2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes课时跟踪训练 外研版必修2.doc

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2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes课时跟踪训练 外研版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes课时跟踪训练 外研版必修2.doc_第3页
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Module 6 Films and TV Programmes.单词拼写/用所给词的正确形式填空1Yan Shunkai, a _ (喜剧) player, died in October, 2017.答案edy2There was a pigeon landing on the _ (屋顶)答案rooftop3Gong Li is an _ (女演员), who is wellknown for some films.答案actress4The _ (勇敢的) soldier fought against the enemy bravely.答案brave5The film _ (背景) is very attractive.答案setting6It is not an _ (argue) that Diaoyu Island belongs to China.答案argument7The young people are very _ (interest) in the film So Young.答案interested8The old couple entertained us _ their local foods.答案to9The _ (move) scene impressed people present.答案moving10Her _ (grace) performance made audience applausing all the time.答案graceful.单句改错1The book which was came out last week is popular with young children._答案去掉was2He came back after a trip, tired but happily._答案happilyhappy3Mary argued Tom to buying a new car._答案tointo4In our joy, she finished her work ahead of time._答案InTo5I used to make a occasional visit to the museum._答案aan.阅读理解(2017石家庄一模)Keep Running into Mary RichardsWhen I was 13, I first met Mary Richards, the central character in the sit (situation edy ) “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”. She was a single and independent career woman. As soon as I heard the shows theme song “Who can turn the world on with her smile?”, I was hooked. My friends were huge fans as well. Passing in the hallway at school, we would shout to each other, trying to imitate (模仿) Marys accent. “Hi, Rho! See ya later, kid!”The show lasted seven years, but our fascination (着迷) faded earlier. But that wasnt the end of Mary for me. In the 1990s, when I was single, living alone in a city, a TV station began airing reruns of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” at 10 pm. I was hooked all over again. But this time was different. The way she handled her career and relationships, sending a clear message that being 30plus and single was just fine, won my respect on a whole new level.Once again, however, life moved on. I went to live in a different city, and 10 pm. became the perfect time to call my mother each night. For me, talking to Mom was always a great pleasure. So when my mom passed away, it was as if the sun had gone out of the sky. That feeling seemed particularly intense at 10 pm., when Id find myself staring at my silent phone. And then I heard the song Id first heard at age 13, “Who can turn the world on with her smile?”. Mary Richards, of course! Thanks to the wonder of technology, Mary was now as close as my phone. So every night at 10, I would dial up an episode of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”Weeks later, I realized I didnt need my nightly sessions with Mary anymore, because Moms and Marys elegance was showing itself in other corners of my life and, once again, I was ready to move on.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。“我”在小时候就喜欢Mary Tyler Moore的情景喜剧,她在剧中扮演的角色一直影响着“我”。1What does the authors imitation with her friends indicate?AThey had a very happy childhood.BThe theme song was well received.CThey valued their friendship a lot.DThe sit was popular with them.解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“My friends were huge fans as well. Passing in the hallway at school, we would shout to each other, trying to imitate (模仿) Marys accent”可知,“我”和朋友们都是Mary的粉丝,经常模仿她的口音;据此可以判断,情景喜剧很受“我”和朋友们的欢迎,故D项正确。答案D2How did the sit influence the author in the 1990s?AHer career was changed greatly.BShe decided to stop living singly.CShe became more confident in life.DHer fascination with it disappeared.解析推理判断题。根据第二段的最后一句“The way she handled her career and relationships, sending a clear message that being 30plus and single was just fine, won my respect on a whole new level”可推知,Mary的情景喜剧让“我”在生活中重拾自信,故C项正确。答案C3What does the underlined word “intense” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?AContradictory. BStrong.CNatural. DSerious.解析词义猜测题。根据第三段的第四句“So when my mom passed away, it was as if the sun had gone out of the sky”可知,母亲的去世让“我”感到非常悲伤;结合画线词所在句中的“when Id find myself staring at my silent phone”可知,当晚上十点“我”凝视着电话时,这种悲伤的感觉尤其强烈。据此可知,画线词意为“强烈的”,故B项正确。答案B.完形填空(2018福州市五校高三第一次联考)Jake Olson lost his left eye when he was eight months old because of a born cancer. _1_ it was controlled through treatments, it reappeared and _2_ the loss of his right eye. But after years of cheering for his favorite football team, Jake has _3_ the impossible dream. Hes now a part of the team, despite his total _4_, playing the game not based on sight but on _5_.Being a _6_ fan of the USC Trojans, one of Jakes last _7_ before he lost his eye was to watch the team play at Notre Dame. His strong liking for the sport didnt go _8_former USC coach Pete reached the boy, inviting him to meet the _9_.Inspired by those players, Jake hoped to be _10_ in his schools football team. At first he didnt think he would be of any real _11_, but when he heard peoples cheers for football players, his love for football strengthened. So Jake _12_ the coach, asking to join the team. The coach told him to _13_ the next season. So Jake spent his time practicing hard. _14_, he became a starter on the team in the next season. Having made his high school football team, it didnt seem too _15_ to do the same in college. Coach Steve agreed that Jake _16_ the requirements of the team. So Jakes dream came true.17_ football, Jake is also a motivational speaker. “I went into football with the thought that I had nothing to _18_,” Jake said. “I really had no fear. Going through _19_ in life does make you stronger. Lifes unfair, but its _20_ me not to give up and keep fighting.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。Jake Olson双目失明,但这并没有阻止他对运动的热爱。他是高中和大学橄榄球队的队员,并且他还是一位励志演讲人。1A.Unless BThoughCOnly if DNow that解析根据下文的“it was controlled through treatments, it reappeared.”可知,此处指尽管(Though)经过治疗,癌症被控制住了,但是它还是复发了,并导致(led to)Jake Olson失去了他的右眼。主从句之间存在让步关系,故选Though。答案B2A.backed off Bheld backCbroke down Dled to解析参见上题解析。back off“退缩,退却”;hold back“抑制,阻止”;break down“出故障,崩溃”。答案D3A.forgotten BquittedCrealized Dignored解析但是,在为他最喜欢的橄榄球队加油多年之后,Jake实现了(realized)那个不可能的梦。下文中的“Jakes dream came true”亦是提示。forget“忘记”;quit“放弃”;ignore“忽视”。答案C4A.blindness BabsenceCdeafness Dinnocence解析根据上文中的“lost his left eye”“the loss of his right eye”可知,此处指尽管Jake双目失明(blindness),但他现在成了球队的一员。absence“缺席”;deafness“聋”。答案A5A.ability BguessCfeel Dimagination解析根据上文提到的Jake双目失明的内容可知,此处指的应是他打球靠的不是视力而是感觉(feel)。ability“能力”;guess“猜测”;imagination“想象”。答案C6A.responsible BfaithfulCcareful Dtemporary解析根据语境及上文的“years of cheering for his favorite football team”可知,此处指作为USC Trojans球队的忠实粉丝。Jake在失去视力之前最后的愿望(wishes)之一是观看球队在Notre Dame的比赛。responsible“负责任的”;faithful“忠实的”;careful“细心的”;temporary“临时的”。答案B7A.chances BpromisesCcourses Dwishes解析参见上题解析。答案D8A.unnoticed BunsolvedCunreported Dunlimited解析根据下文的“former USC coach Pete reached the boy, inviting him to.”可知,此处指Jake对运动的热爱并不是不被注意的。unnoticed“未被注意的,被忽视的”;unsolved“未解决的”;unreported“未报道的”;unlimited“无限制的,无条件的”。答案A9A.leaders BplayersCfans Dcoaches解析根据语境及上文提到的Jake是球队的忠实粉丝以及想观看球队的比赛的内容可知,此处应是指教练Pete邀请Jake跟球员们(players)见面。下文中的“Inspired by those players”是关键的提示信息。答案B10A.occupied BinvolvedCtrapped Dabsorbed解析受到那些球员们的鼓舞,Jake希望自己能加入学校的橄榄球队。be involved in是固定搭配,意为“参与,参加”。be occupied in“忙于”;be trapped in“被困在”;be absorbed in“全神贯注于”。答案B11A.interest BhopeCuse Dconcern解析此处指尽管Jake想加入学校的橄榄球队,但是因为自身有残疾,Jake最初觉得自己加入球队并不会有什么实际的用处(use)。答案C12A.approached BappreciatedCrecognized Dgreeted解析因此,Jake找了教练,请求加入球队。approach“靠近,接洽”;appreciate“感谢,欣赏”;recognize“认出,认可”。答案A13A.pull through Bset outCleave off De back解析根据下文的“the next season. he became a starter on the team in the next season”可知,此处指教练叫Jake下个赛季再回来。pull through“痊愈,康复”;set out“动身踏上”;leave off“停止”;e back“回来,返回”。答案D14A.Gradually B.FinallyCRecently DAccidentally解析Jake花时间刻苦练习,最后,在下个赛季,他成了球队的上场球员。gradually“逐渐地”;finally“最后,终于”;recently“最近”;accidentally“偶然地,意外地”。答案B15A.difficult BaccessibleCattractive Dnecessary解析根据上文的“Having made his high school football team”可知,因为有了高中的球队经历,成为大学球队的队员似乎也不是太难。difficult“困难的”;accessible“可接近的”;attractive“吸引人的”;necessary“必要的”。答案A16A.refreshed BpletedCsatisfied Dacquired解析根据句中的“Coach Steve agreed”及下文中的“So Jakes dream came true”可知,此处指教练Steve觉得Jake达到了球队的要求,因此Jake加入大学球队的梦想实现了。refresh“更新”;plete“完成”;satisfy“满足”;acquire“获得”。答案C17A.Apart from BInstead ofCRegardless of DExcept for解析根据下文的“Jake is also a motivational speaker”可知,除了打橄榄球之外,Jake也是一位励志演讲人。apart from“除之外(还有)”;instead of“而不是”;regardless of“不管”;except for“除之外”。答案A18A.share BloseCoffer Ddesire解析根据语境及下文的“I really had no fear”可知,此处指Jake起初是带着自己没有任何可失去(lose)的东西的想法开始打橄榄球的。答案B19A.failures BchallengesCpetitions Dfears解析Jake身有残疾,所以要面对许多生活中的挑战(challenges),而这也使他变得更加坚强。failure“失败”;petition“竞争”;fear“恐惧”。答案B20A.warned BbeggedC convinced D. taught解析根据上文内容可知,此处指的是生活是不公平的,但它告诉Jake不要放弃,要坚持下去。warn“警告”;beg“乞求”;convince“说服”;teach“使明白”。答案D.短文改错(2018甘肃兰州市第一次联考)Now Id like to share with you a strange experience I had a month before. It may sound funny, and its true. After a days hard work I went to bed early than usual. It was about two oclock in the morning, and suddenly I woke up. I heard a noise. I got out of bed and went slow downstairs. I listened carefully. I could heard two men speaking quietly. I believed two thieves had broken into my house and I was really frightened, so I went back to upstairs, and immediately phone the police from my bedroom. The police arrived quickly. They opened front door with a special key and went into the living room. You can imagine what embarrassed I was when they came upstairs and told me we had turned the television off for me and everything was all right.答案

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