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2019-2020年高一Module1Unit4Sports教学设计课 型:阅读课教学方法:交际法、小组讨论法教学手段:实物投影仪、多媒体教学目标:1. 知识目标:1) 活用词汇: deadly, remove, fortune, train, medal, present, ashamed.2) 认知词汇: iron, brace, faith, notion, quit, dash, baton, sideways, motion.2. 能力目标:1) 进一步了应用略读的技巧了解文章的大意。2) 能根据不同的体裁选择不同的阅读方法。3. 学习策略目标:能利用推理和归纳等逻辑手段分析问题和解决问题。4. 情感态度价值观:1) 培养学生主动参与英语活动的能力。2) 在学习中具有较强的合作能力。5. 文化目标:了解不同文化背景中人们的运动精神。教学重点、难点重点:1) 活用词汇:deadly, remove, fortune, train, medal, present, ashamed.2) 进一步应用略读的技巧了解文章的大意。难点:能根据不同的体裁选择不同的阅读方法;围绕文章进行改写的训练。教学过程:I. Pre-reading:Step 1: Warming-up 1) Prepare for reading: Brain- storming: Quick responds to new words of this lesson.-Give the Chinese meanings of the words given by the teacher.-Give English meanings of the words given by the teacher.设计意图:这是本单元第一课时,通过词汇互译进一步熟悉词汇,为阅读扫清障碍,作好知识方面的准备。 2) Leading-in: Talk about Olympic Games to lead in: Olympic Games are the greatest games in the world. Do you know anything about the Olympic Games? (The teacher cast the questions on the screen and students talk about the following questions in groups and answer them)a. How often are they held? They are held _(every four years).b. What kind of games are included in the games._(List as many sports as possible)c. Whats motto of the Olympic Games?_(Faster, Stronger, Higher)d. Where were the last Olympic games held? And what about the next?_(In Athens; In Beijing xx)e. How many medals did China win in the last Olympic Games. _(32 gold medals)f. Who is your favorite athlete? _(Casting the pictures on Page31 on the screen and deal with Getting Ready) Now lets look at pictures on the screen. Can you tell me who are these athletes?3) Take a close look at the following pictures and tell us who they are.Keys:Picture A: Williams. Picture B: Jordan, Picture C: liu Xuan., Picture E: Deng Yaping, 4) And what games are they good at? Read the instructions and match them with the words below. 5) Who is your favorite athlete? () 设计意图:该部分作为阅读前的热身,通过多媒体和实物投影仪,充分利用实物直观的特点,对学生形成刺激,目的在于激活学生已有的有关奥林匹克方面的知识和生活经验,激发学生的阅读兴趣为阅读作好积极的心理方面的准备。Step 2. Predicting:1) Cast the photo of Wilma Rudolph on the screen and say: Today we are going to read a passage about a famous American athlete, now look at the picture and guess who she is and what the passage will talk about? 2) let the students talk about the photo in pairs.( Who is she? What does she do? What is she holding is her hand? What will the passage talk about?)设计意图:依据图式理论,新课程特别注重唤醒学生已有的生活经验,新课标认为:无论阅读前的预测正确与否,都离阅读的内容进了一步。While- reading:Step 3.Skimmimg: for the general idea.1. Now skim the passage to answer the following questions:1) What was Wilma Rudolf like when she was young?2) How many gold medals did she win in the same Olympic Games?Skimming: Reading a passage quickly to get the main idea is one of the reading skills. It is called skimming. When we skim a passage , we usually just read the first or the last sentence in each paragraph.2. Check the answers.1) Deadly illness made her leg useless.2) 3 medals.3. Margin notes:设计意图:学法指导,并通过略读练习,进一步指导学生应用略读的技巧了解文章的大意。Step 4 Scanning : for some details.1. Scan the passage and fill in the table below and judge the following statements true (T) or false (F).When we read to find information, We move our eyes quickly across the passage, we dont read every word or stop when we see a word we dont understand. We look for the information we want to find. This is called “scanning”When What happenedFour years oldA deadly illness made her leg useless.At nine years old1) She removed the leg brace and took step.2) She also had the notion to be worlds greatest woman runner.At age 131) She came in last in every race she entered at first.2) Then she came in next to last.3) At last, she won the race.In 1960She went to the 17th Olympic Games in Rome and won three medals.2. Read the passage and tell the following statements true or false and correct them.F 1) Wilmas left leg became useless when she was born. (four years old)T 2) The doctor once told Wilma she will never take a step on her own.F 3) Wilma always won every race that she entered when she was young.( came in last )F 4) In the 17th Olympic Games Wilma entered the 100-meter-race, 200-meter-race and the 400-meter-race. (relay)设计意图:通过该环节培养学生运用scanning 这一阅读技巧有效检索有用信息的能力。利用图表指导学生如何阅读和写作人物传记类文章:抓住时间和时间。Post-reading: Step 5. Discussion. Part 4 Divide the whole class in groups and encourage students to discuss questions in Part 4. 4) What made Wilma success? Possible answer: Though she was disabled but she didnt lose her faith and courage to achieve her dream. I think it is her persistence that made her so successful.5) How do you understand the Olympic motto “ Faster, Stronger, Higher”. Possible answer: To Olympic Games the most important thing is participating. Maybe you are not the fastest, not the highest, not the strongest; but if you tried your best and you are the best in the games. You are the winners. 设计意图:进一步巩固并提高学生的对文章的理解能力,领会作者的意图,形成自己独立的观点,促进学生形成批判性思维,对学生进行积极的情感教育。Step 6. Rewrite :rewrite the passage according to the above questions.1) Give students 5 minutes or so to prepare for it.2) Ask several students to report to the whole class.3) Praise some students for their good job.设计意图:读的同时兼顾写的综合训练,通过改写实现对文章信息的再加工,促进知识内化。Step 7 Listen to the tape with all your books closed.Step8 Read the passage loudly and pay much attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 设计意图:通过听录音,从听觉和朗读两方面进一步强化课文信息的理解;矫正语音语调,形成正确的语言语音输出。Summary:In this lesson we learned about something about Wilma Rudolf, and we know that she is great woman with great determination. We should learn her courage to fight with fate. And we also learned to use two reading skills: Skimming and Scanning.Assignment 1. Rewrite the passage I your exercise book. 2. Preview the language focus after class.附:板书设计: Unit 4 Who to BelieveWhen What happenedFour years oldA deadly illness ,useless.At nine years old1) removed ,brace and took step.2) notion ,runner.At age 131) last ,in every race, entered2) next to last.3) won ,race.In 196017th Olympic Games, won ,three medals.


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