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2019年小学五年级英语学科综合练习题一、词组互译。(12分)1. 在夜间 7. stand in a line 2. 向右转 8. ten to one 3. 6:30 9. on duty 4. 刷牙 10. lift up 5. 做早操 11. Do this six times. 6. 有着同样的爱好 12. give orders 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Look! Jim is sitting . (quiet)2. Their mother (like) (take) photos.3. What your father usually (do) in the evening?4. Look, the girl is dancing .(beautiful)5. (not) stand in a line!6. Everybody (have) two arms and two legs.7. What Mike (do) ?He isputting an egg on his head.8. Mary usually to the park on foot. (go)9. Im on duty today. I (need) clean the windows. 10. My mother (not do) housework in the morning.三、选择(15分)( ) 1. _ your mother _ the flowers now? A. DoeswaterB. Iswatering C. Iswater D. Dowaters( ) 2. Lets go and play piano. Good idea. A. a B. an C. / D. the( ) 3. Are you ready have breakfast? A. to B. for C. / D. with( ) 4. What does she do on Saturday? She_ a bike. A. byB. ridesC. rideD. riding( ) 5. Sam and his sister _ many beautiful flower stamps. A. haveB. areC. is collectD. has( ) 6. She _ to school from Monday to Friday. A. goB. goingC. is goingD. goes( ) 7. Please _ my orders, boys and girls. A. giveB. listenC. hearD. follow( ) 8. -Whats _ with you, Mum? - I have got a cold. A. aboutB. wrongC. matterD. trouble( ) 9. The boy likes lying on _ back under a tree. A. theB. ones C. hisD. her( ) 10. Jim goes to school _ Monday _ Friday by bus. A. inoutB. onunderC. fromtoD. forto( )11.Mr Ma _ PE in a primary school. A. teachingB. teachesC. teach( )12. _up your left leg and _it with your right hand. A. Touch.lift B. Lift.touch C. Lift.put( )13. They ready class .A. do; for B. are; to C. are; for D. do; to ( )14. I can take some bread _ me.A. forB. withC. to D. by ( )15. Nancy play cards.A. wants to B. wants C. want to D. dont want to四、写出下列划线部分的中文意思。(10分)1. What time is it? _ Do this ten times. _2. Wele back to school._ Lie on your back, Mike. _3. I usually go to the park with ma parents. _Touch your shoulders with your hands. _4. Is she right? _ Lift up your right leg. _5. Can you go with me? _ Touch your toes with your fingers. _五、按要求改写句子,每空填一词。(10分)1. He lives in a town near London.(对划线部分提问) _ _ he live? 2. I feel cold now. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you feel now? 3. Helen surfs the Internet every Saturday.(改为否定句) Helen_ _ the Internet every Saturday. 4. I brush my teeth at a quarter past six.(I换成Helen) Helen teeth at a quarter past six. 5. My mother does housework every day. (改一般疑问句) _?六、根据图片完成句子。(15分)1. A: Hello, Liu Tao. Shall _ go and play basketball? B: Sorry, I cant. Im _. A: What are you _ now? B: Im _ an_ to my friend. 2. A: Fang Fang, whos that _? B: _ my brother. A : He likes _(skate), I think . B: Yes, he does. He _ beautifully. 3.A : Wheres Ben ? B: Hes _. Hes _ _ bed. A: Whats _ with him? B: He _ _ a high fever. 七、根据中文意思完成句子。(10分)1. 从早上八点到下午五点,Nancy忙得没时间休息。_ eight _ the morning to five _the afternoon,Nancy has_ _forrest.2. 你想制作船模吗? 是的。但是我正在浇花。 你今天真忙啊。 Do you _ to make a _ _ ? Yes, I do. But Im _ _. Youre _ busy today.3. 学生们正在操场上上体育课。The students _ _a PE lesson in the playground.4.双脚并拢,上下跳三次。_ your _together, and then _up and down _ _.5.Nancy准备好吃午饭了吗? 还没有。 _ Nancy _ for lunch? Not yet.八、阅读短文:(15分)AMy name is Peter . I live in London . I am tall . I have brown hair . I like running . I run fast . I have many friends . Look , this is Jenny . She likes dancing . She dances beautifully . That is Ken . He likes running ,too , but he does not run fast . He runs slowly(缓慢地). Betty is a good girl . She likes PE . She jumps high . Tim speaks loudly . We all like him very much .(对的写T,错的写F)( ) 1. Peter lives in London .( ) 2. Peter is not tall and with brown hair .( ) 3. Jenny likes running and she runs fast .( ) 4. Betty likes PE . She jumps high .( ) 5. Peter has four friends.BJane is an English girl. She is twelve. She lives in a small town. At school she studies English, Maths, Science and Art. She likes Chinese very much., but she doesnt study Chinese at school. She has a Chinese friend, Li Hong. They are the same age(年龄). She usually writes an e-mail to Li Hong on Saturday evening. Li Hong helps her with her Chinese and she helps Li Hong with her English. They learn from each other. ( ) 1. How old is Li Hong? A. Eleven B. Twelve C. We dont know( ) 2. How many subjects does Jane have at school? A. Four. B. Five C. We dont know.( ) 3. Li Hong is a(n) _ girl. A. English B. lovely C. Chinese( ) 4. Jane writes e-mails on _ A. Friday evenings B. Saturday evenings C. Sundays( ) 5. What is the Chinese meaning of “learn from each other”? A. 学得很多 B. 相互学习 C. 学得很好


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