair CTheyre in the drawer55What are on the chair?APencils BKeys CCDs CMy name is William Chen. My telephone number is 45678321Im in NO. 3 Middle School. Im in Class Four, Grade One. I like English very much. Miss Gao is my English teacher. She is a good teacher. White is my friend. He is an American boy. He is thirteen. He is in Row(排)Two, Team Four. Today he is not at school. I think he is at home.56How old is White? AFourteen. BThirteen. CTwelve. DThirty.57Whats William Chens telephone number? A45768321 B45768312 C45678321 D4576823158What row is the American boy in?ARow Four. BRow Two. CRow Three. DRow One.59Whats the writers name?AWhite. BWilliam. CMiss Gao. DMy friend.60Is Miss Gao an English teacher?AYes, she is. BNo, she is. CYes, she does. DYes, she do.五、单词拼写:61. Thats my family. T_ are my parents.62. He doesnt play sports, he only w_ them on TV .63. -What c_ is it?-Its black.64. We play soccer at school w_ our friends.65. Bill h_ two basketballs.六、选词填空:A. Spell B. can C. How D. fine E. English F. orange G. kiteJohn: Hi, Alice! _66 _ are you? Alice: Im _67_, thanks.John: Whats this in _68_?Alice: Its an _69_John: _70_ it, please.Alice: Sorry I cant.七、从II栏中找出I栏中的应答语 (只填选项):I栏 II栏 71. Whats this? A. No, it isnt.72. Nice to meet you! B. Its on the bed73. Is this your pencil? C. Its a key.74. Does he have a soccer ball? D. Nice to meet you, too!75. Where is your schoolbag? E. No, he doesnt.八、句型转换:76. This is my pencil.(变为一般疑问句)_ _ your pencil? 77. My boobs are on the sofa. (对划线部分提问)_ _ your books?78. This is my brother. (变为复数形式) _ are my _.79. I play soccer ball. (改为否定句)I _ _ soccer ball.80. Does he have a tennis ball? (作肯定回答) Yes, _ _.九、完成句子:81. 谢谢你的帮助。_ you _ your help.82. 这不是我的手表。This _ my _.83. 足球对我来说很难。Soccer is very _ _ me.84. 请给我打4548099.Please _ me _ 4548099.85. 他捡到了一串钥匙。He found _ _ of keys.十、书面表达:假如你是Jack,请根据下面的表格以My Family为题简单介绍一下你的家人,可适当发挥。姓名职业年龄喜欢的颜色喜欢的水果爱好的运动Jackstudent12greenapplesoccerFatherteacher38blueorangebasketballmotherteacher36redbananatennis 参考答案一、听力选择二、单项选择 2125 BAADB 2630 CCCCB 3135 DBAAC 三、完型填空 3640 CBCAA 4145 BCABB四、阅读理解4650 DDCBA 5155 ABCCA 5660 BCBBA 五、单词拼写61. They 62. watches 63. color 64. with 65. has六、选词填空 66. - 70. CDEFA 七、从II栏中找出I栏中的应答语 71. -75. CDAEB八、句型转换76. is; this 77. where; are 78. these; brothers 79. dont ;play 80. he; does九、完成句子81. thank; for 82. isnt; watch 83. difficult; for 84. call; at 85. a set十、书面表达


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