2019-2020年高一英语 Book3 unit 1 Festivals around the world学案2 人教新目标.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Book3 unit 1 Festivals around the world学案2 人教新目标教师寄语:Never lose heart. 永远不要丧失信心。 单词自主学习学案英汉互译:1.发生_ 2.宗教的_ 3.纪念,追念_ 4.信任,信心,信仰_ 5.盛装,打扮,装饰_ 6.诡计,窍门_ 7.开玩笑,诈骗_ 8.获得,得到_ 9.集合,聚集_ 10.授予,判定_ 11.赞美,钦佩_ 12.期待,盼望_ 13.日夜,整天_ 14.好像_ 15.玩得开心_16.允许_ 17.出现,到场_ 18.屏息,屏气_ 19履行诺言_ 20.道歉,辩白vi_ 21.明显的_22.动身,出发,使爆炸_ 23.提醒_24 使某人想起某事_ 25.beaty_26.harvest_27.celebration_ 28.starve_29.origin_ 30.ancestor_ 31.feast_32.arrival_33.independence_ 34.agriculture_35.energetic_ 36.clothing_ 37.custom_ 38.worldwide_39.fool_ 40.parking_41.drown_ 42.sadness_43.wipe_ 44.weep_45.announcer_ 46.forgive_单词课内探究学案 1. take place vi. 发生;举行典例 1). The football match will take place tomorrow. 足球赛将在明天举行。2). The accident took place/ happened only a block from my home. 事故发生在离我家仅一个街区远的地方。短语归纳take the place of (动词短语)代替/取代 in place of (介词短语)代替;交换take sb s place / take the place of sb. 坐某人的座位;代替某人的职务 in place 放在原来的位置;适合的,恰当的out of place不在合适的位置;不适当的in ones place 处于某人的位置,为某人设身处地想一想练习 用place短语的适当形式填空。1). A little gratitude would be _ _. 2). I m at a loss what to do next. What would you do (if you were ) _ _ _?3). Plastics have _ _ _ _ many other materials. 4). We use plastics _ _ _ many other materials.5). While the manager was on holiday, Tom _ _ _. 辨析:.take place / happen / occur / e about / break outtake place “发生,举行”事先计划或预想到的happen “发生,碰巧”强调偶然性,一般用于偶然或突发性事件。break out (战争,灾害,疾病)爆发occur作“发生、想到、突然想起”解,其意义相当于happen。e about表示“发生、产生”,多指事情已经发生了,但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定句。共同点:均为不及物动词,无被动语态【练习】根据句子的意思翻译或按要求填词。1). Great changes have _ (发生) in our hometown during the past ten years.2). _ (我突然想起) I saw him on my way home yesterday.3). I _ (碰巧) to see your sister crying on my way to school yesterday. I was in such a hurry that I had no time to ask what had happened _ (介词) her?4). When the Second World War _ (爆发), Tom was only a newborn infant(婴儿). 5). I ll never understand how it _ (发生) that you were late three times a week.6). A big earthquake _ (发生) in the south of China last year.2. beauty n.美,美丽;美人,美的东西 _ adj. 美的,美丽的 _ adv.美丽地;优美地_ v.美化,变美【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空Their house is _ (beauty) decorated. 3.celebration n. 庆祝,庆贺 celebrate / congratulate【解释】celebrate“庆祝”,后面跟某个节日或物。congratulate“祝贺”,一般搭配为congratulate sb. on (doing)sth.“祝贺某人某事”。【练习】根据句子的意思在括号里填入适当的词。1). We all _ John on her winning the first prize in the writing petition. 2). At Christmas the people in the western countries will _ the birth of Jesus.3). Lets hold a party to _ your birthday and at the same time _ you _ your passing the examination.4. starve vi.&vt. (使)饿死;饿得要死 _ n.u 饿死die of /hunger饿死 starved adj. 饥饿的,饿死的be starved of sth希望/渴望得到某物 a starved boy饥饿的男孩 典例 1). The enemy is trying to starve us to death. 敌人正在企图饿死我们。2). I m starving; let s have a big dinner. 我饿得要死了,让我们吃一顿丰盛的晚餐吧。3). He said he would starve rather than beg for food. 他说他宁愿挨饿也不要饭吃。重点用法starve sb to death 把某人饿死 (类比:sentencebeatfrighten sb. to death宣判某人死刑,把某人打吓死)starve for sth. = hope/long for sth. 希望/渴望得到某物练习 用starve的短语的适当形式填空。1). Thousands of people _ _ _ in Africa. 2). These children are _ _ love.3). The people on the island _ _ _ fresh water since it hadnt rained for nearly half a year.5. religious adj.宗教的,虔诚的 _ n. 宗教,信仰【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。We should respect the _ (religion) activities of the local people. 6. in memory of 纪念;追念典例 1). Many ceremonies are in memory of famous people. 很多典礼是为了纪念名人的。2). The statue was built in memory of the famous scientist. 这个雕像是为了纪念那为有名的科学家而建立的。短语归纳 in + n. + of 短语:in honour of 为了纪念;向表示敬意in case of 以防,万一in praise of 歌颂in favor of 赞同, 支持 in charge of 负责 in need of 需要in search of 寻找in possession of 拥有in place of 代替 练习 用in + n. + of构成的词组填空。1). A monument was set up _ _ _ the dead soldiers.2). He founded the charity (兴办那项慈善事业)_ _ _his late wife.3). If you are _ _ _ anything, don t hesitate to let me know.4). In the discussion, I was _ _ _ Mr. Li.7. belief n. c,u 信任;信仰;信心 believe vt.&vi. 相信典例 1). He has great belief in his doctor. 他对那位医生无比信赖。2). She has lost her belief in God. 她已不相信上帝(不相信真有上帝)。重点用法have belief in sth/sb 对有信心beyond belief 难以置信in the belief that. 相信It is my belief that. 我相信练习 用belief的短语填空。1). He came to me _ _ _ _ I could help him. 2). _ _ _ _ that nuclear weapons are immoral(邪恶的).3). The cruelty of the murders was _ _. 8. dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰典例 1). Don t bother to dress up. e as you are. 用不著穿讲究衣服就穿平常的衣服来吧。2). Were supposed to dress (ourselves) up as movie characters for the party. 我们在晚会上要装扮得像电影中的角色。短语归纳 dress短语:dress up for sth. 为某事而盛装dress up as sb. 打扮成为某人be dressed in 穿着(衣服或颜色) dress sb./oneself 给某人或自己穿衣服练习 用dress构成的词组填空。1). The boy _ _ _ a short pant(裤子). 2). He _ _ _ Christmas Father to amuse the children.3). The kids are too young to _ _, so she has to _ _ every morning. 9. play a trick/tricks on 对某人搞恶作剧/诈骗/开玩笑;对某人施计谋典例 The kids are always playing tricks on their teacher. 孩子们老是对他们的老师搞恶作剧。短语归纳play a joke/jokes on sb. = make fun of sb. 开某人的玩笑 laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人make a fool of愚弄某人练习 填介词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1). He was let in by playing a trick _ (介词) the guard. 2). She hated _ (play) tricks on in public.10. arrival n. 到达,到来,到达者/物. arrive vi. 到达,到来arrive atin练习 Mike was arrested on his _ (arrive) from New York. .

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