2019年四年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 2 I wore warm clothes教案 外研版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 2 I wore warm clothes教案 外研版一、 教材分析:本课是英语(新标准)(一年级起点第7册)第5模块的第2课时,主要谈论Lucy学校旅行的故事。本课以“讲故事、编故事”为任务,在复习不规则动词过去式的基础上,让学生懂得用过去式来描述过去发生的事情,同时也培养学生热爱运动,热爱生活,不怕困难挫折的乐观情绪。二、学情分析。本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们学习英语已有三年时间,具备了一定的英语学习能力,并掌握了部分不规则动词的过去式。学生在五年级上学期有接触到过去式,对动词的变化规则也有一定的了解,本课学习讲故事、编故事是学生喜闻乐见的内容,在这种基础上让学生理解过去式的表达难度并不大。三. 教学目标1语言知识与技能目标1)能听懂,会说,能认读单词ice-skating/ wore/ fall over - fell over/ hurt / learnt这是本课教学的重点。2) 能听懂,会说,能认读She goes ice-skating. She worm warm clothes. She fell over. But it didnt hurt. She learnt to skate.能比较准确地描述过去发生的事情。这也是本课教学的重点。3)能借助图片和文字听懂、读懂和朗读课文。这是本课教学的难点。4) 能借助文字创编故事,这也是本课的难点。2学习策略积极合作,共同完成任务;积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流; 3情感态度1)培养学生喜欢开口主动学习英语的积极性。2)培养学生乐于与他人合作的精神。3)热爱运动,热爱生活,不怕困难挫折的乐观情绪。四、教学准备课文和听力练习复印50份,幻灯片,生词词卡,故事模板及封面,夹子,挂钩,磁铁等。五、教学课时 1课时六、教学流程图 七、教学过程StepsTeacher and childrens activitiesPurposeWarmer1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls. My name is Sunny. Nice to see you.2. Clap-and-stamp game.T: Children, do you like games? Now lets play clap and stamp game, read the words quickly, clap your hands or stamp your feet 3. Free talk.T: Oh, good job. (第一次评价,三组都得分)Yesterday, I went to Zhongshan park, and I saw beautiful flowers and trees, I was very happy. And would you please tell me what you did yesterday? What did you do yesterday? (问3人)Presentation1. Task-setting.T: Oh, you all had a good time. And today, lets continue to talk about things happened before, tell some funny stories and make a class story book. OK? And we will have a petition in groups. 2. Lead in.T: See, our good friend, Lucy is ing. She sends us a letter. Because yesterday, she went on a school trip. And was she happy in her trip? What did she do(课件显示)? Now lets listen and watch.3. Answer questions and learn new words.1) Was Lucy happy? Yes.What did Lucy do in her trip?Did she go ice-skating in her trip?Yes, she went ice-skating. (老师做动作) Teach “ice-skating” 1. 老师带读2遍,2. a /ei/ ice-skating, lake, cake, skate3. 大声小声读。4. 个别读5. 齐读句子Lucy went ice-skating. T:The ice was very cold. So can Lucy wear a T-shirt? No, she cant. And 2)Did she wear warm clothes ? Yes, she wore(强调,大声) warm clothes - trousers and a sweater. Teach “wear-wore”1. 老师带读2遍。(加动作)2. wear 读1遍。Today, I wear a dress.3. wore 读2遍。Yesterday, I wore trousers. 4. ore / /, can you read them more, sore , before, 3) Lucy wore warm clothes, And then what happened to Lucy? Did she fall over? Yes, she fell over.Teach “fall over-fell over” (做动作)1. 先读fall over,2遍 老师用“跳舞”、“喝水”的动作提问Is it fall over? No. So, children, whats “fall over”? Can you do? Have 2 kids do, and ask, just now what did the 2 boys do? They fell over. 2. 带读fell over 2遍, fell, tell, sell, bell3. 男生读,女生读4) Lucy fell over, did it hurt? No, it didnt hurt.Teach “hurt-hurt” 1. 读2遍。ur / / 2. 分组读词。3. Yesterday I fell over and I hurt my knee.(动作夸张) Yesterday I cut my finger. I hurt my finger. and what else?Invite kids to do action of hurt. (2个)5) Then did Lucy learn to skate? Yes. She didnt give up. Shes got a strong will. We should learn from her. (渗透德育教育)Teach ”learn-learnt” 1. 全班读2遍 强调learnt2. ear / / 3. Two by two read the word.4. Read new words on Bb. T: Can you read them?5. Whos the lucky dog? (谁是幸运儿)T: All the words are in the turntable. Whats this? Its fell over, ice-skating, ice, wore, learnt, school trip. Look, its going round and round. which word will be pointed? Who can guess? Whos the lucky dog? 每次请5-6个学生猜词.(第二次评价,看哪组的幸运儿多就得分)6. Teacher leads children to read sentences with pictures. T: You are all lucky dogs. You can say the words so well, now lets describe the pictures老师带学生看图读句子。Lucy went ice-skating.Lucy wore warm clothes.Lucy fell over, but it didnt hurt.Lucy learnt to skate.7. Find friends of the pictures and talk about them in pairs.T: Now youve got some pictures and slips of paper on your desk, now lets find the friends of the pictures and talk about them. Wholl be my partner? You, please. Choose one picture. Oh, where is its friend, I can find it. Together, Lucy went on ice-skating.T: Can you find other friends, work in pairs. Begin!8. Scan line by line. T:Excellent, you can describe the pictures so well. (第三次评价,三组都得分)And Sunny wants to see who has got golden eyes. Look, its a picture about Lucy. Which picture? We will scan line by line. Look, whats that? Can you guess?(第四次评价,猜对的小组成分)9. Talk about Lucys story with 6 pictures.(1) Children talk about pictures with the help of teacher.T: You have got golden eyes. Will you be the king of story? Maybe, can you talk about Lucys story? Now, lets have a try. (2) Children talk about Lucys story in pairs. (3) Invite 6 kids of 3 groups to tell Lucys story. 10. Listen and imitate.T: Well done. Now lets e back to Lucys letter. Lets listen and imitate. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(1) Read together. T: Your speaking is really nice. (第五次评价,三组都得分)词卡只贴wore词卡只贴fell over词卡只贴learnt板书(留空位给Lucy)(留空位给school trip)ice-skating(留空位给ice)wear-worefall over-fell overhurt-hurtlearn learntPractice1. Talk about Lucys story with key words. (1)Teacher shows an example.T: Look, Sunny can talk about Lucys story. (贴词卡)。 老师边说边表演。边添加关键词。Yesterday Lucy went on a school trip, she went ice-skating, she wore trousers and a sweater, The ice was very cold. First,(板书)she fell over, but it didnt hurt. Then (板书),she learnt to skate. It was really fun. (板书)(2) Children tell Lucys story by themselves.T: I can tell Lucys story, can you tell the story like me? Yes. Lets have a try.(要求孩子们一起做动作,讲故事)(第八次评价,三组都得分)2. Read the write the missing words.(1)T: Oh, you can read Lucys story well, can you write well? I trust you can. Now please read and write down the words. See who will be the best and quickly (2) Check answers. (第六次评价,给发言的小组加分)T: They have got right answers, they are wonderful, are you wonderful? Good job.Consolidationand extension1. Sunnys story. T: Excellent! We have known Lucys story, And now its time for us to tell our story. Sunny has got a story, too. Do you want to listen? Look, this is my baby and I. We had an interesting story. I will tell you, who wants to be my actors? 谁来当当我的演员呢?(邀请6个) Sunnys story Yesterday, we went to the zoo.we wore a T-shirt.We saw lots of monkeys.then we saw Yaoming.And we ate a big hamburger.The baby fell over.Sunny helped him.We had a good time.T: You are good actors. Thank you very much.(老师发奖品) 2. Children make an interesting story.(1) Prepare in groups.T: This is my story. Do you want to make a story with your friends? Yes, now, discuss and write down your story first. Then stand up, talk and perform your story in your groups. See which group can be the best one?(2) Tell childrens story.T: Now who wants to share your story with us? (Invite 2 groups to the front.) Our storyYesterday, we went to the _.we wore _.We saw lots of _.We ate some _._ fell over._ helped him.We had a good time.T. Your stories are so interesting, and other groups, please hand me your stories. Look, this is our story book of class _, grade 5. Oh, how beautiful it is. Do you like it? I will hang it here. You can e here to read the stories after class. Summary T: Today, we all had a lovely day. Because we told many interesting stories and made a super story book. And whos the winner today? That is Happy Goat! Congratulations! Clap for them You can take your presents after class.Assignment1. Listen and read the text.2. Finish off activity book, Ex 2.3. A: Talk about your story to your friends. (选作)B: Write down your story. (选作) 板书设计 Module 5 Unit 2 I wore warm clothes.Whos the winner? Yesterday, Lucy school trip ice-skating wore ice First, fell overBut hurt-hurtThen, learnt fun(上台前事先划好横线)

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