2019-2020年高一英语《Unit 14 Freedom Fighters The seventh Period》教案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Unit 14 Freedom Fighters The seventh Period教案一、教学内容分析1、内容:Integrating skills 的阅读是谈论人类为自由,平等而斗争,还谈到了动植物,海洋甚至机器及机器人的权利。2、解析:在阅读的基础上,要求学生写出自己的看法。 二、目标及其解析 1.目标: Read the text of Integrating skills on P31 and grasp the main idea of it,2.解析:(1)Do some exercises to master what theyve learnt.(2). Learn to write an essay.三、教学问题诊断分析1. How to improve the students integrating skills by reading a text.2. How to write an essay, and how to improve the students writing ability by reading and writing.四、教学支持条件分析a blackboard , a tape recorder五、 教学过程设计 教学基本流程 ReviewingPre-readingFast-readingCareful-reading 检测 writing 巩固练习 教学情景一、学习目标 Read the text of Integrating skills p 31 and answer the following question:What did the freedom fighters fight for from 16th century to now?(For the rights of people and things.)设计意图:培养学生的读前预习能力。Step 1: Check the homeworkStep 2:Reading:A. Scanning: match the main idea with the right paragraph:Para.1 the emancipation of black people.Para.2 the struggle for equal rights for all the people.Para.3 about the rights of women to vote in electionPara.4 The issue is about religious freedom in Europe.para.5 about the rights of groups other than people.Para.6 about some of the rights of a variety of groupsA. Fast-reading and learn the useful expressions1.为宗教权利而战 struggle for rights/freedom of religion2. 为反对偏见而战fight against prejudice3.有选择的自由be free in ones choice of4.无条件的权利unconditional rights5. 废除奴隶制 abolish slavery 6.共享工作的权利 share the right to work7.现代 in modern times 8.有共同点have in mon9.被尊重地对待be treated with respect 10.好的住房条件good housing conditions11 不理会,不顾regardless of 12.形成一个组织form an organization13.为自己说话speak for oneselfStep 3 learn the difficult sentences:1.People struggled for the right to be free in their choice of which god to believe in (Para.1)2.The main ideas were that all people are brothers and sisters, and that all people should be treated equally. (Para.2)3.Starting at almost the same time were the international movements for the rights of women. (Para.4)为争取女权的国际运动几乎在同一时期开始的倒装结构1.坐在教室前面的是一个名叫小华的女孩Sitting in the front of the classroom is a girl named Xiao hua.2挂在墙上的是是两幅画Hanging on the wall are two picturesStep 4:Writing :Task 1.设计意图:培养学生的阅读能力。师生互动: first let students do them and then check the answersStep 4目标检测Writing : writingTASK 1.Fill the charts on P32TASK 2: Think in which way we can pare , the rights of people ,animals, plants ,robots and machines, then write an essay about the rights of people/animals /plants/robots/machines. 设计意图:培养学生的写作能力。师生互动: first let students do them and then check the answers配餐作业 (A组题) 背诵短文 UNIT 14I had an amusing experience last year. .As I soon learnt, he was English himself!设计意图:背书,增强语感。(B组题) Read the passage of Integrating skills p 106设计意图:培养学生的阅读能力。 (C组题) . 单句改错下列句子均有一处错误(或多一词;或缺一词;或错一词),请找出并加以改正。1.At that time black people had no rights to voting in the southern states of America.10.There are already people wonder whether to fight for the rights of robots and machines.答案:1. votingvote 2. 去掉to 3. standingstand 4. littlefew5. 去掉was 6. they后加had 7. believe后加in 8. givinggiven 9. ThatWhat 10. wonderwondering设计意图:训练学生的改错能力。课后反思:


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