2018-2019学年高二英语上学期第二次月考试题 (VI).doc

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2018-2019学年高二英语上学期第二次月考试题 (VI)第一部分 听力 (每题1.5分,共30分) 第一节: 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10称钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man want to do? A. Fly a kite. B. Go to the park. C. Play on the Internet. 2. What will the girl buy this evening? A. Sunglasses. B. A scarf. C. Gloves.3. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Take a taxi. B. Walk to the hotel. C. Ask someone else for help.4. Who is the woman probably? A. A hotel clerk. B. A police officer. C. The mans wife.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A birthday party. B. New Years gifts. C. The mans parents.第二节: 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. How does the man probably feel? A. Excited. B. Nervous. C. Regretful.7. What will the man do next? A. Talk to Samantha. B. Dance with the woman. C. Attend a graduation ceremony.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What will the man do with his girlfriend on Valentines Day? A. Go to a movie. B. Go to a concert. C. Eat at a nice restaurant.9. According to the woman, what would be a special gift? A. A song. B. A poem. C. A piece of jewelry.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How does the man want his hair cut? A. All off the back. B. All off the sides. C. A little off the top and sides.11. What did the man plain about? A. The woman got shampoo in his eyes. B. The woman cut his ear accidentally.C. The towel was too dirty.12. Why cant the man plain directly to the manager? A. He is on vacation. B. He is out to lunch. C. He is dealing with another customer.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Who is the woman? A. The boys aunt. B. The boys mother. C. The boys grandmother.14. What did the woman enjoy doing when she was young? A. Playing with a cat.B. Doing art projects.C. Taking photographs.15. What does the boy like? A. He is shy. B. He likes to paint. C. He doesnt have many friends.16. What does the woman imply about her husband? A. The boy looks just like him. B. He held the boy before she did.C. He would be pleased with the boy.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where will visitors go on the first day of the tour? A. Arches National Park. B.Temple Square. C. Goblin Valley.18. What do we know about Little Wild Horse Canyon? A. Its very narrow. B. Its in northern Utah. C. It was formed from an earthquake.19. What is included in the tour? A. Entrance fees. B. Three meals a day. C. Transportation in Utah.20. When can you make a reservation for the tour? A. Two weeks in advance. B. One week in advance. C. Four days in advance. 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项 ,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。 Passenger InformationCarry-on Bag RulesWhen travelling on China Southern planes, we ask our customers to follow our simple bag rules.-Each passenger is allowed to bring one bag onto the plane.-Weight limit: Each carry-on bag may weigh up to 10 kilos. -Size limit: Each carry-on bag can be up to 110cm long, 60cm high and 30cm wide.-Additional bags and oversized/overweight bags may be allowed on the plane if there is enough room. There will be a fee for such bags (see the table below). Please note that if your bag breaks more than one rule then you must pay a fee for each rule broken.Safety RulesFor the safety of our passengers, the following items must not be taken onto the plane:-Bottles containing gas (e.g. cigarette lighter)-Bottles containing any cream, oil or other liquid that are over 100ml.Note:If you have any liquid medicines over 100ml that you must use during your flight, please contact our customer service manager on 34533566 to make arrangements at least 24 hours before your departure. You will need to have a doctors letter explaining why you need the medicine.Bag FeesRuleFeeOverweight*Bags heavier than 10 kilos¥100 per kilo over limitOversized*Bags larger than 110cmX60cmX30cm¥250 per bagExtra bags¥400 per extra bag*No bag over 15 kilos will be allowed on the plane. *No bag over 150cm long or 80cm high may be taken on the plane. Passengers must put such bags in the planes storage.21. What is not allowed to be taken onto the plane by a passenger?A. A bag that is 120cm long B. Medical equipmentC. A 100ml bottle of creamD. A gas bottle22. When must a passenger speak with the manager about taking over 100ml of liquid medicine onto their flight?A. After they get on the plane B. Six hours before their flightC. At least one day before their flight D. When they arrive at the airport23. How much will a passenger pay for a carry-on bag that is 110cmX50cmX25cm in size and weighs 13 kilos?A. ¥250 B. ¥300 C. ¥550 D. ¥850 BFrom a young age, I would climb up and down for fun. My first introduction to gymnastics was through my older sister Arielle, who used to be a gymnast. She taught me how to do my first cartwheel(侧手翻). By the end of the week, I was teaching myself one-armed cartwheels and my sister said to my mom, “You need to put this kid in gymnastics.”At about age 9, I realized that I wanted to pursue the Olympic path. I was used to the public eye, but the Olympic stage was different. The Games teach you to act in a certain way and to be disciplined(守纪律的). They teach you to be a mature young lady, and you grow up fast.When I started this journey, I never knew what it actually took to get to the Olympics. I thought it was: Training. I had to give up a normal kind of life for gymnastics, but I didnt mind. I moved from Virginia Beach to Iowa to get a different coach. I sacrificed my privacy. Gymnastics was what I was going to eat, breathe and sleep. It takes a lot to be an Olympic athlete. You may have a talent, but the people who work harder than you will surpass(超过) you.Throughout my career, a lot of people have doubted me. When someone tells you that you cant do it, especially when there are many people, you start to believe it. It took me years to figure out how great I was at gymnastics. Fear held me back when I hurt my leg in xx, but I told myself that I had a talent and that I was going to use it. I went to the world championships and got a team gold.I won three gold medals at the xx and xx Olympic Games and helped Team USA win gold at the xx and xx world championships. My mom used to say, “Inspire a generation.” Its one thing when you say it, but I never thought that I would be a pioneer and that people would draw inspiration from my story.24. Why did the authors sister suggest putting her in gymnastics?A. She was talented in gymnastics. B. She needed to decide her future career.C. She was too noisy to stay at home. D. She had fallen in love with gymnastics.25. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that the author _.A. left school at an early age B. devoted great efforts to trainingC. thought talent was necessary D. dreamed of being famous one day26. What did the author learn from others doubt?A. Failures were unavoidable. B. She had to improve her skills.C. She should be confident in herself. D. What others thought was not important.27. What does the author mainly talk about in this passage?A. Her childhood experience. B. Her road to success.C. Her passion for the Olympics. D. Her performance in gymnastics.CThe younger generation, according to a new survey, can hardly remember the last time of climbing trees or flying kites, as they are kept indoors and short of outdoor experiences.The survey of 1,000 people found that the current generation of 15- to 34-year-olds have fewer memories of 12 key countryside activities such as swimming in rivers or going fishing.The research found that three quarters of the older generation remembered playing games or climbing trees, pared with two thirds of younger adults.The 55+ generation also had more memories of collecting stones, visiting a farm or pond dipping. Altogether, two thirds of older people had more memories of playing outdoors pared to just over half of the younger generation.The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) carried out the study at the start of the school term to stress the growing worry that children are not getting outdoors enough.The study has found that 82 percent of people think thatschools should provide more outdoor education and most believe nature is still important to children today.Dr. Mike Clarke, head of the RSPB, said children who are usually kept indoors are easier to get nature deficit disorder. He said public money should be used to take children on day trips to nature and to build wildlife gardens, especially in poor areas.To many people, it would seem clear and unquestionable that an important part of childhood is exploring the world around you. Unfortunately, this is far from the fact and the children are having less time and fewer chances to get close to nature, he said.The RSPB has more than a 40-year history in getting children outdoors and is still continuing to play our role. We now need the government and the schools to realize that they should play the most important role in making it possible for all the children to experience, enjoy and benefit from the outdoor environment.28. pared with the current generation, the older generation had _.A. more homework and exercises when they were childrenB. more memories of wonderful life in the countrysideC. fewer memories of taking part in outdoor activitiesD. fewer chances of going on a visit to the big cities29. The RSPB carried out the study in order to tell people to _.A. spend more time with their kidsB. care more about the kids growthC. let their kids get more outdoor activitiesD. order the schools to provide outdoor education30. According to the passage, nature deficit disorder often happens to _.A. children who often stay indoors B. children who often go outdoorsC. all the younger generation D. all the older generation31. We can learn from Dr. Clarkes words in the last paragraph that _.A. all the children cant get close to nature and arent healthy any longerB. outdoor activities are the most important for the current generationC. the RSPB is more important than the government and schools in getting kids outdoorsD. the RSPB plays an important role in getting kids outdoors all the timeDWe chat with our colleagues all the time: when we have lunch, gossip in the tearoom, or leave work together. Sharing your personal life brings you closer to your co-workers and builds trust within your team. But revealing(揭露) too much about yourself to colleagues or managers can cause difficulties and even endanger your work. Its vital(致命的) to break the right balance between getting along with colleagues and keeping your privacy safe. “As a matter of fact, it takes skills to municate in the office. You can neither chat too much, nor be too silent and shut yourself off from others,” said Yang Yudan, vice HR director at P&G. According to her, there are several safe topics to talk about with colleagues during the break, such as weather or movies. Women like to talk about makeup and clothing, while men are fond of sports and online games. But discussing your private life, such as relationship, habits or health conditions, is potentially risky. Cui Xia, 21, who has been working for an IT pany for only 2 months, learned this hard way when she found out that everyone knew she had broken up with her boyfriend. “I spoke about it with two colleagues in the tearoom and told my friend via phone, and then the news spread.” And her boss finally heard about it and asked her not to let it affect her work performance. Sometimes revealing private matters in a thoughtless manner can result in disastrous consequences(灾难性后果). Liang Kun, 26, had to resign from his job at a trading pany last week after discussing his ine with colleagues during a lunch break. “I didnt realize it was such a serious issue until a senior member of staff went to find the boss, asking why I got a higher salary than her,” said Liang. “Then our HR told me its forbidden to talk about payments in the office.” HR expert Yang Yudan also reminds us that paychecks are your own business. Its unwise to share this information with others, no matter how close you are. To sum up, Yang Yudan advises office workers to be more aware of their images when talking to colleagues. “When you share your personal life, it will be recorded on your invisible resume(无形的简历) and may slow down your career progression.” 32. Which of the following topics is not suitable when chatting in the office?A. Makeup B. Football matches C. Annual earnings D. TV shows such as Running Man 33. We may know from the passage that _.A. women often talk more about their personal affairs than men. B. to avoid getting into trouble, youd better keep silent at work. C. its wise to talk about how much you earn each month with your colleagues. D. revealing too much about your privacy may have a negative effect on your career. 34. What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To draw peoples attention to their behaviors in public.B. To advise office workers to be aware of the image they project.C. To make you believe that munication in the office is plicated.D. To warn you to be careful of invisible trouble while talking about your privacy to colleagues.35. The best title for this passage is _. A. At work, No chatting! B. Desire for privacy.C. At work, Keep it to yourself! D. Learn to respect others privacy.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 The beauty of confidence is that it is possible to learn it, no matter who you are! Follow these simple steps to be confident.Consider your strengths and success. 36 When did you help others? What are you good at? When have you taken pride in yourselves? What are you working hard for? If you have difficulty thinking of your strengths and success, ask your family member or a close friend.Have goals. Sitting around and doing nothing will make you feel worse. Start with a small goal. 37 Youll get more confidence achieving a small goal. Once youve achieved many smaller goals, you can set bigger goals. 38 Failure is the mother of success. When you fail, view it as a learning experience. Often we have to fail on our own to gain experience. By failing, you have at least taken a chance. Pick a role model. Pick a role model that is always confident and always learn from them. Study their action, their manners of speaking and how they municate with others. 39 However, its a great place to start.Smile. Confident people smile often, and without much reason. 40 It tells the people around you that youre fortable in yourself and enjoying your time.A. Of course you dont want to spend your entire life copying someone else.B. If possible, write them down so that you can look back at them later.C. Start projecting a more powerful you today.D. Smiling is a friendly and open gesture.E. Otherwise, youll get discouraged.F. After reaching a goal, reward yourself.G. Learn from failure.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A little boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world because a disease made his leg lame. He 41 played with his classmates.When the teacher asked him to answer questions, he always 42 his head without a word.One 43 , the boys father asked for some saplings (树苗) from the neighbor. He wanted the 44 to plant a sapling each person in front of the house. The father said, “Whose sapling grows best, I will buy him or her a favorite 45 .” Seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees, however, the boy had an idea. He hoped that the tree he planted would 46 soon. So, after watering it once or twice, he never 47 it.A few days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was 48 to find that it didnt fade but grew some fresh leaves. 49 the trees of his brothers and sisters, his tree was even greener. His father kept his 50 , bought the little boy his favorite gift and said that from the tree he planted, he would bee an outstanding 51 when he grew up.Since then, the little boy slowly became 52 . One night, he lay on the bed but could not sleep. Then he got up and came to the 53 . To his surprise, his 54 was splashing something onto his tree. 55 , he understoodhis father had been 56 fertilizing his small tree! He returned to his room, 57 running down. 58 passed.The little boy didnt bee a botanist, but he was elected President of the United States. His name was Franklin Roosevelt.Love is the 59 nourishment(营养)of life. 60 it is just a drop of clear water, it can still help the tree of life thrive(茁壮成长).41A. bravely B. freely C. always D. seldom 42A. raised B. lowered C. nodded D. knocked43A.week B. moment C. winter D. spring 44A. children B. friends C. neighbors D. boys45A. sapling B. tree C. gift D. toy46A. break B. grow C. die D. survive47A. led to B. belonged to C. attended to D.objected to48A. upset B.surprised C. worried D. pleased49A. pared with B.Similar to C. Connected to D. Popular with50A. request B. promise C. schedule D. secret51A. artist B. botanist C. president D. researcher52A. optimistic B.desperate C. smart D. practical53A. field B. farm C. park D. courtyard 54A. brother B. sister C. father D. neighbor55A. In time B. For a moment C. All of a sudden D. From then on56A. quietly B. secretly C. cautiously D. busily57A. water B. rain C. sweat D. tears 58A. Hours B. Months C. Decades D. Centuries59A.only B. best C. least D. last 60A. If only B.Even if C. Now that D. What if第II卷第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。I can well remember that I was once asked to deliver a speech titled“A Real Test in My Life”before the whole class at the age of 9 ! You can imagine how 61 (terrible) shy I was the moment I thought of that- with so many eyes 62 (fix) upon me. I had no 63 (choose) but to prepare for it, though. First of all, I was to draft the speech, 64 was just a piece of cake for me, a good writer. But the hardest part 65 (lie) in my oral presentation from my memory, for to read from the paper was not allowed. The real moment began when I stood on the platform with my legs 66 (tremble) and my mind blank. But my 67 (listen) were waiting patiently


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