2018-2019高中英语 Unit 2 Heroes 1 Warm-up and Lesson 1 Modern Heroes习题 北师大版必修1.doc

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Unit 2 Heroes 1 Warm-up and Lesson 1 Modern Heroes即时检测一、根据句意和首字母提示填空1Yang Liwei,Chinas first a,is considered to be a national hero.答案:astronaut2Space and oceans are the new world which scientists are trying to e.答案:explore3She has a gift for creating an a for her students which allows them to municate freely with each other.答案:atmosphere4He w to stop a taxi and then got in it.答案:waved5He let out the secret to a news r and the story came out the next day.答案:reporter6Peter is wealthy,and he is always g with his money.答案:generous7Anything that drops falls towards the ground because of the g.答案:gravity8She had supper and went to bed soon a.答案:afterwards9Children should not be allowed to watch v movies.答案:violent10If you are lost in the mountains,stay c in the face of darkness,loneliness,and the unknown.答案:calm二、选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空return towait.forlift offbe able towave toseparate .from .fly tobecause of1Chinas first manned spaceship on October 15th,2003.答案:lifted off2The singer the crowds waiting for him when he turned up at the airport.答案:waved to3The boy must be his mother while she receives treatment.答案:separated from4They gave up climbing the mountain the rain.答案:because of5Tom is leaving Beijing tomorrow.He will Paris.答案:fly to6The airport was full of anxious relatives, nervously the news of the missing plane.答案:waiting;for7I was too eager to the school to see my teachers and classmates after a long holiday.答案:return to8You must speak French for this job.答案:be able to三、用所给动词的正确形式填空1They (explore) the Atlantic when we watched TV on the New Years Eve.答案:were exploring2The boy (wave) to us when we turned back to say goodbye to him.答案:was waving3The progress so far (be) very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time.答案:has been4She (stare)at the painting,wondering where she had seen it.答案:stared5Ive got to go now.Must you?I (think)you could stay for dinner with us.答案:thought6Scientists have many theories about how the universe (e)into being.答案:came7Usually John would be late for meetings.But this time,much to my surprise,he (arrive)on time.答案:arrived8The last time I(see) Jane she (pick) cotton in the fields.答案:saw;was picking四、完成句子1我弟弟骑自行车时摔倒了,伤了自己。My brother fell while he ,and hurt himself.答案:was riding his bike/bicycle2记者说当他看到那只鸟时,它正在自东向西飞。The reporter said that the bird when he saw it.答案:was flying from east to west3雪莉去年在写一本有关中国的书,但我不知道她是否已经完成。Shirley last year,but I dont know whether she has finished it.答案:was writing a book about China4我的心思没在他说的话上,所以恐怕他说的话我有一半没听到。My mind wasnt on what he was saying,so Im afraid I .答案:missed half of it5当我陷入困境时你借钱给我,真是太慷慨了。It was most generous the money when I was in great trouble.答案:of you to lend me6湖水如此平静,看上去像是一面镜子。The water of the lake that it looks like a mirror.答案:is so calm7这个病人应该与其他人隔离。The patient should the others.答案:be separated from8当我挥手向妈妈告别时,她哭泣着。My mother was crying as I .答案:waved her goodbye五、课文语篇填空。每空限填一个单词Chinas first manned spaceship 1. off in Jiuquan,Gansu 2.The spaceship,called Shenzhou ,carried Chinas first 3.,Yang Liwei who started training for his space 4. in 1998.Yang said when the spaceship 5. from the rocket,he got a feeling of soaring into the sky because of the zero 6.When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle,Yang showed the flags of China and the United Nations,expressing the 7. of the Chinese people to explore and use space 8.As Yang returned into the earths 9.,helicopters were flying to where he would land,ready to collect him.When Yang climbed out of the spaceship,he smiled and 10. to the crowds waiting for him.He said he thought 21 hours was too short to stay in space.答案:1.lifted2.Province3.astronaut4.flight5.separated6.gravity7.wishes8.peacefully9.atmosphere10.waved六、阅读理解Today I went to a little convenience store in my town and at the door there was a man sitting on the floor looking sad with a sign saying “Its my birthday.Help please.”I had nothing on me,so I did my shopping and just hoped he would stay there by the time I finished what I needed to do.I did my shopping quickly and bought him some chocolate and prepared a banknote for him.When I left the shop,he was still there so I started a little conversation.He said he was from Glasgow,Britain,and he was homeless here without any relatives or friends.My heart went to him.No one should be homeless.We should all have the right to own a shelter in any shape or form.I gave him the chocolate and the banknote and when he looked at the banknote,he said,“Are you sure?” I said,“Yes,it is your birthday gift.”Moved deeply,he said,“You know it is really my birthday.I was born on the 16th of August,1970,and this is the best present I have received today.”In my heart I knew that he was telling the truth despite just a few words written carelessly on a piece of cardboard.There are things one just knows in his heart.While I am writing this story,I realize that my brother was born in 1970.He could be my brother.He probably is someones brother.My wish for him is that he gets his life organised and finds a place he can call home.1Why didnt the writer help the homeless man when she first saw him?A.She had no time to offer help.B.She had nothing to give him.C.She didnt notice the sign.D.She didnt know about him.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,作者第一次见到这个男子时没给他任何东西,因为她什么也没有带。答案:B2What did the writer do in the shop besides shopping?A.She relaxed herself in the shop.B.She enjoyed all kinds of goods.C.She waited until the man left.D.She prepared gifts for the man.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,除了购物,作者还给男子买了巧克力、准备了钞票,即为他准备了礼物。答案:D3We can learn from the last two paragraphs that .A.the man told a lie about his birthdayB.the man was the writers brotherC.the writer didnt doubt the mans wordsD.the writer disliked the handwriting解析:细节理解题。根据第三段和最后一段可知,男子告诉作者那天确实是他的生日,作者从心里相信了他的话。答案:C4What did the writer expect the man to do in the future?A.To get married.B.To return home.C.To lead a normal life.D.To live with relatives.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,作者希望该男子以后能打理好自己的生活,找到一个家。由此可知,作者希望他过上正常的生活。答案:C

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