2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修四Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(Task)教学设计2.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修四Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(Task)教学设计2.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修四Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(Task)教学设计2.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修四Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(Task)教学设计2.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修四Unit 3Tomorrows world(Task)教学设计2课堂设计指导思想:本节课是一节写作课,是本单元Task部分的第二课,包括了Skill building 3和Step 3两部分。本节课运用任务型教学法,在Task第一课时听说练习的基础上,要求学生写一封建议信。任务型教学以其贴近生活实际的任务设置既可以引导学生积极参与课堂活动,激发他们的学习兴趣,又可以使听、说、读、写各要素有机结合,避免机械的操练,使学生在真实的语言环境中培养语言能力。Teaching aims:1. Learn the style of formal writing.2. Write a proposal for a new puter room with the information from Step 1 and 2.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionReview what students have learned in the previous lesson. Ask the following question:(1) What are the problems with the puter room?(2) What we should do with the problems?Answer(1) The keyboard had letters missing, the mouse wouldnt move the cursor around the screen properly, would not print.(2) We should improve the conditions in the puter room or just build a new one.Tell students that they need to write a proposal letter to the principal and suggest that something should be done to the puter room.【设计说明】本课的目标是在第一课时的基础上,写一封建议信,因此有必要复习前面一节课所学的内容,激活学生的相关知识。Step 2 Skill building 31. Ask students to read the general rules for formal writing on page 57.2. Ask students to read the eight sentences below and decide which ones are formally written and which ones are not. Ask them why they think so.AnswersFormal ones: 2, 4, 63. Provide students with more example sentences in both formal and informal writing for students to have a better idea of the difference between formal and informal writing. (PPT page 4,显示表格内容)FormalInformal1It gives me much pleasure to inform you.Im pleased to tell you.2Every consideration will be given to your request.We will think about what you asked for.3Mr Brown informed me of your decision.Mr Brown told me that you had made up your mind.4We are writing with reference to We are writing about 5We do not anticipate any increase in prices.We do expect prices to rise.6We would like to take this opportunity toWe want to【设计说明】通过练习理解正式文体的写作特点。Step 3 Step 3: writing a proposal for a new puter room(PPT page 5,鼠标点击,逐条显示,从左到右,从上到下,先显示问题,然后显示建议)1. Ask students to read the guidelines in Part A on page 57.2. Ask students to plete the summary of the survey according to the given information.AnswersProblemSuggested solution2 The monitors, key boards and mouses are too old.They should be replaced.3 There are not enough puters.More should be bought4 There is only one printer.More should be bought.5 Software is outdated.It should be updated.6 There is no Internet access.puters should be connected to the Internet.7 The RAM and hard drives are too small.They should be updated.8 It is too hot in summer in the room.Air-conditioning should be installed.9 The room closes too early.Opening hours should be extended.3. Ask students to read the guidelines in Part B on page 58, and ask them to pay attention to the writing style they should use in the proposal. Give students some time to write the proposal. Ask several students to read their works in class.(PPT page 6-9,显示范文)Possible exampleDear sir,Recently, a survey about the school puter room was carried out in our school. The students find the design of the puter room impractical. They are not interested in studying there because of this. Im writing this proposal to you to voice our opinion that the puter room needs improving.There are not enough puters in our puter room. The puters that we use at the moment are old and slow, and they often crash, which wastes a lot of time. The puters there are not connected to the Internet, so we can not get the information that we need for our homework. There is only one printer in the room, which always goes wrong. In addition, the room is too hot in summer.As more and more subjects are involved in IT, the puter room is playing a very important role in our studies nowadays. We are encouraged to use puters to do our homework and get information from the Internet. Now many factories and panies cannot work without puters, so those who have puter skills are easier to find a job. In order to get ourselves well prepared for the future, we need a well-equipped puter room. I am sure that most parents would agree with our proposal that our school should improve the puter room.The government says we should have more IT in all subjects, and more subjects are developing rapidly with the help of IT. puter skills are being more and more important in further studies. We will not keep up with the development of society if we are not good at using puters. So we really need to have a new puter room and hope that you will seriously consider our request.Best wishes,Senior High 1(your own name)4. Ask several students to read their works in class. Then, show them the possible example and ask them to read the sample passage together.【设计说明】通过设计贴近生活实际的情景,让学生在具体的语境中完成任务,能激发学生的学习积极性。在学生进行写作之前,用表格的形式,再次呈现写作内容及相关句型,有助于学生更好地完成写作任务。在学生汇报之后呈现范文则可以使学生进一步关注语言的正确表达形式。Step 7 Summary(PPT page 10,鼠标点击,逐条显示)The teacher will present a short summary, and make a ment on students work.【设计说明】通过总结帮助学生简要回顾所学内容,巩固所学知识。同时也能对学生的学习表现做简要评价,进一步激发学生继续学习的热情。Step 8 Homework(PPT page 11,显示作业内容)Apply what you have learned in this lesson and write a proposal about the school gym or some other facilities.【设计说明】设置相似情情境帮助学生进一步巩固所学知识和技能。


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