2019年三年级英语上册 Unit6 lesson40教案 北京版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 Unit6 lesson40教案 北京版第 六 单元 单元主题I HAVE FIFTY MARKERS 课题 Lesson 20总课时2教学总目标【三维目标】知识目标: 1. 能用“What do you collect?”询问他人收集哪些物品,并能够用“I collect .”描述自己搜集的物品。2. 能够用“You have so many .”表达对某人所用有物品的评价,并能够用“I have .”描述物品的具体数量。3. 能够认读单词crayons, cards,stickers, thirty, forty, sixty.能力目标: 能正确朗读、表演课文。情感目标:培养学生热爱英语学习的感情。教学重点、难点重点:1. 交际用语和句型:- What do you collect?- I collect 2. 词汇:掌握,认读:crayons, cards,stickers, thirty, forty, sixty难点:关注collect的读音,以及“collect rulers”连读时的失去爆破。分课时的教学要求(落实总目标,课时教学密度分布合理)【若教学内容只是一课时完成,则不需填写此栏】第一课时:Listen and say Listen,look and learn.第二课时:Listen, look, and learn.Read and match 板书设计 Lesson 20 What do you collect?I collect 课前准备(师)课前参与(生)录音机,课件,单词卡片,教学挂图预习单词教学过程教师教学活动(教学各环节设计、预设意图)学生学习活动(学习内容、形式及要求)课前复备第一课时:. Warming up1. T: What day is today? What day is tomorrow? Ask and answer the date2. T: When is your birthday? How old are you?T: I was born on. Im years old. Mike was born on January 29th. How old is he? Can you guess?. presentation1. S: Listen to the tape carefully, say what you have listened Listen the first two sentences, repeat: What do you collect?I collect rulers. I have forty. Guess the Chinese meaning. Learn new words: when, born, January2. Listen to the last three sentences, try to answer:Twenty plus ten is thirty.3. read after the tape.4. Listen to the tape again. PracticeRead after the tape1. Look at books and read after the tape2. Pair work3. Make dialogue and role play4. 问答接龙What do you collect?5. 小组调查. Summary汇报调查结果第二课时. look and read复习导入T: Hello,boys and girls. How are you today?Lets play a guessing game ,OK?When was I born? How old am I ?S: Guessing.T: I was born on Sep12th. I am twenty-five. new lesson1、T:show picture: motherT:Who is she? Guess, how old is she?S: Try to sayT:she is thirty-eight.S: read: thirty-eight1. listen and sayS: look at pictures and read Sixty-six sixty-two forty thirty- eight2. play a gameBingo. lets Practice1. reviewT: write birthday, impress: September 12thS: write 模仿表达)Pair work 2. Try to sayS: 展示介绍3. Ask and answer. Listen and writeS: answer I collect .S:say freelyS: answer Learn new words: when, born, JanuaryS: listen to the tape , repeat words and sentencesS: read one time by themselvesS: answer.S: ask and answerlook at pictures and readwrite their own birthdays(水平测试目标及内容1. Have a dictation:eraser,sixty,ruler,forty,thirty.2.选词填空:do ,collect -What _ you collect? - I _ rings3.listen and find.教学反思课后补充备课


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