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2019年外研社新标准英语一年级起点Book11Module4Unit教学目标:一、教材分析1.语言功能:描述中西方的主要节日。语言结构: Can you tell me about Christmas? Its a very important festivals.2.教学目标:a.知识目标:Learn new words “present, light, card,special trees”.b.能力目标:Master the sentence pattern “Can you tell me about Christmas? Its a very important festivals.”使学生能描述中西方的主要节日特征。c.情感目标:Enable to describe the customs of Christmas and other festivals. Let the students know that they should say “Thank you” to those people who helps them.激发学生的积极情感,培养学生交流与合作的能力。3.教学重点:单词:present ,special trees, lights , cards目标语句:Can you tell me about Christmas? Its a very important festivals.4.教学难点:能综合描述节日(时间、人们做什么.)二、教学准备CAI课件、录音机、单词卡片、有关节日的小礼品三、学生分析学生通过前10册的学习,已经初步掌握了一般现在时和过去时的系动词、动词过去分词等相关语法知识的正确用法,学生学习本模块的内容应该不难,新学习的内容是学生知识的扩展,既复习了以前的知识,有强化了新知识,教师应该通过多种训练形式引导六年级学生在学习的过程中对接触过的知识进行比较,提炼、总结、运用。四、教学过程Step 1 Preparation(热身复习)1.Say a chant. Thanksgiving2.Greetings. :T:How are you today? Whats the weather like today? Whats the date today? 通过简单的问候让孩子们快速进入学习状态中,并且引出日期的表达方式。 T:How many months are there in a year? What are they? 本课表达日期是要用到月份,通过这个环节来复习之前学过的12个月份。 Teacher shows: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. T:My favorite festival is Spring Festival. Whats your favorite festival? S1: My favorite festival is New Years Day. T: When is it? Its in _. Or its on the _ of _.3.Revision:T: Ill show you some pictures about festivals. Guess what festival is it? a. Easter T: What festival is it? When is it? What do people do?b. Thanksgiving T: What festival is it? When is it? (Show:in+月份或季节) c.Halloween d.Nation DayT: What festival is it? When is it? (Show:on + 具体日期) T:My birthday is on the first of October. When is your birthday? 通过之前所学节日的有关图片让孩子们复习一些节日的名称和时间,从而引导出在表达在某个月份、季节和几月几日的介词的不同用法。其次通过表达自己的生日来进一步巩固日期的表达方式 II.Presentation: 1.Lead in T:I have got a riddle .Guess.Which festival is it ? It is an American festival. It is very famous. Its very important in many countries. People all around the world love it. Children love it more. Because they can get presents on the eve of that day. Can you guess? S:Christmas. T: Today we are going to Lets say something about Christmas. 大屏幕出示圣诞节相关的图片,复习有关圣诞节的相关物品的英语名称。 T: (Show some pictures) What are they? (适时板书) 2.T:Lets listen and look at some pictures. 对圣诞节的来历、文化、习俗有一个大体的了解,渗透西方文化。III. Practice 1.Listen and find some new words:present, special tree, cards,2.Listen and answerT:Show five questions on the screen. Read them and try to understand. T: Play the video. Listen to the dialogue. Q1: When is Christmas? Q2: What do people put in their homes? Q3: What can you see in the street? Q4: What do people give? Q5: What do people send? T: Read the dialogue and find the answers. 运用任务型教学方法,让孩子们带着问题来自主学习课文,教师引导学生解决问题。3. T: Listen and repeat. 4.Look at the words on the blackboard and describe Christmas. 让孩子们在学习完对话后能够简单的复述出课文。IV.Production 1.Fill in the blanks. 学案p12-3.42.阅读理解。学案P41-73、小练笔T:My favourite festival is Halloween(Show the passage and read it)Can you tell me more about your favourite festival? Write them on the paper. 通过前面对节日做的铺垫,让孩子能够独立描写一个节日V.Summary What do you know about Christmas? 对本课知识做一个系统的归纳总结,进一步巩固。 VI.Homework 1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. 2.Write an email to your friend and tell him or her about your favourite festival. 板书设计:Module 4 Unit 2 Its a very important festival.Its on the 25th of December.People put special trees in their homes.There are lights in the streets.People give presents and send cards.

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