2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修5 Unit 1 Welcome to the unit 教案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修5 Unit 1 Welcome to the unit 教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修5 Unit 1 Welcome to the unit 教案.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修5 Unit 1 Wele to the unit 教案l Thoughts on the design本课为听说课,教师给学生营造民主开放的课堂氛围,使学生在进行大量的听说活动的过程中对朋友和友谊有更深的了解,为本单元后面的教学打下基础。本课通过大量的听说活动主要解决三个问题:什么是友谊;朋友应该具备怎样的品质;如何与朋友相处。学生在讨论过程中将能自然运用上一课时所学的有关人的个性特点的形容词,并掌握一定量的有关朋友话题的谚语和俗语。l Teaching aims1. Students will be able to talk about friends and friendship freely, improving their munication skills and oral English;2. Students will master certain numbers of English proverbs and sayings about friendship;3. Students will learn to value friendship more and know how to get on well with friends.l Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead inTeacher reminds students of Ding Wei who has just started university and made lots of friends. (The material was dealt with in the first lesson.) Hence, the topic of friendship is introduced.1. Brainstorming: Students are asked to express freely what friendship is in their minds.Friendship means my friend and I can trust each other.Friendship means my friend and I will help and support each other.Friendship means my friend and I will have a lot in mon.Friendship means my friend and I will readily share happiness and sadness with each other.Explanation此处采用上一课时的材料引入朋友话题,使课时与课时间紧密相连,环环相扣。通过Brainstorming的方式激发学生思维,使他们对友谊这一话题进行思考,为本课关于朋友和友谊的讨论作好充分热身。Step 2 What is friendship?1. Working in a group of four(1)Students talk about one of the pictures on page 1 and try to understand the proverb. (Each group is free to choose any one of the pictures to talk about.)Friends are thieves of time.The best mirror is an old friend.If you can buy a persons friendship, its not worth having.True friends have hearts that beat as one.(2) Students give an example (either their own experience or a story) to show what the proverb says really makes sense.2. Representatives from each group report to the whole class the result of their discussion.3. Teacher provides more sayings about friends and friendship and encourages students to talk about what they can reveal about friendship by examining these sayings.4. Students are encouraged to think of more such proverbs and sayings and share with each other. Explanation此步骤的目的是引导学生对什么是真正的友谊进行思考和探讨。通过小组讨论的方式,使学生在民主的氛围中,思考自己对友谊的理解和体会,并培养与人交流合作的能力,锻炼自己的口头表达能力。通过教师的补充和学生已有知识的交流,学生掌握一定量描述友谊的谚语和俗语。Step 3 What makes a good friend? Students are asked to think about the qualities of a good friend and then are invited to write their ideas on the blackboard freely. A good friend should be:Open-minded, reliable, friendly, helpful, cheerful, generous, hard-working, diligent, honest, polite Explanation在此步骤中,学生能充分运用第一课时所学的词汇知识,展开对朋友应有品质的讨论。Step 4 How can we get along well with our friends?1. Teacher shows students the following words:The recipe of friendship:1 cup of sharing2 cups of caring1 cup of forgiveness and hugs of tendernessMix all these together .to make friends forever.2. Students are encouraged to work in a group and share with each other their ways of getting along well with friends. Explanation此处讨论与朋友的相处之道。教师先出示一段饶有趣味的文字,引发学生对此话题的思考。学生以小组探讨的形式,彼此交流各自与朋友相处的方法,从中领悟与人相处应有的态度和方法。Step 5 Conclusion of the lessonStudents and teacher together read aloud the poem: A Friendto end the lesson.Explanation结尾处采用师生共同朗读诗歌的形式,为整堂课划上句号。优美而有哲理的诗歌既带来美的享受,又使学生对朋友这一话题有更为感性的认识。


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