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河南省实验中学20182019学年下期期中试卷高二 英语(时间:120分钟,满分:150分)第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What time did the speakers fix for the appointment? A. At 4: 00. B. At 4: 15. C. At 4: 30. 2. What will the man probably do? A. Change a school for his son. B. Make meals for his son by himself. C. Punish his son. 3. Who gave Lucy the cell phone? A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her brother. 4. What does the woman want to do? A. To have an X-ray. B. To go to the hospital. C. To help the injured man. 5. What place might be close to Jane and Bills new home? A. A train station. B. A bus station. C. An airport. 第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6至8题。6. Where does the conversation take place? A. In an X-ray room. B. In the mans office. C. In a clinic. 7. Why is the man worried? A. Because his pain is very serious. B. Because he has never had the pain before. C. Because hes going to have a heart attack. 8. Whats wrong with the man? A. He doesnt have a regular heart beating. B. He has a serious pain in the chest. C. He doesnt have his meals regularly. 听第7段材料, 回答第9至11题。9. When does the conversation take place? A. At the beginning of a class. B. In the middle of a class. C. Between the classes. 10. Why didnt the boy answer any questions on the homework? A. He found them difficult. B. He read the wrong chapter. C. He forgot to read the chapter. 11. How did the boy get to school this morning? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike. 听第8段材料, 回答第12至14题。12. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a library. B. In an office. C. In a classroom. 13. How many brothers and sisters does the man have? A. 5B. 3C. 214. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Love. B. Friendship. C. A family. 听第9段材料, 回答第15至17题。15. Whats the mans probable profession(职业)? A. An interviewer. B. A professor. C. A training teacher. 16. How long did the woman work in the last pany? A. About 4 years. B. About 6 years. C. About 9 years. 17. Whats the womans greatest concern? A. Salary. B. Further education. C. Holidays. 听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。18. Why does the speaker give the lecture? A. To tell what to take for cycling tours. B. To give some advice on cycling tours. C. To explain the advantages of cycling tours. 19. What is the most important thing for cycling tours in the speakers eyes? A. Water. B. Clothes. C. Safety. 20. What should the cyclists do during the cycling tours in winter? A. Take some warm clothes. B. Take plenty of water. C. Stop to have a rest when feeling tired. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe worlds oceans are some of the most interesting and breathtaking places on the entire planet. A lot of these oceans have witnessed a variety of disappearances and other mysteries, most of which cannot and have not been explained by modern science. Here are some interesting unsolved sea mysteries of the world.USS ScorpionIn February 1969, the USS Scorpion, an American submarine, departed from Norfolk, Virginia, on its way towards the Mediterranean. The crew had almost a decade of experience, and yet the sub disappeared and broke into pieces on the sea floor. There were 99 men aboard the sub, all of whom lost their livesBaltic Sea SubIn the later half of 2014, a mysterious vessel(大船) was spotted by Swedish citizens, many of whom described it as a Russian submarine, in the Baltic Sea. The military spent much time in investigating, but found no sign of the mysterious sub. The search was named “the hunt for Reds in October.”Bermeja IslandDuring the 1970s, Bermeja Island served as a bit of a marker for Mexico and their economic zone. Around 20 years later, the island disappeared without any sign. Along with the island, numerous important documents about major oil reserves also went missing.Gulf of Mexico ShipwreckIn 2001, ExxonMobil was laying pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico when they ran into a shipwreck around 2,600 feet under the surface. Upon exploring the shipwreck, archaeologists believed it to be a terrible spell, as something would constantly go wrong when they went down to explore.SS Edmund FitzgeraldLake Superior is so large that it behaves like an inland ocean, including terrific storms. In November 1975, one such storm struck the vessel SS Edmund Fitzgerald, which was headed to Detroit. The Fitzgerald disappeared after munications were lost. A week later, a sonar(声呐) ship found the vessel 500 feet under the water. Not one body was found, though.21. Why does the author think of USS Scorpion as a mystery? A. Because 99 men died aboard the sub. B. Because it lost its way towards the Mediterranean. C. Because the sub still sank even with experienced crew. D. Because there is no information of the unknown sub. 22. What do Baltic Sea Sub and Gulf of Mexico Shipwreck have in mon? A. Both the names of the vessels are unknown. B. Both are highly put on a bad spell. C. Both are found on the beaches. D. Bothe are said to be Russian vessels.23. Which mystery is different from the others? A. SS Edmund Fitzgerald B. Bermeja Island C. Gulf of Mexico Shipwreck D. USS ScorpionBAt first, Michael Surrell didnt see the black smoke or flames shooting from the windows of his neighbors home. He and his wife had just parked the car when they got a call from one of his daughters: “The house next door is on fire!” He went to investigate. “The babys still in!” one of the women cried. Though the fire department had been called, Surrell, aged 64, immediately ran inside. “The baby” was 8-year-old Tiara Roberts, the womans granddaughter. The thick smoke burned his eyes, and made it impossible to breathe. The conditions would have been harmful to anyone, but for Surrell, who has a lung disease, they were life-threatening.After a few minutes in the smoke-filled house, he ran outside to catch his breath. “Where is Tiara?” he asked desperately.“The second floor.” her aunt shouted back. Taking a deep breath, he went in a second time. Still unable to see, Surrell fell to his knees on the hot wood floor, feeling around for any sign of the girl. Finally, he got Tiara who wasnt breathing. He fought through the smoke and ran blindly into the blackness. The next thing he knew, he was at the front door, then outside. Surrell put Tiara down and started CPR. Soon Tiara opened her eyes and took a breath on her own. Their eyes met. Surrell hugged her tight and said, “Uncles got you.” Soon after, his throat closed off. Surrell woke up in the hospital a couple of days later, having suffered severe burns to his windpipe and the upper portion of his lungs. As a result, he took extra medication that helped open his airways. “Its a small price to pay,” he said. “Id do it again in no time and wont give it a second thought.”24. When did Surrell first know his nergbors home was on fire? A. When he parked his car. B. when his daughter phoned him. C. When he heard people calling for help. D. When he saw the smoke.25. Why did the author say the conditions were deadly to Surrell? A. Because the smoke was too thick. B. Because the smoke burned his eye. C. Because the building would fall apart. D. Because Surrell had a lung disease. 26. What does the author think of Surrell? A. enthusiastic B. aged C. energetic D. brave 27. Whats the best title of the passage? A. A big fire in the neighborhood. B. A baby stuck in the burning building. C. A man risking his life to save a girl. D. An unexpected accident.CJo Cameron, a 71-year-old Scottish woman, has never needed to take painkillers after seeing the dentist and can eat spicy chilies without any disfort.She thought little of it until she sought treatment for an ankle problem at the age of 65. Doctors were astonished to find that she experienced no pain despite severe worsening in her ankle. A year later, she said she felt no pain after experiencing whats typically a very painful operation on her hand for osteoarthritis(关节炎). She doesnt take any medication and is fit and active, with no medical conditions apart from arthritis.Her doctors decided to analyze whether her lack of pain sensitivity was due to genetics and found it was caused by a mutation(突变) in a previously unidentified gene. Researchers found Cameron had two obvious mutations in her genetic makeup, one in the FAAH gene and another in what the scientists dubbed (复制)FAAH-OUT, which has been little studied by scientists.In a case study published Thursday, researchers explained the discovery could help guide new treatments for a range of conditions, from post-operative pain to anxiety. The study said that Camerons mother and daughter appear to perceive pain normally. However, her late father had little need for painkillers, and her son reported having some degree of pain insensitivity, but not to the same extent as her. Now that we are uncovering how this newly identified gene works, we hope to make further progress on new treatment targets, Cox said. We need to learn from people who are suffering from pain but also those who are less sensitive to pain, said Keogh, who is also the director at the universitys center for pain research.The implications of these findings are of great value, said Dr. Devjit Srivastava, who diagnosed Cameron.One out of two patients after surgery today still experiences severe pain, despite all advances in painkiller medications, he added.The findings point towards a novel painkiller discovery that could potentially offer post-surgical pain relief and also accelerate wound healing. We hope this could help the 330 million patients who have surgery globally every year. 28. How did Cameron find she was lack of pain sensitivity?A. By seeing a dentist B. By eating chilies C. By seeking treatment D. By taking painkillers 29. What does the underlined world mean?A. understand B. feel C. know D. see 30. What can we conclude from what Keogh said? A. They are uncovering the secrets of mutation. B. They have made great progress in this gene. C. Their study merely focuses on the treatment targets D. More than one person is less sensitive to pain.31. From the view point of Dr. Devjit Srivastava , we can know_. A. The findings have discovered a new painkiller. B. Patients who have operations no longer suffer pain. C. The findings may be important to discover a new way to relieve pain. D. Most patients after surgery today still suffer great pain.DThe summer is so hot and sticky, why would we want to sweat even more by exercising? Or is it just me who thinks like that? Sweat and clothes sticking to our bodies as we move make exercise seem rather unfortable. What can be done to fix it? Researchers at MIT have e up with a solution. Theyve developed a workout suit with flaps that open as the wearer begins sweating. As the person cools off, the flaps shrink until they assume their original position. Sounds cool, sounds practical. These flaps are lined with live, microbial (微生物的)cells. These cells can detect when the body is heating up too much, and in response, expand. Its just as if they were working within any other organism, recognizing patterns of heating and cooling, then responding appropriately to maintain body temperature. It seems kind of strange to have living cells (that arent your own) on you, right? Not to fear, these cells have been believed safe. Plus, theres a material in the suit that helps the flaps/cells hover ever so slightly above the exercisers skin. The flaps start opening as soon as people start feeling warm and sweaty, and the bit of space between the suit and the skin helps develop that feeling of cool and refreshing air as they move. For more information about flaps, click here. According to Gadgetify., researchers have also been working to apply this technology to running shoes as well. Moisture-responsive workout clothing has the potential to revolutionize sport fashion industry. People can stay drier, cooler and fresher at the end of the workout, which sounds better than leaving the gym with a trail of sweat and a red face. Its possible that the fort of these suits can make people enjoy exercising more and exercise with more intensity. 32. Whats the purpose of the first paragraph? A. To introduce the topic. B. To show his dislike of summer. C. To give an example. D. To tell of his dream.33. What cant be learned from the passage? A. When a person doesnt sweat, the flaps will e to its original position. B. When a person sweats, the flaps will expand. C. The flaps themselves can float slightly around the exercisers skin. D. The flaps are essential to cooling exercisers down. 34. Whats mainly talked about in the last paragraph?A. The efficiency of the technology.B. The influence of the technology.C. Different reviews on the technology. D. Authors attitude to the technology.35. Where does the essay e from?A. Magazine B. Newspaper C. Brochure D. Website第2节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。An obstacle usually refers to a difficulty or problem that prevents you from achieving something. Whether it was in your past, or youre presently facing an obstacle, we all have to deal with it. Some people avoid obstacles or deny their existence. Others let obstacles control them, and they feel defeated. Your attitude towards obstacles will define the oute of whether you rise from the challenge, or remain stuck in it. _36_Obstacles give you purposeSometimes obstacles can reset your goals. You might have always had a particular way of doing things, or wanted to pursue certain goals; but when youre faced with setbacks or difficulties, youre forced to re-think, and re-examine your path._37_. Or, you may concentrate on something that you otherwise wouldnt have if not for the particular setback. By having to overe an obstacle, youll be fulfilling a purpose, rather than just going through the motions.Obstacles Prepare You for the Unexpected_38_. Even though obstacles can bring out many negative emotions in us, such as frustration, anger, or sadness, its important to realize that they dont stop you from reaching our intended goals. Instead, they, in a way, give you time to stop and think if perhaps there is a new and better path to take and what you can prepare for what will happen along the way. _39_Obstacles whether you like them or not are unavoidable. Life will never stop throwing you new obstacles. So, the best thing to do is know how to better see and deal with these obstacles, and transform them into opportunities for self improvement. The more youre able to see obstacles as being an advantage to your life, the better youll be at managing them. _40_. It will make you constantly change and adapt to new situations, allowing you to grow into a better version of yourself. A. Your obstacle may throw you off track for a bit.B. Obstacles shift your perspective.C. You may end up focusing on something new and exciting.D. Here are some more great things to love about obstacles.E. Obstacles make you enjoy a challenge.F. Accepting obstacles will benefit you a lot.G. Obstacles serve as guides for where to go next.第三部分 英语语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第1节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Haze Mabry has been working as a cleaner at Pike County Elementary School for 13 years. Students and teachers this school decided to do something extra special last week to 41 _ Mabry, or Mr. Haze as hes known at the school, for his 80th 42 .Reading teacher Lori Gilreath who has worked with Mabry for 10 years said they 43 the celebration for weeks and that keeping the plans 44 was a challenge since Mabry works from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. They 45 a birthday throne for him on the schools stage and lined the walls 46 photos of Mabry with the kids and other decorations with the 47 80 years loved, 80 years blessed. The students also 48 80 reasons why they loved Mr. Haze. On the day before the 49 , they turned Gilreaths classroom into a secret art center to finish the 50 . Mabry said he 51 them moving some tables around in the lunchroom, but he didnt give it much 52 . Next morning, they led Mabry on a parade through the school and the more than 750 students, 53 and staff members lined the halls, shouting 54 Mr. Haze! Mr. Haze!It really surprises me and I feel 55 . All little kids are giving me cards, 56 and hugging me. Its 57 else, you know, Mabry said. Its a/an 58 experience.Aged 80, Mabry said he likes to keep a busy 59 and loves the kids. 60 Im able to work, he said, I think Ill work.41. A. surpriseB. exciteC. frightenD. shock42. A. eventB. festivalC. birthdayD. workday43. A. came onB. called onC. reflected onD. worked on 44. A. specialB. practicalC. secretD. necessary 45. A. madeB. indicatedC. expectedD. grasped46. A. withB. onC. forD. under47. A. markB. themeC. conceptD. content48. A. answeredB. developedC. listedD. confirmed49. A. petitionB. graduationC. celebrationD. tradition50. A. agendaB. preparationsC. principleD. dream51. A. noticedB. observedC. ignoredD. admitted52. A. optionB. ideaC. opinionD. thought53. A. teachersB. visitorsC. managersD. parents54. A. amazinglyB. positivelyC. cheerfullyD. sadly55. A. touchedB. interestedC. relaxedD. convinced 56. A. running outB. running intoC. running afterD. running up57. A. anythingB. nothingC. somethingD. everything58. A. recognizableB. unforgettableC. respectableD. admirable59. A. coincidenceB. mitmentC. scheduleD. recovery60. A. As long asB. As forC. As far asD. As to 第II卷第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第2节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Its now been over two decades since scientists in Scotland successfully cloned a sheep and named the newborn Dolly. In the years since, the technology that powers cloning _61_ (advance) slowly but steadilyRecently, scientists in China have cloned two bouncing baby monkeys, theoretically_62_(open) the door for the cloning of humans. _63_, the researchers stressed that they have no intention of cloning humans. They think that the general public and the government will not allow the extension of _64_ (apply) of these methods from non-human primates to humans. Instead, the ultimate goal is to create cloned monkeys that can be used to test new treatments for diseases 65 (associate) with human genes. The research is greatly _66_ (benefit) to the medical development.The monkeys, both female, are named Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, from the word “Zhonghua”, _67_ name related to Chinese culture. They were produced using some of the very cloning techniques _68_ created Dolly 22 years ago. The researchers plan to continue improving the technique _69_ (call) somatic cell nuclear transfer to increase the efficiency of cloning. The same technique has been used to clone 23 different mammal _70_ (species) so far, including sheep, mice, cattle, pigs, cats and dogs.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第1节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英


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