2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业8 Unit 12 Culture Shock Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ 北师大版必修4.doc

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2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业8 Unit 12 Culture Shock Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ 北师大版必修4.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业8 Unit 12 Culture Shock Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ 北师大版必修4.doc_第3页
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课时分层作业(八)Section 、语言知识练习固基础.语境填词A)根据汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,staring(凝视) at the night sky.2When I entered the classroom,I felt that everyone was whispering(低声说) about me.3Dont respond to any emails requesting personal information,no matter how official they look.4When his brother was to cross the street,he was knocked down by a truck and badly injured5In order to get familiar with the new neighbour,I decided to call at his house.B)填写空白处所需要的内容(1个单词)或所提供单词的正确形式6Its bad manners(manner) to ask others salary if you are not very familiar.7Ive always been very cautious about/of giving my address to strangers because I do everything with caution. 8You can hardly imagine the great difficulty I had looking(look) after the noisy children.9Do you think you have no doubt of his arrival(arrive) on time?10The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment,allowing(allow) more patients to be treated.单句改错1I stopped and he asked me for lift.lift前加a2He requested that she was dismissed.wasbe3We had just covered less than 20 miles while we were stuck in the storm.whilewhen4To return to the problem of water pollution,Id like you to look at a study having conducted in Australia in 2012.去掉having5There was no one nearby who might see him trying to break in the house.ininto高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解We know the westerners like to plan for their time carefully in order to do all the things that are important to them.So if your American or English friend asks you to dinner,he usually invites you a week ahead.But if you really have no time and cant go to the dinner,you can ring him to say sorry.The dinner is usually served at home,sometimes at a restaurant.You should get there on time,and dont forget to put on your fine clothes.It is also a good idea to take some little presents to your friend,such as flowers,chocolates and so on.When you are at dinner,you should also observe(遵守) some other customs.Here Ill give you some dos and donts about them:1Dont leave bones on the table or the floor.(You should put them on your plate with fingers.)2Dont use your bowl to drink soup,but use your spoon to help you instead.3Dont talk with much food in your mouth.4Dont ask others to have more wine.(This is quite different from that in China.)5After dinner,use your napkin (餐巾) to clean your mouth and hands.6Make sure small pieces of food are not left on your face.Then after dinner,you can stay there a little time.And your friend will be pleased if you leave in half an hour or so.Next day,you had better ring him up to thank him for the good dinner.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在美国或英国吃饭时,你应该遵守的风俗习惯。1If your American or English friend wants to invite you to dinner,he will invite you Aon the night before the dinnerBon the day before the dinnerCat the last momentDa week before the dinnerD细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“if your American or English friend asks you to dinner,he usually invites you a week ahead”可知,如果美国人或是英国人请你吃饭,他通常提前一周邀请你。故选D。2It would be impolite to Aput bones on your plates with fingersBpersuade others to drink moreCdrink soup with your spoonDmake sure that there is nothing left on your face after dinnerB细节理解题。根据文章中的“Dont ask others to have more wine.(This is quite different from that in China.)”可知,不要让别人多喝酒,这和中国不同。故选B。3Which of the following is NOT true?AAfter dinner,youd better stay and talk with your friends for a long time to show your thanks.BYoud better ring your friend the next day to show your thanks.CAfter dinner,youd better leave in half an hour.DAfter dinner,use napkin to clean your mouth.A细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“And your friend will be pleased if you leave in half an hour or so.”可知,半个小时后离开,你的朋友会很高兴。而不是待很长的时间。故选A。其他与文章内容一致。.完形填空Culture shock is a plex topic,but Im a simple man with simple perspectives.So my experience of foreign culture boils down to three basic stages:anger,acceptance and appreciation.When I 1 my life in China,I was often filled with frustration and 2 over the way things were.Things were seen as clearly“ 3 ”and I rejected the view of there being other ways of doing things.Afterwards I came to 4 different ways of doing things 5 still saw my own ways as superior.My views were still heavily coloured by 6 and I often accepted situations I felt 7 by simply coining the phrase “Thats China.” 8 China was a backward country that simply didnt do things correctly.Finally, 9 ,I came to understand and appreciate the new 10 and ways of doing things,sometimes using them as effectively as the 11 For example,fish is never 12 with the head in my country,thus my feelings went from “Ugh!I cant eat this!The fish is 13 at me saying,Youre a 14 man.Take this off the table,”to “Ill let my friends enjoy,but Ill just stick with the other 15 ,”and to “Would anyone mind if I eat the eyeball?”It is not the same with every westerner,and some take 16 than others to go through the three stages.It all depends on how 17 you are and how tightly you 18 to your own culture.It took over a year of living in China 19 I finally appreciate the new culture.Now,Im more 20 in China than in my own country.【语篇解读】本文作者通过描写自己对中国文化从气愤到欣赏的心路历程,说明了一个人对外国文化的接受过程。1A.endedBbeganCcontinuedDenjoyedB根据文章大意可知,作者通过描写自己对中国文化从气愤到欣赏的心路历程,说明了一个人对外国文化的接受过程。所以,在文章的一开始自然是说自己开始在中国生活。2A.curiosityBfearCpurposeDangerD该段讲述的是作者初到中国时对中国文化所持有的态度。结合第一段中所提到的三个基本阶段anger,acceptance和appreciation可知,作者目前是处于第一个阶段,即anger阶段。3A.wrongBrightCwiseDsmoothA根据下文“I rejected the view of there being other ways of doing things”可知,作者拒绝接受处理事情的其他的方式,因为在作者看来,其他方式都是错误的。4A.findBuseCacceptDrefuseC根据“Afterwards I came to.”以及下一段中“.I often accepted situations.”可知,作者后来逐渐接受了一些中国文化。5A.orBbutCwhileDsoB由前后语意可知,尽管作者试着接受了一些不同文化的处事方式,但仍将自己文化中的方式视为高人一等的。前后在语意上为转折关系。6A.preferencesBreferencesCfactsDstandardsA由语境可知,作者对于某些文化现象的接受仍凭个人的喜好。preference“偏爱,喜好”。7A.necessaryBimportantCnervousDstupidD作者觉得人们解释一些文化现象时仅仅说一句“这是在中国”的行为很愚蠢。8A.mentioningBsayingCmeaningDreferringC作者认为人们在说“Thats China.”时,言外之意是中国是一个落后的国家,所以会用一些错误的方式来处理事情。mean表示“意思是”。9A.thereforeBhoweverCbesidesDthusB结合前后文可以看出,从最初的气愤到接受,再到最后的欣赏,作者的态度发生了很大的变化。故前后文在语意上应为转折关系。10A.characterBpersonalityCrevolutionDcultureD结合文章的中心思想可知,此处作者是讲述自己如何接受中国文化的,由此可确定答案为D项。11A.localsBforeignersCresearchersDcitizensA根据前后文可知,作者从最初的气愤到接受,再到后来的欣赏,甚至像当地人一样自如地运用中国人的处事方式。12A.boughtBsoldCservedDseparatedC该句中serve为及物动词,表示“上饭菜”,符合语境。13A.glancingBlaughingCshoutingDstaringD根据下文“Would anyone mind if I eat the eyeball?”可知,一开始作者看到中国的鱼是带头烹饪的,这让作者心里感到很难受,认为鱼在瞪着眼睛瞅自己。而后来接受了中国文化后,作者居然抢着吃鱼眼睛。14A.kindBcruelCbraveDuniqueB当时的作者认为,在鱼的眼睛里,自己是一个残忍的人。15A.fishesBvegetablesCdishesDsoupsC作者从最初的讨厌看见鱼头被一起做成菜,到后来的可以接受别人吃这种菜而自己仍坚持吃别的菜肴,再到后来的喜欢上了吃鱼眼睛,这三个阶段刻画了自己对于中国文化从气喷到接受再到欣赏。此处为第二个阶段,即可以忍受看见别人吃,但自己仍吃别的菜肴。16A.moreBlessCfurtherDlongerD空格前的take表示“花费”,根据语境可知,对于西方人来说,有的人需要花费更长的时间来接受一种新的文化。17A.adaptableBconsiderableCdependableDenjoyableA根据语境可知,一个人对于一种新的文化的接受速度取决于其适应能力和对本国文化的固守程度。adaptable“可适应的”;considerable“相当多(大)的”;dependable“可依靠的”;enjoyable“愉快的,快乐的”。 由此可确定选A项。18A.getBholdCcatchDinsistB结合语境可知,对本国文化的固守程度会影响对新的文化的理解和接受。hold指“持有,掌握”。本题易错选D项,insist表示“坚持”时应搭配介词on。19A.sinceBasCbeforeDwhenC作者在中国住了一年多以后才真正理解并欣赏这种文化。before表示“在之前”。20A.anxiousBweledCfortableDmiserableC随着对中国文化的接受和欣赏,作者内心也发生了很大的变化。现在作者在中国比在自己的国家感到更舒服。


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