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2019年度第一学期小学六年级英语第四单元检测题一、写出下列单词的变化形式。1、we(宾格)_ 2、me(主格)_3、can(否定形式)_ 4、have(第三人称单数)_5、child(复数)_二、英汉短语互译。1、国旗日_ 2、感恩节_3、美国节日_ 4、春节_5、Dragon Boat Festival_ 6、have a special meal_7、Lantern Festival_ 8、Mid-Autumn Festival_三、单项选择。1、What do you do _Flag Day?A. in B. on C. at2、Thanksgiving is _ favourite festival. A. me B. I C. my3、We say “thank you ” _ our food. A. to B. for C. from4、That _nice.A. sounds B. sound C. sounding5、We _ a big football game on TV. A. see B. watch C. look6. We all go to _the Dragon Boat race .A. see B. seeing C. sees7. Please give the story book_the boy_EnglandA. to, from B. on, from C. at, on 8. My hobby is _.A. read B. look C. reading 9. Have you got _ kites ?A. a B. any C. some 10. We can _ the American song _ this CDRom .A. hear of B. listen to , on C. listen , of 四、连词成句。1、is, hobby, my, reading 2、you , tell , can , about , me, festival , American , more _?3、do , what , Thanksgiving , Day , do , you , on_?4、see , the , go , all , we, to, Dragon Boat race_.5、Thanksgiving Day, my, is, festival, favourite_.五 、 阅读理解 判断正确( T ) 错误 ( F ) Im a penguin. I live in the Antarctic with all my friends. Our home is very cold. Like an icebox. Every day we see only snow and ice around us. In summer .the sun shines all the tine . We dont have night at all. In winter, the sun never shines. Then its night all the time. We are happy here. We can swim very fast. We eat shellfish every day. ( ) 1. Penguins live in the Antarctic.( ) 2. Penguins dont have night at all in winter( ) 3. In winter, the sun shines all the tine .( ) 4. Penguins can swim, but not very fast.( ) 5. They like eating shellfish.六、写作练习。以My favourite festival 为题写一写自己喜欢的节日。My favourite festival_六年级英语第四单元答案与评分标准一、写出下列单词的变化形式(15分)。1、us 2、I 3、cant 4、has 5、children二、英汉短语互译。(每个3分,共15分)1、Flag Day 2、Thanksgiving Day3、American festival 4、spring festival5、端午节 6、吃一顿特别的饭7、元宵节 8、中秋节三、单项选择(30分)15BCBAB 610AACBB四、连词成句。(15分)答案略五 、 阅读理解 判断正确( T ) 错误 ( F ) (15分)T T F F T六、写作练习。(10分)

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