2019-2020年高一英语下学期 Module 3 Unit 2Reading English and its history导学案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语下学期 Module 3 Unit 2Reading English and its history导学案班级:_ 姓名 _ 组内评价_教师评价 _【学习目标】1. Help students understand fully of the text.2. Deal with some difficult sentences and useful language points.【知识准备】Translate them into Chinese: be made up of_ lead to_ consist of_pick up_ contribut to_take control of_ mother tongue_have an impact on_ result in_because of_ take the place of_depend on_ aside from_name after_ even though_Fill in the blanks :1. Before the mid-5th century, people spoke a language _Celtic.2. After the mid-5th century, Anglo Saxon _ from _ German with Celtic.3. At the end of the 9th century, the Vikings _ Britain and then old English was _.4. By the 10th century, old English was the _ language in Britain.5. After the Norman _, upper class people spoke French _ mon people spoke English.6. By the half of the 14th century, English was _by all classes.7. In 1399, English was used for all official _.8. In the 16th century, _ English began.【自主探究】1. confusing adj. 令人迷惑的, Your explanation is (令人迷惑).【拓展】 confuse v. 使迷惑,使困惑We tried to the enemy. 我们试图迷惑敌人。confused adj. 感到迷惑的,感到不解的I the problem. 对这个问题,我很困惑。If the situation is , you will get . 如果形势令人困惑,你会被弄糊涂的。There is a look/expression on his face. 他脸上露出迷惑的表情。2. be made up of 由组成,可与consist of 互换The class is made up of 15 girl students and 20 boy students.= The class 15 girl students and 20 boy students.注意两者作定语时的区别 a group made up of five doctors and 10 nurses= a group five doctors and 10 nurses【拓展】: be made of/be made from/be made out of 由制成be made into 被制成 make up 组成,编制,弥补,化妆,和解make for 走向;有助于 make out 理解,辨认出针对训练: (1)Nylon air, coal and water.由。制成(2) The audience very young children.由。组成(4)Her dress her sisters old dress.用她姐姐的旧衣服改做的。(5)As soon as it started to rain, we home.朝家里走去。(6)Does early rising good health?有助于(7)It was difficult to his handwriting. 辨认。(8)I couldnt what he wanted on earth.明白(9)She quickly made herself up and went out for the party. 译:(10)Dont believe him. He made the whole story up.(11)I must make up the lost time by extra work. (12)He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.(13)Eleven players make up a football team. 3. create vt. 创造,造成 Some people believe that God created the world. 有些人相信上帝创造了世界。【拓展】: creation n. 创造(不可数),创作的东西(可数)creative adj. 创作的,创造性的 creative thinking 创造性思维creativity n. 创造力 creature n. 人,动物4. take control of 控制,取得对的控制【拓展】in control (of) 控制着,出于统治地位 lose control of 失去对的控制out of control 失去控制,无法控制 under control (被)控制住1) V. 控制;支配;管理;克制;抑制You must learn to your temper.你必须学会克制着不发脾气。2) n. 支配;控制;调节;抑制 (+of/over)There must be someone who can 管住 these naughty children.Some more phrases:in control of in the control of be/ e/ bring/get under controlunder the control of be/get out of control lose control of (1)The boy is no longer _(受。控制) his parents. (2)Police at present (失控)the crowd. They asked for help.(3)With the help of firefighters, they got the fire _(控制).(4)Who do you let be _ (控制)your class while youre out? 5.replace vt.代替,取代 相当于take the place of。replace A with B, 用B代替A。(1)Tourism has replaced (= )heavy industry as the citys main source of ine.(2)Today many high schools have 取代 blackboards whiteboards. 6. consist 1) 组成,构成 +of: Our book 3 units. 我们的书有3单元。2)在于 +in Happiness在于 appreciating what you have. 3. contribute to 1) to help to lead to the result导致; Drink contributed to his death. 酒造成了他的死亡。2) 捐(款);捐献,捐助 (donate to)He contributed half of his savings to the Red Cross. 他将积蓄的一半捐献给红十字会。3) 投(稿)(+to) He contributed his poems to the magazine. 他给杂志投稿他的诗。7. result in 结果;导致 (lead to) (1)Carelessness lots of accidents. 粗心造成大量交通事故。result from (because of, due to)(2)His failure largely his laziness. 他的失败主要是懒惰所致。(3)His success working hard. (4)Too much cigarettes his deaths. (5)He had to take a taxi to work the bad weather. A. result in B. as a result of C. results from D. as a result8.occupy vt. 占领;占用(时间、空间等)The child occupied himself in playing the flute. 那孩子只顾着吹笛子。She keeps herself fully _ _volunteer activities.全身心地忙于 。【巩固提升】 Fill in the blanks with the initial letter:1. We Chinese have friends t the world.2. A large v is a must if you want to learn a language well.3. Both English and French are o languages of Canada.4. Overwork, little rest and poor food all c to his illness.5. A well written article should have both a good beginning and a good e .6. Our school is a non-smoking one. So smoking is b in our school. 7. She smiled to me, i that she had seen me.8. The blacks are fighting against r discrimination.9.Taiwan is separated from m of China by Taiwan Strait. .10. He didnt _the adventure seriously. As a result, he broke both legs _the injuries to his face and hands. Atreat; except Btake; aside from Caccept; beside Dreceive; aside from11._ you go to Beijing, dont forget to call me first. ANext time BThe next time CFor the next time DAt the next time名词性从句1).Do you have any idea _ is actually going on in the classroom? A. that B. what C. as D. which2).Mary wrote an article on _the team had failed to win the game. A. why B. where C. what D. which3).Id like to work with _ is honest and easy to get on with.A. who B. whoever C. whomever D. no matter who4).It is uncertain _ the experiment is worth doing . A. where B. that C. whether D. how 5).As the day was fine ,I made the suggestion _ for a walk in the park . A. we go B. we will go C. should we go D. that we go 6).I dont doubt _ he will e. A. that B. if C. what D. whether 7).What a pity _is _ you didnt arrive by daylight. A.there, because B. it, that C. it, when D. that ,for8).It depends on _ we have enough time. A. that B. if C. whether D. if or not 9).I believe _ you have done your best and _ things will improve . A. that. B. C. what, that D. .that 10).It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey . A. while B. that C. if D. for 11.Suddenly the thought came to me _ he could go behind . A. what B. which C. that D. where 12)._ he is always studying hard is well known _ us all. A. How, to B. What, to C. That, to D. Whether, by13).It is true _ he said is of great importance to us all A. what B. that C. that what D. what that


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