2019-2020年北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 23《Conflict》(The Fourth Period)教案.doc

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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 23《Conflict》(The Fourth Period)教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 23Conflict(The Fourth Period)教案重点词汇和短语expose, adolescence, chorus, departure, lounge, suite, classify, maid, laundry, tailor, fortnight, antique, smog, bungalow, go off, get to, give back, give in, go off with, put forward, put up with, talk overExpressions used to argueoh, stop making fun of me why dont you dont be ridiculous I dont see why I shouldIll tell Dad about I wish you wouldntno, I didnt no, Im notwhy do you always why should Iyes, I do yes, you did you never let youre always youre the one who2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to use the key words and expressions freely.3. Learning ability goals学能目标By practicing enable students learn to make their argument persuasive and powerful. Teaching important points教学重点The key words and expressions. Teaching difficult points教学难点Phrasal verbs and prepositions.Teaching methods教学方法 Explaining and practicing.Teaching aids 教具准备The Multimedia puter.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step I RevisionCheck the homework.Dictate the following words and expressions. Make sure students aware that these are the key words and expressions they are going to practice in this class.expose, adolescence, chorus, departure, lounge, suite, classify, maid, laundry, tailor, fortnight, antique, smog, bungalow, go off, get to, give back, give in, go off with, put forward, put up with, talk over Step II Vocabulary Deal with Ex5 on Page 67.Ask students to open their books and turn to Page 67. Students will read the sentences with answers in turn. T: Just now we dictated the key words in Lesson 1. Now lets do some exercises about the key words. Please turn your books to Page 67 and plete the sentences with the key words in Ex5. Lets do it with the whole class. I will ask some of you to do the exercises in turn. While one student gives us the answer, the others should listen carefully to see if the answer is correct or not.Deal with Prepositions on Page 67.Deal with Ex 1 in PrepositionsIn English, verbs and nouns are often followed by prepositions that affect the meaning, or which are important for the meaning. By doing the exercises students will learn more about prepositions.T: In grammar, a preposition is a word that bines with a noun or pronoun to form a descriptive phrase. Verbs and nouns are often followed by prepositions that affect the meaning, or which are important for the meaning. The grammar has a rule absurd: A preposition is a word you mustnt end a sentence with! Now look at the example please. Lets translate them into Chinese and you can see how the preposition affects the meaning.Deal with Ex 2 in PrepositionsAsk students to read the letters from a magazine and choose the correct preposition for each gap.Deal with Prepositions on Page 69.Ask students to deal with Prepositions and adverbs on Page 69. Step III Phrasal verbsDeal with Ex5 on Page 69.Ask students to plete the sentence for each picture with a phrasal verb in the correct form.T: Look at the pictures. You can get a phrasal verb from each picture. You may work in groups and plete the sentences. Please pay attention to the correct verb forms. Two minutes later we will check the answers.Two minutes later check the answers with the whole class. Step IV ArguingShow the expressions used to argue on the PowerPoint. Then ask students to work in pairs to plete the dialogue between two brothers on Page 68. Five minutes later, ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class. Step V Criticism and SarcasmDeal with Ex2&3 on Page 68.Ask students to write criticisms of famous people and sarcastic ments on their books. While writing, they may refer to the examples. Step VI Conflict ResolutionDeal with Ex4 on Page 69.First ask students to plete the text with the verbs and expressions in the correct form. Then ask students to work in groups and discuss the conflict “I” had with “my little brother”. Please refer to the advice from Ex 7 on Page 23 and help “I” resolve the conflict. Students work in pairs. Teacher goes around the classroom to monitor the activity. Before students begin the dialogue, make sure students get their ideas clearly. It is not necessary to write down everything they are going to say. Encourage students to perform in front of the class. Step VII HomeworkFind some information about wars.


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