2019-2020年高一英语《Module 1 My First Day at Senior High》教案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Module 1 My First Day at Senior High教案. 模块教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about Senior Highs new school lifeTalk about similarities and differencesRevise the present tensesLearn to use the adjectives ending in-ing and -edWrite a high school brochure. 目标语言功 能 句 式Talk about the new Senior High school lifeWhat do you think.?Which lessons do you like or dislike and why?Whats your opinion?Which (of) . do you study at your school?How many (of) . are.?Which . your favorite.?I like . because .I think . is important / difficult because .I dont think that .Talk about similarities and differencesWhat are the differences between . and.?Whats similar and whats different.? Is the school similar to your school?What similarities or differences do you know about.?Is your class the same size as his?Is the number of boys and girls the same?Is your English classroom like Li Kangs?There are . differences between the two .Everyday EnglishHow are you doing?Oh really?Is that right?How was it?So have I.Cool!词 汇1 四会词汇amazed, amazing, attitude, behaviour, biology, bored, correction, encouragement, hard-working, method, physics, photograph, progress, spelling, textbook, embarrassed, embarrassing, brilliant, geography, instruction, province, impress, previous, disappointed, disappointing, system, teenager, disappear, move, assistant, cover, enjoyment2 认读词汇prehension, enthusiastic, fluency, hand-writing, misunderstanding, academic, diploma, description, website, technology, Davies, Diane, Rob, Martha, Molly, Sharp, Marshall, New York, California3 词组IT (Information Technology), PE (Physical Education), in other words, look forward to, at the start of, at the end of, go to college, be divided into, take part in语 法Revision of the present tensesAdjectives ending in -ing and -ed重 点 句 子1. Were using . is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. P22. I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class! P33. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. P34. Im looking forward to doing it! P35. The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December, and the second January through May. P96. I take part in all kinds of after-school activities . P9. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本模块以“My first day at Senior High”为主题, 描写高中学生新的学校生活和丰富多彩的课外活动,比较初高中新旧学校生活以及中美两国学校教育系统的异同。本模块阅读文章题材丰富,时代特征明显,与学生生活贴近,使学生愿意学,语言生动形象,使学生倍感亲切自然。通过阅读文章培养学生热爱新学校、新班级和新同学,积极参与各种英语活动,克服困难,树立正确的语言学习观。学生从初中到高中的转变有个适应过程,本模块帮助新生尽快适应高中阶段新的学习环境,使新的高中生活有一个良好的开端。 1.1 INTRODUCTION通过介绍新课程, 使学生对各学科有了初步的了解,并针对学生自己喜欢的科目及其喜欢的原因,运用相关的目标语言展开讨论。 1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY呈现了本文的主题 “My first day at Senior High”。学习相关词语,阅读一名高中新生开学第一天的日记。日记中比较了初高中学校的异同,描写了新高中英语课堂教学,老师寓教于乐,师生互动、生生互动。尊师爱生,团结友爱,奋发向上,其乐融融,呈现出一派欣欣向荣的新面貌,抒发了对新学校的无比热爱和对新校园生活的美好憧憬。 1.3 GRAMMAR 1 通过复习一般现在时的用法,使学生学会使用动词的正确形式,更加明确该时态所表达的含义;通过与现在进行时相比较,了解两种时态的区别和联系,从而更加巩固和系统掌握现在时的用法。 1.4 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY包括听力和词汇两部分,学习动词、名词和形容词的后缀及三者之间相互转换,掌握这三种词性在句子中所充当的相应成分。 1.5 GRAMMAR 2 学习形容词后缀“-ing / -ed”所表达的不同含义,通过相关练习学会如何正确区分和使用这两种形式。 1.6 PRONUNCIATION通过听读形容词后缀为“-ed”的单词,掌握三种词尾后所加的“-ed”不同的发音规则。 1.7 SPEAKING配有三张美国校园生活的场景图片,要求学生据此与自己所在的中国学校进行比较,讨论两国校园生活的异同。 1.8 WRITING要求学生读完一位美国学生的电子邮件之后,就其提出的四个有关新学校生活的问题给予答复,描述自己对新学校的第一印象。 1.9 EVERYDAY ENGLISH AND FUNCTION中两位新生就语言学习的话题展开讨论,要求学生找出其中的日常用语,并且续编该对话的后半部分。 最后仿照此对话任选一门学科为主题编写一个新的对话。 1.10 CULTURAL CORNER选取了一位美国高中生介绍美国学校系统的来信,要求学生将其与中国的学校教育系统进行比较,找出两者的异同。 1.11 TASK是本模块的核心任务。要求学生以小组讨论的方式选取最有特色的内容,撰写一篇新校园的简介,并将其展示给其他同学。 2. 教材重组 2.1 INTRODUCTION和READIGN AND VOCABULARY两部分,都是关于高中新生第一天学习生活的内容,整合为一节精读课。 2.2 GRAMMAR 1与WORKBOOK 中的Grammar, 都是关于一般现在时的讲解与练习,整合为一节语法课。 2.3 LISTENIGN AND VOCABULARY, GRAMMAR 2, PRONUNCIATION与WORK BOOK中的Vocabulary, 都是关于形容词、动词和名词后缀及其三者之间相互转换,讲解与练习这三种词性用法,整合为一节语言学习课。 2.4 SPEAKING和EVERYDAY ENGLISH AND FUNCTION两个部分,是有关中美两国学校系统的内容,整合为一节口语课。 2.5 WORKBOOK 中的Reading与Listening and speaking都是关于学校课外活动的内容,整合为一节泛读课。 2.6 写作是由WRITING 和TASK以及WORKBOOK 中的Speaking and writing整合而成,都是有关介绍学校新生活的内容。其中TASK部分要求学生经过小组讨论后,编写新学校简介;其余两部分在读懂电子邮件的前提下按要求进行回复。 3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st PeriodReading 2nd PeriodGrammar 3rd PeriodLanguage Study 4th PeriodSpeaking 5th PeriodExtensive Reading 6th PeriodWriting. 分课时教案The First Period ReadingTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语amazed, amazing, attitude, behavior, bored, hard-working, method, physics, photograph, progress, spelling, textbook, embarrassed, embarrassing, brilliant, geography, instruction, biology, province, impress, previous, IT(Information Technology), PE (Physical Education), in other words, look forward tob. 重点句式 Were using . is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. P2I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class! P3In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. P3For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. P3Im looking forward to doing it! P32. Ability goals能力目标Enable the Ss to talk about their own first day at Senior High.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable the Ss to learn how to talk about their own first day at Senior High.Teaching important points 教学重点Enable the Ss to learn how to talk about the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High school.Teaching difficult points教学难点Enable the Ss to talk about their opinions about the new school.Teaching methods教学方法Skimming and scanning, individual, pair or group work and discussion.Teaching aids教具准备A recorder, a puter and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step Lead-in As this is the first class at a new Senior High school, teacher can lead the Ss to introduce themselves to each other. Give them a paper with questions on it about what their names are, how old they are, where they live, what their telephone numbers are, what their junior schools are and what they enjoy doing. This can be used in groups of 4 to have students introduce each other. At last have them share their papers with the class.T: Wele to our school, boys and girls. From now on, you bee a Senior High school student. You have a new school, new teachers and new classmates. First of all, please allow me to introduce myself to you. . Would you like to introduce yourself to each other in groups of 4? Here is a paper with questions on it. Later Ill have you share your own papers with the class.Show it on the screen.NameAgeSexAddressTelephoneJuniorLikesA few minutes later.T: Now please share your own paper with the class. You may change it with other groups.Step IntroductionFirst, ask the Ss to learn the names of the subjects by themselves, answer the questions in Activity 1 on page 1 in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. Then get them to discuss their favorite subjects and explain the reasons, filling in the blanks in Activity 2 in groups of 4. At last show some of their answers.T: Now weve known each other. Were going to study in the same class. I think we should make good friends and work hard together. From now on I dike to help you with your English study. Do you want to know what other subjects you should learn at Senior High school? Open your books, and turn to page 1. Please look at the words in the box. They are the names of subjects. Now please fill in the form about the subjects by yourselves.Show it on the screen.Subjects at Senior HighSciencePhysics, chemistry, mathematics, IT, biologySocial Geography, historyLanguageEnglish, Japanese, Russian, ChineseOthersPEA few minutes later.T: OK, lets check the answers with the whole class.Now Id like some of you to answer the questions in Activity 1 in pairs according to the form.T: Do you like English? Why or why not?S1: Yes, I like English very much because its very important and interesting.S2: No, I think its too difficult for me to learn it well. T: Sounds reasonable. How about the other subjects? Now Id like you to discuss your favorite subjects and explain the reasons, filling in the blanks in Activity 2 in groups of 4.After discussion.T: Now I want some of you to show your sentences to the whole class.S1: I like mathematics because I enjoy calculating.S2: I think IT is important because it bees more and more useful in our daily life.S3: I think physics is difficult because I cant deal with the examinations very well.S4: I would like to study history because it can make me wiser.Step Pre-readingAsk the Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 1 on page 2 in pairs and show their answers. Then get them to practice Activity 2. Check the answers with the whole class.T: All of you just came from the Junior High school. Now Id like you to pare Junior High school and Senior High School. Please discuss the questions in pairs.A few minutes later.T: Now Ill ask some of you to answer the questions in Activity 1. Whod like to answer Question 1?S1: The teaching contents in senior are much more difficult than that in junior. S2: The teaching method has been changed greatly.S3: Senior students need stronger self-educated ability to prepare and review the lessons.S4: To get high marks, junior students neednt use more brains as long as they work hard. But in senior this kind of method of learning is ineffective.S5: Some senior students, whose homes are far away from school, have to live in the dormitories. S6: Some courses in Senior High school are more difficult than those in Junior High school, and the amount of assigned homework goes up as well. Its obvious that there are students who find it difficult to adapt to the senior courses; they dont do the homework and dont make plans for study.S7: Its more difficult to pass the examinations of Senior High school, because a provincial exam-passing requirement is needed to get through before graduation. S8: pared with Junior High school, the teaching materials of Senior High school are much larger and more difficult. T: Excellent job. How about Question 2?S9: Yes, I think so. Because the lessons in senior are much more difficult. To learn them well, we should work harder than before. S10: But I dont think so. I think the right method is more important and effective than hard work.T: Very good. Question 3?S11: I think their enthusiasm to the education course, the attitudes of being tireless in teaching and enterprising spirits are similar.S12: I think the knowledge level and teaching method are different from each other. S13: In my opinion, there are some differences between them. The Senior High teachers need higher diploma and more knowledge.T: Good. Now lets practice Activity 2. Please answer the questions about the words in the box.Step ReadingScanningAsk the Ss to prehend the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help them to form a good habit of reading. Teacher gives them a couple of minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell them to read the text silently and then ask some detailed questions about the text on the slide. Encourage the Ss to express their ideas.T: Today were going to read a diary kept by a new Senior High school student. He wrote down his thoughts about his first day at Senior High. Now lets read the diary quickly and find out the answers to the questions on the screen with your partners.Show the questions on the screen.1. How do the teachers use the puter in the classrooms?2. Does Li Kang like to have an English class at Senior High? Why or why not?3. What does Li Kang think of the new Senior High school?T: Now who can tell me how the teachers use the puter in the classrooms?S1: The teachers write on the puter, and their words appear on the screen behind them.S2: They can make use of the multimedia to play CD for the students.S3: They can show them photographs, text and information from websites on the screen.T: Terrific! Whod like to answer Question 2?S4: Yes, he does. This is because the English class is really interesting and funny.T: Any other reasons?S5: Their English teacher, Ms Shen is very enthusiastic. She uses a new method of teaching to instruct the students.S6: They enjoyed themselves in the English class and they all liked their new English teacher.S7: In the English class, with the help of Ms Shen, the students practiced some activities in a fun way.T: Well done. How about Question 3?S8: I think he likes his new Senior High school very much because the teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly.S9: Yes, I agree with you. The classrooms are amazing and brilliant, each of which has a puter and a special screen.S10: And the students are all friendly and hard-working. They can make good friends and help with each other.SkimmingIn this part, let the Ss read the text again and try to get the main idea of the diary in groups of 4. Then show the form on the screen. Give them a few minutes to fill in the form about the whole text. Check the answers with the whole class.T: Now please read the text again and try to get the main idea of the diary in groups of 4.S1: As a new Senior High school student, the writer showed that he loved his new school life and he had a strong desire for knowledge, which can help him study actively and learn new things successfully.S2: He encouraged the senior students to work hard, take part in activities actively, overe difficulty, set up the right study view and adapt themselves to the new learning circumstance as soon as possible.T: Well done! Now lets try to obtain a general understanding of the whole text. Ill show the form on the screen and give you a few minutes to fill in it. Show the form with blanks on the screen.My First Day at Senior HighSelf-introductionNameLi KangPlaceShijiazhuangTimeMy first day at Senior HighMy newschoolNew SchoolGoodTeachersEnthusiastic & friendlyClassroomsAmazing with puters & screensThe EnglishClassClassInteresting, funny, not boringTeacherEnthusiastic with new methodActivitiesIntroducing, reading & spellingStudents inmy classT: Now its time for us to check the answers with the whole class.ExplanationT: Now Ill deal with some language points about the text. Please turn to pages 2 and 3. Lets explain the sentences.Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. P2This sentence means that the textbook is new and Ms Shen teaches us in a new way, which is quite different from my junior teachers.I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class! P3This sentence means that Ms Shens class is very interesting and I will never be tired of it.In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. P3That is to say there are twice more girls than boys. They say that girls are usually more hard-working than boys, but in this class, everyone is hard-working. P3It is said that girls usually work harder than boys, but in this class, both boys and girls work hard.For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. P3The homework tonight our teacher assigns to us is that we must write a passage to describe the street where we live in. Im looking forward to doing it! P3Im longing for doing my English homework tonight.Step Post-readingRead the passage again. First ask the Ss to practice Activities 3, 4, 5 and 6 in pairs. And then get them discuss the questions in Activity 7 in groups of 4. At last, check the answers with the whole class.T: Read the passage again. Now Id like you to practice Activities 3, 4, 5 and 6 in pairs. A few minutes later, check the answers.T: Now Id like you to discuss the questions in Activity 7 in groups of 4. And then well check the answers with the whole class.A few minutes later.T: All right! Now lets check the answers with the whole class. Whod like to describe our classroom?S1: Yes, its similar to ours. We also have a puter with a screen in each classroom. Sometimes our English teacher plays English CDs for us.S2: Yes, multimedia enters each classroom. The first-class teaching facilities provide a good environment for the students.T: Brilliant! How about the number of students of our class?S3: No, it is less than that in his class. And there are about 60 students in our class.S4: But the number of the girls is just the same as that of the boys. T: Quite right! Do you like to do your English homework?S5: Yes, Id like to do some interesting tasks. For example, writing a report after practicing social activities. S6: But I dont think I like some reciting work. Its too boring.T: Good! In future, Ill make our homework more interesting, practical and meaningful. Now how about the writing style and techniques of this text? Who can tell me?S: The passage is a diary written by a new Senior High school student called Li Kang. He uses the first person to describe the real people and events in his daily life and express his own deep thoughts frankly about his first day at Senior High. The words are lively and vivid and his description is natural, true and moving, which makes the readers feel as if they were participating and the described people lived among us. For example, he used the words “embarrassed, friendly, nice” to describe that in the first English class his classmates were shy to introduce themselves at the very beginning, but soon they began to introduce themselves to each other bravely with the help of the new English teacher. The writer pared his old junior school with the new senior, which made him easy to adapt himself to the new learning circumstance.T: Well done! So the writing characteristics are:1. Describe the writers deepest thoughts psychologically.2. Catch the features of people and things and use adjectives very exactly.3. Lay the stress on the main subjects and purpose, writing details and briefs properly.4. Use the first person to make readers feel real, natural and sincere.T: What should we learn from this text?S: This diary described the new school, new class, new teachers and new classmates on the writers first day at Senior High. He told how the teacher and the students had the first English class. As a new Senior High school student, the writer showed that he loved his new school life and he had a strong desire for knowledge. He encouraged the senior students to work hard, take part in activities actively, overe difficulty, set up the right study view and adapt themselves to the new learning circumstance as soon as possible.Step Homework1. Retell the diary using the third person with the help of the form about the text.2. Discuss the following question: How do you finish the transition smoothly from the Junior Middle school to the Senior High school and adapt yourselves to the new learning circumstance as soon as possible?The Second Period GrammarTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语permanent, regularly, indicate, take place, in this period of timeb. 重点句式 P67We often sing songs in class.We dont often sing songs in class. / We never sing songs in class.Where do you e from?2. Ability goals能力目标Learn the use of the present simple tense. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable the Ss to learn how to use the present simple tense.Teaching important points 教学重点Enable the Ss to use the correct forms of the verbs in the present tenses.Teaching difficult points教学难点Enable the Ss to find out the differences between the present simple and the present continuous.Teaching methods教学方法Summarizin


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