2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修1 module 4《a social survey-my neighbourhood》(第二课时)教案.doc

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2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修1 module 4《a social survey-my neighbourhood》(第二课时)教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修1 module 4a social survey-my neighbourhood(第二课时)教案一、教材分析The students will discuss some sentences with Present Perfect tense. Then do some exercises according to the reading.2、 教学目标1. 知识与能力Review the words appearing in the last two periods.2. 过程与方法Improve the students reading ability.3. 情感态度与价值观The students will be able to learn the grammar: Present perfect tense.三、教学重点1. Read the dialogue more carefully.2. Learn the following sentences: Its been six years since we last saw each other.Ive seen quite a lot of China and Ive visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places Ive been to.Theyve put up.My wifes just bought.and so on.四、教学难点How to help the Ss understand these sentences.五、教学策略1. Careful reading to get the detailed information.2. Discussing some sentences and getting the students to know the grammar: Present perfect tense.六、教学准备1. the multimedia2. the blackboard七、教学环节(一)课堂引入 (Get the Ss to review some words in the Reading part. Show the following on the screen.)Choose the correct answers according to the dialogue A Lively City.1.fortunate()sad()lucky2.pretty hot()too hot()very hot3.bother()amuse you()give you problems4.nuisanlle()amusing you ()causing problems5.shopping malls()shopping center()small shops6.gorgeous()lovely()boring7.starve()very hungry()excitedSuggested answers: 1. lucky2.very hot3.give you problems4.causing problems5.shopping center6.lovely7. very hungryT: Next please look at these words. Who can read them?(Show the words.)architecture, area, climate, district, harbour, coast, hometown, island, park (v.),rent, touristT: Li Ming, please.L: Yes.(Reading!)(二)课堂讲授 (Get the students to read the dialogue again. After a while, show the sentences, get them to discuss.)1. Its been six years since we last saw each other.2. Theyve just pleted it.3. Theyve put up a lot.4. My wifes just bought a beautiful dress.5. Ive seen quite a lot of China and Ive visited some beautiful(cities),but this is one of the most attractive places Ive been to. (Make sure that the students know how to use and and but and understand these sentences, especially the form of the Present perfect tense.)Then ask some good students to read the dialogue. Pay attention to the sentences stress.(三)课堂练习 (Get the students to make short dialogue.)(Teacher goes to a better student.)T: Lets carry on a dialogue.T: Hi, Miss Wang.W: Hi, Im glad to have the opportunity to meet you.T: So I am.W: When did you e here?T: Yesterday. Im here to attend a meeting. And I want to go to the library. Can you show me the way?W: Oh. Follow this road and take the first right. Keep straight on, and you will find it in three minutes.T: Thank you very much. Good-bye.W: Bye-bye.T: Very good. Thank you for your cooperation. Now all of you carry on a dialogue like this. Are you clear about that?S: Yes.T: OK. Begin, please.(After a while, teacher asks some pairs to act out their dialogues.)(4) 课堂活动(5) In order to make the students know more about China and New Zealand. (The foreign teacher in our school es from New Zealand. If they dont know much about New Zealand, they can interview her. Get them to pare the climate in China with the climate in New Zealand and explain the differences.)(五)课堂小结New ZealandChinaSimilarities1. It rains a lot in summer in both countries.2. They are both influenced by the Pacific vapor.Difference1. It has a mild sea climate.It has a monsoon climate.2. It has plenty of rainfalls all the year round. The climate is mild.In summer, it has plenty of rainfalls and the temperature is high, while in winter, it is very cold and dry.3. The difference in temperature is small.The difference is great. 4. The hottest month is February, while the coldest month is August.The hottest month is July, while the coldest month is January.Reasons1. It lies in the Southern Hemisphere, and its an island country.2. It is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean.It lies in the Northern Hemisphere and its a continental country. It is influenced by continental factors.(六)作业布置T: Today we have learned some useful expressions. After class, read the dialogue, put the useful expressions into heart and preview the next part, Grammar! Thats all for today. Class is over. See you tomorrow.S: See you tomorrow.八、板书设计Module 4A Social SurveyMy NeighbourhoodA Lively City1. has been.since.2.have put up3.have just pleted4.has just bought5.and. ., but.6.have been to九、教学反思


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