2019年四年级英语上册 unit 3 Lesson23 Fly and Swim教案3篇 冀教版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 unit 3 Lesson23 Fly and Swim教案3篇 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年四年级英语上册 unit 3 Lesson23 Fly and Swim教案3篇 冀教版一、教学目标:1. 知识与技能:听懂故事 What happened?;理解be too small;会运用be stuck 2. 过程与方法:依托课件,借助情景,帮助学生形象、直观地学习句子二、情感态度与价值观:了解有关小动物更多的知识, 教育学生要爱护动物。激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学生学习英语的信心三、教学重、难点:重、难点:在日常生活中熟练运用所学句子。四、教具学具:光盘课件录音机磁带学生卡片五、教学过程:1. 开始上课和复习2. 新概念What happened?(1)导入新课,板书课题。(2)看图片,跟读 Birds fly. Fish swim. Rabbits hop.(3)引导学生观察图片。Look at Li Ming.Is Li Ming happy?What happened to Li Ming?Is Dannys hat too small or too big?(4)教师提示重点句。(5)教师提示学生单词 happened是 happen的过去式。(6)播放录音并让学生看书跟读。3. 操练Story:”why the rabbit has long ears.”4. 结束课堂教学(1)教师总结本节课的学习内容。(2)让学生说说本节课的收获。六、课堂检测:活动手册:L23要求学生发挥想象力说出和书上相似的句子进行练习。七、板书设计:Lesson23: Fly and Swim What happened?Birds fly.Fish swim.Rabbits hop.八、教学反思:冀教版四年级上册英语Unit 3 Animals on the farmLesson 23:Fly and Swim教学内容:Lesson 23:Fly and Swim课时1教学目标:1.知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、写单词:fly, swim, hop会口头运用短语:What happened? 能把所学单词运用到日常口语交流当中,在适当的情境中能灵活运用。2.情感态度价值观:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学生学习英语的信心。教学重点、难点:掌握本课重点单词、短语。教具准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计:Lesson23:Fly and Swim Birds fly. What happened? Fish swim. Rabbits hop.教学过程:一、Class Opening and Review1. GREETING2. SING “OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM”3. DRILLAsk questions:a. Can you turn around?b. Can you point to a sheep?c. Can you drink a book?d. Can you ride a bicycle?e. Can you ride a pig?When the students answer Yes, I can, tell them show me.二、New Concepts1. SUTDENT BOOK: L23 N1Do actions for fly, swim and hop. Ask the students what you are doing. Say these words a few times with the students. Write the words on the blackboard. Point to each word as the students say them a few times.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.教学侧记2. DRILLT: Can a bird fly?C: Yes, it can.T: Can a bird hop?C: Yes, it can.T: Can a cow fly?C: No, it cant.T: What else can fly?C: A duck can fly.3. STUDENT BOOK: L23 N2Discuss the pictures.T: look at Li Ming. Is Li Ming happy?C: No.T: What happened to Li Ming? What happened?What happened? Say it, please, class.C: What happened?T: What happened? Li Ming fell in the mud. Look at Jenny and Danny. What happened? What happened? Is Dannys hat too big or too small?C: Dannys hat is too small.T: Yes. Dannys hat is too small. Dannys head is stuck. Jenny is helping him.Play the audiotape.三、Class Closing.SING “ AS I WAS GOING DOWN THE STREET”教学反思:Lesson 23 :Fly and Swim教学目标:1.学生学习理解fly swim hop 三个单词2.学习故事 Why the rabbit has long ears?3.培养学生听,阅读的能力教学重难点:1.学习fly swim hop三个单词2.理解故事Why the rabbit has long ears?教学具准备:单词卡片,录音机,磁带,(鸟、鱼、兔子图片)课时安排:1课时教学过程:Class opening教学意图:本部分教学是为了让学生复习已经学习过的问候礼貌用语,让学生在每一次上课的时候,都能复习到相关的英语简单用语,从某些方面上,让学生多说多听,也能让提高学生听说能力。T: Hello student!S: Hello teacher!T: Are you OK?S: Yes!教学意图:这一部分教学中,主要是为了让学生对于以前学习过的知识进行复习,让学生对于已经学习过的知识有更深刻的理解,达到熟能生巧的教学目的。T: Who can tell me what study of last lesson?S1: Walk forward S2: Walk backward Turn aroundS3: Can you do this? Show me! 教学意图:这一部分的教学意图是因为在本课的教学中,需要用到相关的动物名词,让学生多说几个动物单词,不仅能对于已经学过的英语单词更好的复习,也能为本课的教学做好铺垫。T:OK! Very good! Who can say some animals name of you known?S1: birdS3: dogS3: duckS4: fishNew conceptsFirst part of this lesson教学意图:教学的第一部分主要是让学生现从单词“兔子”入手,先教学兔子的单词,然后在进行“rabbit hop”,在教学完以后,问学生什么动物还可以进行奔跑?开发学生的思路,让学生说出狗、猫等等,都能奔跑,以达到举一反三的教学目的,再进行多多的复习,以达到理解的目的。T:Good! Now, this lesson we study one new animal name!Look at this picture (show the Rabbit picture),what is this? Who can tell me ?S: 兔子T: Who want to know How speak this “兔子”of picture in English?S: me ,me,me!T: Let me tell you ! rabbitS: Rabbit!Drill this word (rabbit)T: What can rabbit do?S: 兔子可以奔跑(rabbit can hop)T: Who can speak in English of 奔跑 ?Let me tell you ! hop!S:hop ! hop! Hop ! T: Rabbit hop !S: Rabbit hop! Rabbit hop! Rabbit hop!T: What can these animals of you speaking hop?S1: 狗可以奔跑 (dog can hop)S2: 马可以奔跑 (horse can hop)Drill this sentence “ Rabbit hop”Below fish swim , bird flys study as usual as above !教学意图:后面的“Fish swim birds fly ”的教学方法和以上的rabbit hop的教学过程是一样的,不仅能把学生的积极性调动起来,也能抛砖引玉把学生的思维调动起来,让学生自己学习。Second part of this lesson !教学意图:本部分主要是让学生听懂Li Ming fell in the mud!Dannys hat is too small.His head is stuck.这两个句子,同时让同学们进行表演,让学生更深的理解What happened?的真正意义。“What happened?”T: Show the picture of Li Ming fell in the mud! 李明怎么了?S:他摔倒在泥里面了!T:Tell students meaning of this picture!(Let students can speak “Li Ming fell in the mud!”)Study next picture as usual as this picture!Third part of this lesson!教学意图:这一部分的教学意图是为了练习学生的听和阅读的能力,让学生不仅了解故事的内容,还能让同学有复述的能力,让学生把故事回去讲给家长听,以提高学生的阅读能力。Listen to the radio !Let students know this English story!( Why the rabbit has long ears?)Open the story book ,The teacher discuss the picture in the students book ,use as English as possible. Discuss the pictures for the story in the story book .What can the students tell about the story from looking at the picture!教学意图:通过游戏,让学生在娱乐中,理解知识加深对新知识的记忆和提高学生的阅读能力。同时也能很好的调动学生的积极性。让学生融合到大课堂中来。Play this game ! Let students understand this story!Fourth part of this lesson! (class over!)教学意图:最后一部分,是为了回顾本课的教学内容和所学的新知识。让学生再一次对所学的知识又一次记忆。T: What study in this lesson ? Who can tell me ?S: we study three new words ! Hop swim fly S2: Bird fly Rabbit hop Fish swim S3: We study the English story “Why the rabbit has long ears?”T: OK ! Very Good ! class over!板书设计:Lesson 23 :Fly and SwimBirds+fly=birds fly What happened?Fish+swim=fish swim 发生了什么?Rabbit+hop=rabbit hop课后反思:

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