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2020年四年级英语下册Module10Unit2Samhadlotsofchocolates教案6外研版1教学目标 1、会读会写单词:had、chocolate、watermelon, stomachache、cold 、headache 、fever.2. 初步感知had的两种用法及会用英语谈论疾病Whats wrong?Ive got a stomachache.2学情分析 本节课是第十模块的第二个单元Sam had lots of chocolate. 四年级的学生虽然已经有了记单词的能力,但是课文里面个别单词句型长而且绕口,加之小学的英语课又特别少,上节课学的单词这节课很有可能忘记了,所以每次上课前都必须复习上节课单词和句型。3重点难点 1、掌握本课主要句型 :Whats wrong? Ive got a stomachache.2、stomachache. headache的发音以及 Ive got a .回答。4教学过程 活动1【导入】Greetings and leadin 1. Greetings.T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Gao.T: Do you like Chocolate?Ss: Yes.T: Sam also like chocolate, he likes it very much. So he had lots of chocolate. Today, lets learn unit2.2. Lead-inListen and chant.Teach some difficult words.Listen and chant.活动2【讲授】learn new words T: First, lets learn new words.(show the picture of watermelon.)and ask: What is this?Ss: watermelon.(teach students read and spell the words(chocolate, fever, cold, headache, stomach ache) in this way.活动3【活动】单词游戏 教师在大屏幕上闪出前面学过的几个单词,看谁反应最快,学生举手抢答并拼写。最后集体朗读,巩固单词。活动4【讲授】句型讲解 1. 出师图片,询问学生图片上的人怎么了?然后引导学生回答。A: Whats wrong with you?B: I have a cold.(以同样的方式教授学生四个新句型)2, 将学过的单词套入句型,chant。Headache, headache, Ive got a headache.Cold, cold, I have got a cold.Stomachache, stomachache、I have got a stomachache.Fever, fever I have got a fever.这种形式不但读起来朗朗上口,还容易记住。活动5【讲授】text learning 1. Watch the video, and retell the story.2. Teach the text meaning.3. Listen and repeat.活动6【作业】布置家庭作业 抄写新单词5遍:chocolate、stomachache、cold 、headache 、fever听录音,朗读课文。

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