2019-2020年高一英语《Unit 6 Good manners Integrating skills》学案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Unit 6 Good manners Integrating skills学案一、学习目标1、 学会运用下列短语思考题1 你知道下列短语的意思并能用它们造句吗?1)Sth. make sb. think of_ (造句) 2).be busy with+n./doing sth._ 3).do well in_ 4).in your last letter_5).during the holiday_6).express ones thanks/gratitude to sb._ 7).invite sb.to do sth._ 8).send sth to sb._ 2. 学会运用下列句型思考题2 你会翻译下列句子并能背诵吗?1)是我该上床睡觉的时候。Its time for_. /Its time for me_ _ _ _ /Its time that I _ _ _.2)非常感谢你送的字典,这正是我想要的。Thank _ _your dictionary. Its just the kind of thing I wanted._ _ your dictionary. Its just _ _ _.3)你陪我度过愉快的假期,真不知道如何谢你。I dont know how to _ _ _to you for the _ vacation you _ with me.4)我写信是要感谢你的帮助。I _ _ _ _ you for your help.5)再次感谢你,希望你一切顺利。_ _ and I wish you _ _ _6)期待着你早日回复。I am _ _ _ your early reply.7)你最近怎么样? _ have you been_?3.能用英语写一封感谢信思考题3 你知道英文信件的基本格式吗?阅读下面一篇范文:1)把下列名称填入文中横行上信文内容:the body/签名:Signature/结尾客套语: the close /信头:the heading / 称呼:Salutation2)你知道简单句的五种基本句型吗?试在下文中找出五种基本句型的例子。文中用了并列句或复合句了吗? (_ )October 18thDear Lewis,(_)(_) I am writing you this short letter to thank you for being such a good friend.We have known each other for such a long time, and been friends for many years.I know I can count on you ,no matter what happens. I think that is really something. Now I am in Senior One. I know there is a long way to go. My studies are going fine. I actually like many of our books much better than what we studied at the Junior school. My results are also very good. I may even think about going to university after finishing high school. What have you been doing recently? Is everything OK with you? Write me sometimes when you have time.You can also send me an e-mail if you like. My new e-mail address is xstian 1989sohu.cn. Thanks again and I wish you all the best. ( _ )Yours, (_) Li Hua二 二。问题与例题Step1 Lead-in:问题1: when offered help, what do we often do or say in return?Step 2 Pre-writing activities问题2: Study the thank-you letter on p41 to find out:1) what did the writer express his gratitude to others?2)How many paragraphs are there in a thank-you letter usually?3)What is each paragraph about? Please match with BA (paragraph) B (main idea)Paragraph 1 a. Tell the peoplesth.about yourself and the things you are doing nowParagraph 2 b. Ask the people for some details about themselves and what they are doing now. Close the letter by repeating your thanks. Paragraph 3 c. Thank the people for what they did for you. Give some details about what you liked问题3: (Construct a letter) Do you know how many parts is a letter made up of ? Study the letter again and work in pairs to find the answers to the questions,and then write the names next to your answers.1) Who wrote the letter?( 签名:Signature)2) When did she wrote the letter? (信头:the heading)3) Whom did the letter write to? (称呼:Salutation)4) What did she wrote about? (信文内容:the body)5)the polite words in the end(结尾客套语: the close)问题4: Work with your partner to pick out some useful phrases or expressions you may want to use in your own writing.Step3 While-writing activities【写作项目】 感谢信【题目要求】假定你叫李华,你在朋友王林家渡过一周的假期,昨天(2007年5月8日星期二)刚刚返校。现在给你的朋友王林写封感谢信。1、 感谢王林为你安排得一周愉快假期。2、 简单回忆假期中的愉快生活,感谢王林请假带你游玩了许多地方。3、 认为王林的母亲是一位非常出色的厨师,美味可口的饭菜使你体重增加了近5磅。(gain about 5 pounds)4、再次感谢,并希望保持联系(keep in touch with.)。欢迎他有机会来你校游玩。注意:字数100字左右【探究策略】感谢信是在受到别人赠送的礼物,得到别人的帮助后所写的信件。除了符合一般的信件之外,还要注意:感谢信要写得及时,否则效果会大打折扣。另外,注意感谢信不要写得太长,但要真挚,如说明如何喜欢别人送的礼物,或别人的帮助对自己起了很大的帮助。小组活动: Work with your partner to pick out some useful phrases or expressions you may want to use in your own writing.英语作文“六步法”仔细审题(审文体、审人称、审时态、字数)理清要点(有多少个要点?)译写单句(使用不同的句型翻译)连句成篇(学生自己完成)检查润色(学生自己完成)定稿誊写(学生自己课后完成)Step4 Post-writing activities评价投影仪展示的学生作文,思考以后回答以下问题:1、此文最大的优点和缺点是什么?2、你从这篇文章中学得了什么?三 目标检测 短文改错Dear Mr Zhang,I am writing to thank you for offer me the way to learn English. 1_Following the steps that you suggested me on the study of English.I have made rapid progresses and Im very happy to tell you that Ive 2_got a high score in my last quiz. Ill keep mind all that 3_you taught me all the time. Im certain it will be help to 4_my English study. Right now, I deeply feel that learning English is a easy 5_and happy thing. Even so,I still needed to study hard in 6_order that sum up more experience in my English study.In 7_spite of all achievement I have made so far, Im sure I will have further more questions in the future process of English learning.How about you? Is everything OK with you? I hope I can get 8_more help from you and look forward to hearing from you letter. 9_Thanks again and I hope you all the best. 10._ Yours,Xiao Li配餐作业 请从下列三组题中任意选择两组题完成,建议选择AB或BC,时间45-50分钟。基础题(A组题)A) 用正确的关系词填空 1. Who is the man _ spoke at the meeting? 2. You mean Mr. Black, _ daughter works in our pany? 3. There is no dictionary in _ you can find everything. 4. Is there anything _ you dont understand? 5. Her pet dog died, _ made him sad and lonely. 6. They went to see their teacher during those days _ he stayed in hospital. 7. He talked happily about the students and classes _ interested him greatly in school. 8. I know the reason _ he was so angry. 9. A child _ parents are dead is called an orphan. 10. He said he was busy, _ was untrue. B)在下列句子中找出错误并加以改正 1. Do you see the man who we met him yesterday in the park? 2. The puters which is on sale attract a lot of people. 3. All what she needs to do is clean the room. 4. They finally found a room which they could do experiment. 5. Who lives in the house in front of which gate stops a car? 二、巩固题(B组题)All around the world, people drink tea But tea does not mean the same thing to everyoneIn different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea In China, for example, tea is always served when people get togetherThe Chinese drink it at any time of the day at homes or in teahouses. They drink tea with nothing in it Tea is also important in Japan The Japanese have a special way of serving tea called a Tea ceremony(仪式)It is very old and full of meaningEverything must be done in a special way in the ceremonyThere is even a special room for it in Japanese homes Another tea-drink country is EnglandIn England, the late afternoon is “teatime”Almost everyone has a cup of tea thenThe English usually make tea in a teapot(茶壶) and drink it with cream and sugarThey also eat cakes, cookies and sandwiches at teatime In the United States people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after mealsAmericans usually use tea bags to make their teaTea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapotsIn summer, many Americans drink cold tea- “iced tea” Sometimes they drink iced tea from cans(, like soda1In Japan, Everything must be done_ Aat an important party Bin a special way in the ceremony Cwhen people get together Dwhen people drink some tea2In England, the English usually _Aeat cakes and sandwiches at home Bhave a special way of serving teaCare served when people get together D.make tea in a teapot and drink it with cream and sugar3In the United Sates people _Adrink tea with cream and sugar Bdrink tea with nothing in itCusually make tea in a teapot Ddrink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals4The passage is about _Awhy tea is important Bthe teatime in EnglandCdifferent ways of tea drinking DChinese tea三、提高题(C组题)书面表达 请根据以下内容提示写一封字数为100字左右感谢信。假如你是西部贫困地区的一名失学儿童,名叫李华。你很幸运的得到在北京工作的王先生的赞助,得以重返校园继续学习,于是你打算给王先生写一封感谢信。信中内容包括:1、 收到王先生寄来的书和钱,能重返校园,对他表示感谢。2 、在老师的帮助下,学习成绩取得了很大的进步。3、 老师表扬了你,家长也鼓励你。4 、下决心更加努力学习,取得更大进步。_


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