2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修七Unit 3《Under the sea》(Period 4)word教案.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修七Unit 3Under the sea(Period 4)word教案Teaching aims1Learn to pronounce the names of sea creatures mentioned in the text correctly.2Learn to describe the creatures mentioned in the text properly according to the pictures with the expressions like:.looking,.shaped,.spotted,.like,.striped.3Learn to use the adjectives in the correct order to describe the pictures prepared by the teacher.4Learn to use proper expressions to convey their exact feelings in their past experiences.Teaching proceduresStep 1Warming up and leadinFirst,show students the picture above and ask them some questions as a revision:Where are they?What are they doing?Why do they go snorkelling?Next,draw a conclusion and lead into the text:As the sea is a world full of magic,many tourists head to the sea,and the author of this text is one of them.Look!The other day,the writer went snorkelling with her friends and experienced a lot.Lets take a brief look at sea creatures through her diary.Then,take a closer look at the photos she taken and describe them with what you can find in your textbook.Pictures in the text in Using Language give the following information:corals with vivid colors and shapes,elegant fishes,little orange and white fish,small cleaner fish,the yellow and green parrotfish with hard birdlike mouth,yellowspotted red seaslug and blue seastars and wiselooking turtles,eels with strong sharp teeth,giant clam with thick green lips,grey reef sharks about one and a half meters long,the edge of the reef with a sharp drop to the sandy ocean floorStep 2Fast readingRead the passage and put the following topics into the correct order according to the text.TopicsParagraphcolors and shapes2dangers4reflecting1the reefs edge5a final thought6some sea creatures3Step 3Careful readingTask 1:Read and choose the best answers.1Judging from the text,what the author mainly wants to tell us in the diary is _.Athat the sea is fantastic with vivid colorsBthat the water where she was snorkelling is not deep but shallowCwhat she saw and how she felt in the seaDthat all the plants in the sea are poisonous2What was hanging upside down in the sea according to the text?AThe orange and white fish.BThe yellowspotted red seaslug.CThe yellow and green parrotfish. DThe blue seastars.3The author was afraid of getting too close to the eel because _.Ait has strong sharp teeth Bit has thick green lipsCit has a frightening shape Dit gives out poisonous liquids4Which of the following sentences show that the author couldnt help feeling excited in the sea?_AMy heart was beating wildly.BThat didnt stop me from feeling scared to death.CEvery cell in my body woke up.DI felt very exposed in such deep clear water.5We can infer from the text that the author felt that _.Apared with the whole world,man is tinyBpared with the whole world,the ocean is tinyCthere were more delights than dangers when snorkellingDthere were more dangers than delights when snorkellingKeys:CCACATask 2:Do Exercise 3 on Page 25.Keys:1.warm night2.the waving long thin3.hard birdlike4.a yellowspotted red5a large wiselooking6.strong sharp7.thick green8.two greyNote the use of adjectives:numberopinionshape/sizeagecolorplacematerialnouneg.a cute little brown puppy two thick green spotted seastarsTask 3:Practice 1Several _ sharks.(a.large greybgrey large)2Some _ whales.(a.giant bluebblue giant)3Scores of _ turtles.(a.whitestriped and greybgrey and whitestriped)4Many a _ seal.(a.blackspotted and light grey blight grey and blackspotted)5Many _ anemone fish.(a.little orange and whiteborange and white little)6Plenty of _ angelfish.(a.orange and bluestripedbbluestriped and orange)7A number of _ corals.(a.huge colorfulbcolorful huge)Keys:aabbaaaStep 4Discussing and speaking Suppose an aquarium is being designed in our city.As the two main directors of the aquarium,you and your partner are talking about what sea creatures should be brought in.Expressing ideasResponsesI suggest bringing in.as.I advise putting in.Im considering buying.What/How about.?Im imagining.I enjoy/feel like/dislike.Do you mind.?.Thats a good/great idea.Sounds good!Cant agree more!Its good.It depends.Its no good.Im afraid not.Example:A:Since the aquarium will be opened soon,the varieties of sea creatures require discussing now.What about putting a number of huge colorful corals in it?B:Cant agree more!Im considering bringing in several large grey reef sharks as people are all looking forward to seeing them.A:Its great!Do you mind our buying scores of grey and whitestriped turtles?B:Not at all!Im also thinking of getting some little sea creatures.A:You are right.Its good having some orange and bluestriped angelfish as they are that lovely.B:All in all,we may bring in as many sea creatures as possible because people cant stand being cheated as they spend much money buying the tickets.Step 5Learning phrases and sentencesUseful phrases:reflect on the day 回忆当天的事情a day of pure magic 神奇的一天go snorkelling 潜泳extraordinary beauty 奇妙的美景all kinds of small,neat and elegant fish 种类繁多、小巧整齐、姿态优雅的鱼explore small caves 探索小石洞narrow passages 狭窄的通道hang upside down 倒挂着a yellowspotted red seaslug 带着黄斑点的红色海蛞蝓a large wiselooking turtle 一只长相聪慧的大乌龟look straight at me 直直地盯着我sharp teeth 利齿a tasty fish 一条美味的鱼the giant clam half buried in some coral 一个巨大的蛤蚌半掩在珊瑚礁中thick green lips 宽厚的绿嘴唇two grey reef sharks 两条灰色的珊瑚鲨appear from behind some coral 从珊瑚后面出来feel scared to death 吓得要命swim over the edge of the reef 游过珊瑚礁的边沿look down into the depths of the ocean 往下看海底Beautiful sentences:Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the daya day of pure magic!.it was the most fantastic thing I have ever done.It was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.every cell in my body woke up.The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me.they were shaped like fans.I could have touched it.My heart was beating wildlyI felt very exposed in such deep clear water.What a wonderful,limitless world it was down there!And what a tiny spot I was in this enormous world!Step 6HomeworkGive a written introduction to the aquarium to be opened.The introduction should include the following aspects.


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