2019-2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 4《Music Born in America》word讲义.doc

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教材:选修7课题: Module 4Music Born in America年级 :高二 科目 :英语2019-2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 4Music Born in Americaword讲义课时1学生应掌握的词汇词组互译: 1. side by side_2. be bored with_3. be in decline_4. take advantage of_5. stay in order_6. try out_7. be blessed with_8. e out_9. far from_10. be devoted to _11. beg for_12. make an impression on sb_13. make up_14. no longer_15. according to_16. consist of_17. provide sb with sth_18. be supposed to do_19. approve of _20. be enthusiastic about_21. the other day_22. in vain_23. be amazed at_24. get down to (doing) sth_课上典型例题:翻译句子1. 我们刚实施这一方法就发现有问题,因为这远非我们当初预料的那样。(far from)_.2. 那是我第一次来中国,但我一到那里,我就对她的美丽惊叹不已。(be amazed at) _.3. 令人艳羡的是,他拥有一位忠贞不渝全心全意的妻子。 _.4. 我刚刚准备好出发他就打来电话说旅行取消了。(用同位语从句) _.5. 我要到6点钟才能回家,而那时候其他人早就走了。(用定从) _.课时2单项选择1The clever boy took _advantage of the opportunity and tried to make _good impression on the new teacher.Aan;aB/;aCan;/ Dthe;/2I have a(n)_budget for the trip,so Im not going to fly but take the train to Beijing.Aawkward Btight Crigid Dfirm3All the doctors efforts were _and the man involved in the car accident soon died. Ain use Bin order Cin return Din vain4The manager promised to deal with the plaint _he reached the office.Aat the time Bevery timeCthe moment Dat the moment5When did Chris Lees new album _?I dont know but you can surf the Internet to get the information.Atry out Bset offCe out Dshow off6How terrible your handwriting is! Our teacher will be _with it and you will be punished.Afar from satisfying Bfar from satisfiedCfrom far satisfied Dfrom far satisfying7Oh,sorry Jane.I took your dictionary by mistake._.AThats right BIt doesnt matterCYoure wele DNever think about it8So far I haven t adapted to the fast _of the modern life in Tokyo.Astep BpaceCstyle Dmanner9_to his research work,the professor cared little about any other thing.ADevoting BHaving devotedCTo devote DDevoted10Although old,she is still very much alive .She is _with excellent health.Abored Binvolved Crelated Dblessed11Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people _smoking.Aquit Bdecline Cdepart Dreserve12We had to rely on our own intelligence to create _and balance with the environment during development.Aimportance Bagreement Ceffect Dharmony13They said that the building of the new bridge would go ahead_.Aas they plan Bas are plannedCas planning D as planned14Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem,we need to adopt a different _to doing it.Aapproach BmeansCmethod Dway15It was the first time I _to America and I hadnt been abroad for a while.Ahave traveled Bhad traveledCtravel Dwould travel课后作业:阅读理解AFor many people,volunteering is a way of life .Holidays are the time of the year that more people are in a giving mood .Homeless shelters,childrens hospitals,and nursing homes are excellent places to give of ones time.Volunteering in Homeless SheltersThere is a homeless directory online that anyone can easily access to find the closest homeless shelter to their home .According to the homeless shelter directory,currently there are 3,233 shelters in the US,so it is not difficult to find a shelter .Helping to serve food,picking up donations of food,preparing meals,and cleaning up are things that one can do to help at a homeless shelter.Volunteering in Childrens HospitalsEvery child needs fort and joy,especially during the holiday seasons .By visiting sick children in hospitals,an individual provides helping hands by supplementing the services usually done by the hospital staff .Personalizing the hospital experience adds to the fort and happiness of the children and their families .Volunteers provide help,and positive interactions (相互交流) which enhance the patients quality of care .Help is needed almost everywhere in a hospital;from the lobby,parking lot,cafeteria,to admitting,helping with the gift cart,and even reading to children in the waiting rooms or their hospital rooms.Volunteering in Nursing HomesAccording to the National Center for Health Statistics,“Over 50% of those living in nursing homes do not have close relatives and 46% have no living children.” Life in a nursing home is lonely,confusing,and frightening for many residents .Volunteering at a nursing home is a great opportunity to make a difference in someone elses life .Playing cards,sitting with and talking to a resident,taking a walk,or sharing a meal makes a huge difference,especially when they have no other sole on earth to visit them.The three examples above are only a small fraction of institutions in which volunteers are needed .Giving of oneself,especially during the holidays blesses and cheers others.1According to the passage,what can a volunteer do in nursing homes?AVisiting the sick children.BPicking up the donated food. CHelping with the gift cart.DPlaying cards with a lonely old man.2What can we learn about the volunteering?AYou can only volunteer during the holidays.BYou can help prepare meals in a nursing home. CIt is easy to find a homeless shelter to volunteer.DHelp is needed everywhere in a homeless shelter.3In a childrens hospital,which of the following is true?AOver 50% of those living there do not have relatives.BA personal visit brings happiness to a sick boy.CChildren live a lonely and frightening life.DChildren love listening to volunteers reading.4The best title for the passage would be_.AGiving of oneself cheers othersBVolunteering is a way of life CVolunteering during the holidaysDGiving is better than takingBWisdom teeth are normally the last teeth to appear .This usually happens when people are in their late teen years or early twenties,in other words,when they are older and wiser.Wisdom teeth can grow into place normally and never cause a problem .But often there is not enough room for them in the mouth;they might crowd other teeth .Sometimes they even push sideways through the gums (齿龈)An impacted wisdom tooth is one that fails to pletely rise through the gums .Wisdom teeth that only partly break through can leave space for bacteria to enter around the teeth .Infection (感染) is a risk in these cases.Wisdom teeth that are not well lined and bee impacted are often removed .The American Dental Association says removal is generally advised when wisdom teeth only partly break through the gums .Removal is also advised if there is a chance that wisdom teeth ate poorly lined .The best time to remove is before the teeth cause any problems or pain .Young adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal.But why do we have wisdom teeth if we often need to get them removed?One theory has to do with our diets .Scientists say the diet of ancient humans probably required more chewing teeth .Life was probably a little rougher on the teeth back then,too .So it was good to have extras.5According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?AJust older and wiser people can have wisdom teeth.BWisdom teeth can cause problems if not in their right place.CImpacted wisdom teeth cant grow out of the gum fully.DWisdom teeth that only partly break can get bacterial infections.6Wisdom teeth should be removed_.Awhen they break through the gumsBwhen they are below the gumsCif they are not well lined or get impactedDif they take up enough room in the mouth7We can learn from the passage that_.Aimpacted wisdom teeth have the risk of getting infectedBancient humans need chewing teeth because of their happy lifeColder adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removalDmore chewing teeth are needed for the diet of modern humans8The main purpose of the passage is to_.Aadvise Bpersuade Cment Dintroduce答案:课时1学生应掌握的词汇词组互译: 1. side by side并排2. be bored with厌烦3. be in decline处于下降/衰退期4. take advantage of巧妙利用5. stay in order保持秩序;秩序井然6. try out试用,测试7. be blessed with幸运的拥有8. e out出版;开花;发芽9. far from远非10. be devoted to专注于;全身心投入于11. beg for恳求12. make an impression on sb给某人留下印象13. make up编造;捏造14. no longer不再15. according to根据16. consist of由构成17. provide sb with sth给某人提供18. be supposed to do被期望做19. approve of 赞成20. be enthusiastic about对热心21. the other day那天22. in vain白费23. be amazed at对感到惊奇/惊讶24. get down to (doing) sth开始做手做课上典型例题:翻译句子1. 我们刚实施这一方法就发现有问题,因为这远非我们当初预料的那样。(far from)Hardly had we carried out the approach when we found something wrong, as it was far from what we had expected.2. 那是我第一次来中国,但我一到那里,我就对她的美丽惊叹不已。(be amazed at) That was the first time I had been to China, but the moment I arrived there, I was amazed at her beauty.3. 令人艳羡的是,他拥有一位忠贞不渝全心全意的妻子。 He is blessed with a wife who is devoted to him.4. 我刚刚准备好出发他就打来电话说旅行取消了。(用同位语从句) I was just ready to set off when he gave me a call that the trip was canceled.5. 我要到6点钟才能回家,而那时候其他人早就走了。(用定从) I was not able to go home until 6 oclock, by which time the others had gone for a long time. 课时2单项选择1-5BBDCC 6-10BBBDD 11-15ADDAB课后作业:阅读理解语篇解读:本文介绍了人们在假期中可以选择去做志愿活动的三个地方。1解析:细节理解题。根据文中Volunteering in Nursing Homes部分的描述可知D项正确。A、C项是在childrens hospitals可以做的事,B项是在homeless shelters可以做的事。答案:D2解析:细节理解题。根据文中的“There is a homeless directory online that anyone can easily access to find the closest homeless shelter to their home.”可知,人们很容易找到一个能在里面做志愿活动的流浪者之家。其他三项都是与文章内容不符。答案:C3解析:细节理解题。根据文中Volunteering in Childrens Hospitals部分的描述可知B项正确,A、C两项错误,D项文中未提及。答案:B4解析:主旨大意题。全文主要介绍了假期中人们可以选择去做志愿活动的三个地方。故C项作为本文的标题最佳。答案:C语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了智慧之牙智齿。5解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,所谓的智齿是指在青少年晚期或二十岁出头长出的牙齿,而不是只有老人或智者才有的牙齿。答案:A6解析:细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句“Wisdom teeth that are not well lined and bee impacted are often removed.”可知,C项正确。答案:C7解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段可知,阻生智齿(即impacted wisdom teeth)会在牙齿周围给细菌留出进入的空间,这就有被感染的风除。故选A。根据第四段最后一句可排除C项;根据最后一段可排除B、D两项。答案:A8解析:写作意图题。本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了长智齿的大约时间、智齿可能导致的问题、拔掉智齿的时间、为什么长智齿等内容。所以本文写作的主要目的就是介绍。答案:D


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