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2019届高三英语上学期12月月考试题 第卷(选择题,共 100分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How much did the bank lose according to the man? A. $2,000,000 B. $4,000,000 C. $6,000,0002. How will the woman get to her destination? A. By bus. B. By train C. By taxi3. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a hotel. B. In a post office. C. In the womans house.4. What does the woman mean? A. She cant swim well. B. Rock climbing can be dangerous. C. The man shouldnt go on an outing.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about ? A. A new type of tour. B. A music group C. A TV program.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What place does the woman want to go to ? A. State Office. B. Royal Hotel C. Kings Square.7. What does the man tell the woman to do ? A. Take bus C28 at Newbury Road. B. Take the underground to Mille Road. C. Take bus S79 to Administration Road.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Why cant the woman buy the shoes now? A. Shes out of town. B. The shoes have been sold out. C. The sale hasnt started yet.9. When will the woman be back to town? A. This Saturday B. Next Monday. C. In two weeks.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where did the woman go last Sunday ? A. To Beirut cafe. B. To Ricks Restaurant. C. To Roman.11. What was the woman dissatisfied with about Romana? A. The food. B. Servers. C. The atmosphere.12. What does the woman think of Beirut cafe? A. Its perfect. B. Its small. C. Its expensive.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. When did Amy decide to be a dress designer? A. When she was still at school. B. When she was running a big store. C. When she was working as a shop assistant.14. What is the most important skill for a designer according to Amy? A. Understanding how to create clothes. B. Knowing about different materials. C. Remaining patient in difficult situations.15. What does Amy particularly like about her work? A. Being able to sell her designs. B. Having her name recognized. C. Seeing her clothes on show.16. What project is Amy working on at the moment? A. A show in New York. B. A collection of clothes for a film. C. A new range of suits for a London store.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How long does a star-watching session last? A. Four hours. B. Six hours. C. Ten hours.18. How does the Tracker Star-Watching Center get money? A. By selling tickets. B. By charging membership fees. C. By accepting money from the public.19. What do visitors do first during evening programs? A. Listen to lectures from the expert staff. B. Learn about the Center and its programs. C. Watch the sky outside with special telescopes.20. What do we know about the Tracker Star-Watching Center? A. It is at the foot of Mintal Mountain. B. The temperature there falls below zero at night. C. Visitors can buy something to wear at the Center store.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AMays Midi Festival As a rock festival,the Midi Festival 2017 in Beijing presented a musical carnival for fansIt was the 13th year of the outdoor music feastThis year,about 100 rock bands from home and abroad performed on five stages. It was held at a suburban park known for its mountains and grasslandsWith beautiful scenery and exciting music,it was a good opportunity to enjoy rock with friends and family2:0010:30 Pm,from April 29 to May 1China Music Valley Grassland Park,Pinggu District400-610-3721Fans of PaintingAncient Chinese calligraphers(书法家)and painters were fond of painting on the folds of fansTheir excellence has left a wealth of outstanding worksA fan painting show exhibited 990 Ming and Qing(13681911)dynasty calligraphy and painting works on folding fansThey were selected from the collection of the National Museum of ChinaThe themes of these fan paintings fell into four categories:natural landscapes,flowers and birds,figures and calligraphy10:00 am2:30 Pm,from April 29 to May 29National Museum of China,16 East Changan Avenue010-651-6400Poetic PortraitsTwo artists held a joint exhibition with paintings featuring portraits of Chinese women in poetic posesWang Xiaojin,who is from Shandong Province,has been exhibiting since 1993The other artist,Xu Zhigang,is originally from Liaoning Province,but is now in Beijing10:00 am8:00 Pm,from April 28 to June 20Rong Gallery,Sheraton Pudong Hotel,38 Pujian Road,Pudong New Area0137-6408-7294Group Show The artist group,“island6”,worked in new media and held a show titled Body-City-MechanismThrough interactive video,photography,oil on canvas and sculpture,the artists explore themes of man and cyberspace 10:00 am6:00 Pm,from April 30 to June 28Studio Rouge,50,Moganshan Road,Putuo District021-5252-7856 21Whats the purpose of the text? ATo introduce some famous exhibitions of China BTo give readers some guide of the cultural activities CTo explain how to play happily with your family DTo present several collections in the National Museum22Where can you go to enjoy natural scenery? AThe Midi Festival BThe Fans of Painting show CThe Poetic Portraits exhibition DThe Group Show23What can you do on holiday in June? AWatch a music show at Rong Gallery BEnjoy the performance of rock bands CVisit an exhibition of portrait paintings DAppreciate painting works from the Qing dynasty BShe will face the challenges of riding a bike to school or not being able to climb the monkey bars during playtimeBut little Ella Peggie,who was born without her left arm,will get an extraordinary opportunity to share a life-changing bond with her new beloved pet,three-legged puppyWhen her mother,Brooke Hodgson,saw the one-year-old puppy named Snowy,she knew instantly it would be the perfect panion for her one-year-old daughter“My heart skipped a beat when I saw Snowy online,”MsHodgson saidIt took just three days for the puppy,who recently had surgery to remove a 1eg,to find a new home after she was sent to the animal shelter last week“I knew she was going to be perfect for Ellathey share the same age so they both have a long life of friendship ahead of themI just know that Snowy is going to increase her confidence when she is growing upIts going to be great for Ella when she realizes shes different or when shes having a bad dayshe will see the resemblance and know that shes not alone”MsHodgson has been touched by the relationship between the pair since the lively puppy became the latest addition to the familyAnd she believes the caring puppy will be by Ellas side through the highs and lows of her lifeMsHodgson said,“Every morning Snowy looks for Ella first before she runs to anyone elseIts quite a unique linkIm just thankful that I was able to give her this dogI just cant wait for them to get even closerNot many people are able to do this for their children so were very lucky to have SnowyI cant even explain how I feel fight now”The young mother said Snowy,who was weled into the family just a week ago,has been playing a very special part to Ellas life as well as her three-year-old brother Blake and her father,Stewart Peggie24How did the mother feel when she saw the three-legged puppy online? AExcited BPuzzled CDisappointed DAstonished25What does the phrase“the latest addition”in the last paragraph refer to? AElla BSnowy CBlake DStewart Peggie26Why did the mother wele the dog into her family? ATo give her daughter confidence BTo make her family full of fun CTo show sympathy for the dog DTo give the dog a fortable space27What is probably the best title of the text? AWhy the Beautiful Girl Was Born One Arm BHow to Adopt a Three-legged Puppy Dog CA Three-legged Puppy Dog Found Online DA One-arm Girl and Her Three-legged Puppy CWhen early automobiles first arrived on the scene in the late 19th century,few people could have imagined that they would one day take over the worldIn fact,some towns found the noise and exhaust(排气)from these novel“horseless carriages”so off-putting(令人厌恶)that early cars were actually forbidden in some placesIn time,of course,restrictions were lifted and the car soon became ubiquitous across the countryBut there is still one place in the United States that has yet to change its mindThat is Mackinac Island,where cars have been banned since 1898 Located just offshore of mainland Michigan,in Lake Huron,Mackinac Island and its namesake(同名)city have long been a favorite spot for a relaxing getawaySo,when automobiles first began to arrive,loud noise and terrible smoke made the locals angryIt quickly became apparent to the locals that this new invention was not for them Naturally,in 1898,the Mackinac village council(议会)decided to forbid the automobile before the monsters had a chance to take overSo what is life like in place where one of the most impactful inventions in history has been banned? Well,its quite nice,actually Although the small island is home to only around 500 people,in the summer,that number swells to 15,000 during tourism season;aside from a couple of emergency vehicles,theres no car to be seenTransportation on Mackinac is limited to walking,horse-drawn carriages,and bicycling,a pleasant escape from the car-centric society that exists beyond its borders “The air is cleaner and injuries are fewer,”writes Jeff Potter,who published an article about Mackinac“Island citizens are healthier due to the exerciseTheres a cherished egalitarianism(平等):everyone gets around the same wayThey also save a huge amount of money that would normally go to muting(往来)by cars”28What does the underlined word“ubiquitous”probably mean? APresent BAbsent CDangerous DScarce29Why were cars banned on Mackinac Island? AThere wasnt enough space on the island BThe locals wanted to improve the tourism CThe locals hated noise and smoke from cars DCars might cost the locals too much money30What can we infer from the text? AToo many people are living on the island BThe tourism is developing very well on Mackinac CTransportation on Mackinac is limited to walking DCars are allowed to travel on the edge of the island31What means of transportation is forbidden for travelers to Mackinac Island? AOn emergency cars BIn horse-drawn carriages COn footDBy bike DIf you want to get something done,you might want to put your mobile phone back in your pocketResearchers have found that the mere presence of a phone is distractingeven if it is not your own. And the devices are likely to distract you,even if they are not ringing or“pinging”with text messagesPeople asked to carry out electronic tests of their attention spans(持续时间)were found to perform worse when a mobile phone was present than other people performing in the presence of a paper notepadScientists from Hokkaido University in Japan said that their findings show that it is harder to concentrate when one of the electronic devices is presentThe effect was most marked on people who are not regular users of phonesIn tests on 40 undergraduates,Associate Professor Junichiro Kawahara and a colleague divided the subjects into two groupsone asked to carry out tests in the presence of an Apple iPhone next to a puter monitor,and the others in the presence of a notebookThe test involved asking the participant to search for a particular character among a mess of other characters on the screenResearchers measured the time it took to find the targetThe results of the experiment found that those with the mobile phone took longer to find the character“indicating that participants were automatically distracted by the presence of the phone”The researchers suggest that people are“drawn to the presence of a mobile phone”although there are individual differences in how one attempts to ignore itIn conclusion,Professor Kawahara said,“The mere presence of a mobile phone was a distraction among infrequent internet users” Another finding is that listening to one half of a mobile phone conversation also distracts people,and other studies have found that placing a mobile phone in view has a negative impact on the quality of face-to-face municationsHolding a mobile phone makes you less likely to get a fair hearing from others 32What is the first paragraph mainly about? AA mobile phone wont distract people unless its ringing BA paper notepad can help people record much information CText messages distract people even if phones are power off DPeople find it hard to concentrate if their phones are present33Who will be affected most according to the findings? APeople irregularly using phones BPeople regularly using phones CPeople usually using notepads DPeople always using puters34In a face-to-face munication,what is the effect of putting a mobile phone in sight? AIt makes listeners feel much awkward BIt causes other people to lose respect for you CIt reduces peoples attention to listening to others DIt makes the air of the conversation more pleasant35What can we infer from the text? APeople perform worse with a mobile phone at hand BMobile phones do a lot of damage to peoples health CPeople working with mobile phones will do very well DPhones should be banned in all schools and universities第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Whether youre dining out or having dinner with friends,good table manners for kids are an important part of every mealWhen you teach your kids good table manners,you are giving them important tools for social interaction 36 Here are the Basic Table Manners to Teach Your Kids e to the table with their hands and face clean 37 Not only does this show respect for the person who prepares the meal as well as others at the dinner table,but it is also an important healthy hygiene(卫生)habit If setting the table,remember BMWChildren who are old enough to help set the table can remember where things go with this simple rule:BMW 38 They can also remember where silverware goes by the number of letters in the words“left”and“right”The fork goes on the left and has four lettersThe knife goes on the fight and has five lettersWatch the host to see when you should unfold your napkin(餐巾)If she puts her napkin on her lap,thats the signal for you to put your napkin on yoursWait until everyone is served before eating 39 Never,ever chew with your mouth openChewing with your mouth closed and not talking when your mouth is full are two basic rules of good table manners40 Good table manners,like good manners in general,will be appreciated by people who e into contact with your childrenTeach them that when they show respect for others,they will get great things in return AThat will serve them for the rest of their lives BBread and milk go on the left and water on the right CTeach your children always to wash up before dinner DAnd teach your kids to take small bites and never wolf down their food ETell your child never to begin eating until everyone is seated and served FRemind your kids never to reach across the table to get salt or anything else they need GTeach your children always to put their napkins on their chairs if they need to use the restroom第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It had been raining for more than a week,and so much rain made every day seem so restlessIt was the third time that Susan had e up to the hospital to see me that weekI said to her 41 ,“You shouldnt e to see me anymore and we shouldnt be together”She just said,“I 42 you”and softly asked if we could find a place to 43 because she came out without lunchAgain I answered with a 44 heart,“No! Open up your 45 and let me take you home”I knew she did not open up hers because she wanted to 46 mine 47 ,she opened her umbrella and walked behind me to the 48 While passing by thepark where we used to go,she 49 to go into the park just for a little whileWith her begging,my cold heart 50 She went to the big oak tree and looked for the love words we had 51 with a silver ink pen half a year agoThen she came back slowly with 52 on her face,saying“Chris,I cant find them anymore”I felt so 53 insideThere was a stream of pain flowing into my 54 the kind of pain Ive never felt beforeBut all I could do was to 55 I didnt care A month before,I had been diagnosed(诊断)with cancerI wanted Susan to 56 the least pain possibleSo I made up some stories and lied to herI knew it was 57 but it was the fastest way to 58 out three years feelingsI stared in the dark window of the train leaving the station,at the first love in my life,also the last one, 59 my lifeTears kept falling down my face,mixed with the cold rain dropsI was cold insideShe 60 ,and I havent got any more of her phone callsI will leave with no regrets41Acoldly Bgently Cpatiently Dworriedly42Ahate Bmiss Cbelieve Dadmire43Arest Bplay Ceat Dsing44Alovely Bbloody Cwarm Dstony45Amouth Bumbrella Cheart Dbag46Ashare Bborrow Ccatch Dthrow47ADelightedly BStubbornly CAwkwardly DUnwillingly48Abus stop Bsnack bar Ctrain station Dbook office49Abegged Bforgot Cdecided Dstarted50Asank Bsoftened Cbroke Ddropped51Aposted Bcarved Cwritten Dinserted52Atears Banxiety Ca smile Danger53Aeasy Bpitiful Chappy Dsour54Aear Bheart Cmemory Dbody55Apretend Bstate Cexplain Dadmit56Asearch for Bcut down onCgo through Dget rid of57Abeneficial Bcruel Cunreal Dnormal58Awipe B1eave Cbring Dgive59Agetting rid of Bstealing intoCwalking out of Drushing into60Aremained Bstopped C1aughed D1eft第卷(非选择题,共50分)第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填写1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Water makes up a big majority of your body weight because every single cell,tissue and organ needs it 61 (function)Its so important 62 you need to get a certain amount each dayP1ain water should be 63 (you)primary source of fluid even though juice,soda,coffee and other drinks can count towards your water intakeHowever,these other drinks increase your 64 (consume)of sugar,calories and caffeine in the case of soda,coffee and tea This can make you urinate(小便)more and wind up dehydrating(脱水)you as 65 result Water remendations are 66 (difference) for men and womenMen should aim for 37 liters,or about 125 ounces,which is a little more than 155 cups of water each dayIt 67 (remend)that women ha


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