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2019年外研版五年级英语第七单元测试题一、选出与所给单词含有相同读音的选项。 ( )1. food A. good B. took C. too D. book ( )2. flower A. know B. now C. window D. yellow ( )3. nurse A. China B. teacher C. girl D. Saturday ( )4. great A. sweater B. please C. teacher D. place( )5. their A. hear B. heard C. bear D. were 二、将下列单词按照划线部分的音标正确分类。 fantastic father man postcard many class catch argue ate anything back take place sausage /e/ _ /I/ /eI/ / /:/ 三、词组翻译。1、信息 2、非常有用的 3、忙碌的 4、坐下 5、 骑自行车 四、词类变换。1. see(过去式) 2. can(否定式) 3. use(形容词) 4. Heres(全写形式) 5. these(单数) 6. have(第三人称单数) 7. they(形容词性物主代词) 8. hear(同音) 9. firemen(单数) 10. people(复数) 五、用单词的适当形式填空。1. Lingling _( like ) dogs very much. 2. These _( fireman ) cant find people. 3. Dogs can _ ( help ) the blind people. 4. This dog helped _( she) yesterday 5. Look ! That old man is _ ( Amy) grandfather. 6. Listen ! They are _ (play) football. 六、根据图画用所给的单词选择填空:1. This man is blind , He cant _ ( hear see) ) This dog helps_. ( him her) 2. This girl is _( blind deaf ). She cant hear. This dog helps_. (him her) 3. These firemen cant find people. These dogs help _. (them him)七、根据句子内容,将序号填入图中: 1.These chicks cant eat.Their mother helps them. 2.He cant ride a bike. A little boy helps him.3.The little girl cant walk.Her father helps her. 4.The little girl cant swim.Her mother helps her.5.This old man cant sit down.A young girl helps him.八、选择填空:( )1. This is her book. is on the table. A. She B. His C . Her . D. Hers( )2. These books are on the desk. You cant see A. it B. they C. their D.them( )3. The girl often her mother do the housework. A. Help B. helping C.helper D. helps( )4. I cant sing dance. A. and B. cant C. not D. or ( )5. He can very well. A. swims B. swimming C. swam D. swim ( )6. I can . What about you? A. swimming B. swims C. swam D. swim( )7. He is a good friend you . A. for B.about C. to D. of( )8.Their mothers often them. A.helps B.helping C. helper D.help ( )9.This little girl can very well. A. walks B. walking C.walked D.walk ( )10.Her mother often helps A. hers B. she C. he D.her 九、连词成句(8分 )1. Sit, down, old, the, man, cant 2. Is, dinner, here, your, dogs, hot 3. Dog, we, please, a, have, can 4. Programme, there, a, about, dogs, is 评分标准本试题共有九个答题共100分每题分数划分如下:第一题,每题2分,共10分。第二题,每题1分,共15分。第三题,每题2分,共10分。第四题,每题1分,共10分。第五题,每题2分,共12分。第六题,每题1分,共3分。第七题,每题2分,共10分。第八题,每题2分,共20分。第九题,每题2.5分,共10分。

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