2017-2018学年高一英语6月月考试题 (III).doc

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2017-2018学年高一英语6月月考试题 (III)考试时间:150分钟 试卷总分:150分 命题范围:必修1-3 ;必修4 1-4 第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出一个最佳选项。I came to Rio, Brazil to work one year ago. So what have I found here?You need to learn PortugueseI started studying Portuguese about two years ago. I didnt end up improving my Portuguese as much as Id hoped before I came here. While Spanish and Portuguese are structurally quite similar, there are huge differences between the two. You cant just magically understand Brazilians if you speak Spanish.I didnt need to bring heelsGoing out in cities like Buenos Aires is a big deal. You get dressed up, you do your hair, and you definitely wear heels- at least if youre going out to dance. I had no idea how wrong I was. Yes, Rio is a city, but its a city on the beach. Of course, there are fancy clubs that probably expect everyone to show up in dress shoes(时装鞋), but most of the places Ive been to are fine with sneakers, even for dancing.Learning about pop music is a mustWhenever I go out and a pop song es on, every single other person there sings along to all the words. I still havent understood if there are only 25 songs that get played in public or if people really do just have a fantastic memory for lyrics, but either way, I wish Id spent a bit more time practicing Brazilian pop music so I wouldnt look like such a lost foreigner.Airplanes are a surprisingly sensitive subjectIn Brazil, the credit for modern flight goes to Alberto Santos Dumont. Brazilians say the Wright Brothers use of a catapult(飞机弹射器) was technically cheating and point to their man as the real pioneer of the plane. Therefore, be careful before bringing up the subject of planes in Brazil unless youre ready for a lecture.21. What can we infer about Brazilians?A. They are fond of dancing. B. They understand Spanish.C. They are informally dressed. D. They have a good memory.22. What topic should you avoid in Rio?A. The history of planes. B. Dressing styles. C. Pop music. D. Spanish.23. Whats the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To tell us something about Brazil.B. To share her life in Rio as a foreigner.C. To give foreigners in Rio some suggestions.D. To encourage us to learn a foreign language.BKnowing that there is more to life than just sports, our teacher told us as we stormed into the pitch, “This is all weve worked for. Now lets win this game.” With our hopes set high, the sharp whistle means the start of what would be the game of our lives. Fighting hard for the next 80 minutes, we would find ourselves near the end of a national football game being one goal down. With sweat pouring down my face, my heart sank like the Titanic as the final whistle went, announcing our loss. I looked up at the score board as I accepted my fate, studying the numbers that represented our loss. 4-3 would be permanently etched in the back of my head. We had narrowly lost the game with a possible shoot missing the gate. With the other team cheering in their victory, we unwillingly accepted the trophy(奖杯) from the man who towered over us. Tears as hot as lava rushed down my face, replacing the sweet. As I looked around, I realized that we had actually done well. We fought hard despite what the score board had said. Scientists say if you let your children lose, they will be more aware of their surroundings. I found it true because I had not realized that football is everything until losing the game. Losing teaches more life lesions than winning. If I hadnt have lost the football game, I wouldnt know how to react in the future. For example, if I dont get the job promotion I want when I am older, I will probably know how to react appropriately. Therefore, if you ever find yourself playing a ball game with your friends or having any type of petition, try your hardest to win humbly(谦逊地) and evaluate and accept defeat. 24. The author called it the game of their lives because _. A. it was the toughest game everB. it was their last time to play the gameC. they were expecting to get the first prizeD. they would play football for the rest of their lives25.The underlined parts in Paraphra3 means the author would _. A. get hit by the score boardB. remember the loss foreverC. cut the number on his headD. ignore their failure this time26. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?A. Losing is mon in the course of life. B. Children pay little attention to their surroundings. C. Children need to deal with difficulties in the future. D. Losing plays an important role in childrens growth. 27. What does the last paragraph suggest?A. Do the best all the time. B. Learn to lose a petition. C. Spending more time with our family. D. Face both success and failure peacefully. CDanielle Steel, Americas sweetheart, is one of the hardest working women in the book business. Unlike other productive authors who write one book at a time, she can work on up to five. Her research before writing takes at least three years. Once she has fully studied her subjects, ready to dive into the book, she can spend twenty hours nonstop at her desk.Danielle Steel es from New York and was sent to France for her education. After graduation, she worked in the public relations and advertising industries. Later she started a job as a writer which she was best fit for. Her achievements are unbelievable: 390 million copies of books in print, nearly fifty New York Times best-selling novels, and a series of Max and Martha picture books for children to help them deal with the real-life problem of death, new babies and new schools. Her 1998 book about the death of her work shot to the top of the New York Times best-selling list as soon as it came out. Twenty-eight of her books had been made into films. She is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for one of her books being the Times best-seller for 381 weeks straight.Not content with a big house, a loving family, and a view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Danielle Steel considers her readers to be the most important resource and has kept in touch with them by e-mail. While she is often pared to the heroines of her own invention, her life is undoubtedly much quieter. But, if she does have anything in mon with them, it is her strength of will and her inimitable (独特的)style. There is only one Danielle Steel.28. Danielle Steel is different from other writers in that _.A. she can write several books at the same timeB. she often does some research before writing a bookC. she is one of the most popular American women writersD. she can keep writing for quite a long time without a break29. Children who have read Max and Martha picture books may know _. A. how to deal with affairs at schoolB. what to do if Max and Martha dieC. what to do when new babies are born into their familiesD. how to solve the difficult problems in their writing classes30. One of Danielle Steels achievements is that _. A. some TV plays were based on her booksB. her picture books attracted a lot of young menC. one of her books became a best-seller in 1998D. she wrote the Guinness Book of World Records31. We can learn from the passage that Danielle Steel _. A. lives an exciting lifeB. values her readers a lotC. writes about quiet women D. is pleased with her achievements DChinese scientists report they have made a simple printer that uses water instead of ink. The printed characters last for a day on special paper, which can then be reused. “Every time you print its fresh,” said Professor Zhang at Jilin University in Changchun, China. “We are using an inkjet (喷墨) printer. We just fill the cartridges (墨盒) with water and put is back. Its like normal printing. The magic is in the paper.”Printing typically involves large amounts of waste paper and expensive ink to prepare documents often read only once. This new method allows the paper to be reused numerous times at possibly cheaper running costs. Zhang and his team developed a special coating on the paper that responds to the water. So far, they have been able to print various Chinese and English characters using four colors, with water as a key that activate the dye molecule (染料分子). The next step is to bine colors to get black. The possibility of reusing paper instead of throwing it away is rousing interest, according to Kia Barton, an expert in high-performance printing technology. “Going toward greener techniques of printing is helpful, ” Baton said, “For standard typing, I think its an interesting idea and something worth exploring.”Zhang foresees advances in printing technology that will allow users to have entire newspapers or magazines printed at home with paper that could be recycled over and over again. Based on 10 yuan per sheet of water-jet paper, Zhang estimates the cost at one-seventeenth the present price of inkjet printing. That may not be cheep enough, however. “Technology for making rewritable paper is exciting as a new approach for avoiding the problem of single-use paper,” said Norman Marsolan. “Because the present paper products are inexpensive, however, this new technology will have to be cost-petitive, even if it can be rewritten may times.”32. pared with traditional printing, the new tech _. A. is more paper-saving B. attracts more users C. uses a special printer D. produces longer-lasting characters. 33. The under lined word “estimates” in Paragraph 7 means _. A. reduces B. values C. checks D. controls 34. Marsolan is more concerned about the new techs _. A. effect on human life B. printing performance C. typing problems D. cost advantage 35. What can be the best title of the text?A. The Rising Cost of Ink B. The Importance of Reusing Paper C. New Ink-less Tech Prints with Water D. The Magic of Paper第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Kids and food: advice for parents It is important for parents to know how to help their kids eat healthy. Here are a few easy ways:Parents control the supply lines. 36 .Though kids may keep asking for less nutritious foods, parents should decide which foods are regularly provided in the house. Kids wont go hungry. Theyll eat whats available in the fridge at home.Say goodbye to the “ clean-plate club”. 37 . Lots of parents grew up under the clean-plate rule, but that way doesnt help kids listen to their own bodies when they are full. When kids feel full, theyre less likely to overeat. 38 .Food preferences are developed early in life, so try to offer different kinds of food. Likes and dislikes begin forming even when kids are babies. Parents may need to serve a new food on several different occasions(时机) for a child to accept it. Food is not love.Find better ways to say “ I love you.” When foods are used to reward kids and show love, they may start to turn to food when feeling worried or unhappy. 39 Kids do as you do 40 . When trying to teach good eating habits, try to set the best example. Choose nutritious food, eat at the table, and dont forget breakfasts.A. Start them young.B. Rewrite the kids menu.C. Be a role model and eat healthy yourself.D. Offer praise and attention instead of food treats.E. Let kids stop eating when they feel theyve had enough.F. You decide which foods to buy and when to serve them.G. Let kids choose what to eat and how much of it they want.第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。About six years ago I was going through a tough time, trying to work two jobs to afford my rent. On a cold Sunday morning, I went to GameStopa video game retailer (零售商), to 41 the game Id reserved. A woman in a car parked outside called me when I 42 the store. Though it was in broad daylight, I was 43 about it and kept some distance when I walked over. She said she couldnt walk and 44 me to purchase a Kinect, a popular game, for her as her 45 Christmas gift. Due to her leg disease it was 46 for her to move around. She called ahead but the employee wasnt willing to 47 . She gave me about $100 in cash AND her credit card.I walked back in and bought the Kinect. Then it occurred to me that this woman, a plete stranger, 48 me. What was it that stopped me from lying about the payment method and just 49 her cash? She couldnt know I wasnt a 50 ; and how could she possibly have so much 51 someone?I handed her the cash back, 52 I had to pay with her cardit was above $100 at the time, and handed over the 53 and her credit card. “This is what my sons been longing for. Thank you! By the way, just from 54 at you, I know you are the one wholl be a friend to someone 55 . You have a face of an angel!” She said. She gave me $10 and 56 to take it back. Then she 57 , saying “Merry Christmas!”She had no idea how much of a 58 even $10 made. I was able to buy a few cheap groceries for the week and it really made a 59 time in my life a little better. She may think I helped her; 60 I truly feel like the one who was being gifted something amazing. 41. A. donateB. cancelC. winD. return42. A. keptB. approachedC. decoratedD. exited43. A. shyB. crazyC. disappointed D. positive44. A. forbadeB. encouragedC. requestedD. allowed45. A. ownB. employersC. husbandsD. sons46. A. painfulB. convenientC. funnyD. secure47. A. orderB. shareC. helpD. pay48. A. fooledB. trustedC. inspiredD. annoyed49. A. throwingB. tearingC. pocketing D. losing50. A. video makerB. porterC. game sellerD. cheat51. A. patience withB. faith inC. respect forD. mercy on52. A. arguing B. lyingC. promising D. explaining53. A. gameB. chequeC. ticketD. change54. A. laughingB. glancingC. yelling D. pointing55. A. in need B. in public C. in returnD. in danger56. A. offered B. managedC. refusedD. decided57. A. came overB. drove awayC. fell down D. pulled up 58. A. difference B. livingC. bargainD. profit59. A. happyB. carefreeC. confusingD. hard60. A. finallyB. thereforeC. howeverD. otherwise第II卷第二节:(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容( 1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。The Forbidden City is a place full of wonder. From its thousands of rooms to its many beautiful artifacts (工艺品), it is one of Chinas most popular tourist 61 (destination). But even more than 600 years after it 62 (build), it is still managing to serve up surprises. Since 63 Ming Dynasty, its estimated that the Forbidden City 64 (survive) more than 200 earthquakes. And while most structures arent made 65 (resist) natural disasters, it seems that the Forbidden City was built to stand up to anything. According to experts, the answer 66 the Forbidden Citys strength lies in Dougonga century-old building method 67 (invent) in China. This is the name for special structures on buildings 68 are perfect at 69 (keep) structures together when the weather gets rough. The Forbidden City draws visitors because of its rich history and 70 (culture) significance, but perhaps it should add one more thing to its list of attractions: earthquake shelter. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Thank you for inviting me in your summer school. As for my choice between the two courses, I prefer the four-week course because it will allow me more time to do some travel. Of all the subject Im learning at school, I like English best. I had been learning English for eleven years but my spoken English remains poorly. So I real hope to take this chance to improve them. If possible, Id like to stay with a family for a couple of days in order to that I can know some customs in England, that Im particularly interested in. I believe I will have wonderful time this summer.第2节 书面表达(满分25分)假如你是李华, 你的美国朋友Bob 因参加一个交换生项目(Exchange Program) 来你们学校学习, 并向你咨询相关情况。 请你给他写一封电子邮件,回复以下相关情况:1. 饮食、住宿;2. 课程设置;3. 学生社团或学校课外活动注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 邮件开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。Dear Bob, Im very glad to hear that you are ing to our school. _Yours, Li Hua xx下学期本溪县高级中学高一5月月考英语答案 II阅读理解+七选五第一节 2123 C A B2427 CBDD 2831ACCB 3235 ABDC第二节 3640 FEADCIII 完型填空+语法填空 第一节 第一节 41-45 BDACD 46-50 ACBCD 51-55 BDABA 56-60 CBADC第二节 61 destinations 62. was built 63. the 64. has survived 65. to resist 66. to 67. invented 68.that/which 69. keeping 70. culturalIV 短文改错 Thank you for inviting me to your summer school. As for my choice between the two courses, I prefer the four-week course because it will allow me more time to do some travel(l)ing. Of all the subjects Im learning at school, I like English best. I have been learning English for eleven years but my spoken English remains poor. So I really hope to take this chance toimprove it. If possible, Id like to stay with a family for a couple of days in order 删to that I can know some customs in England, which Im particularly interested in. I believe I will have加a wonderful time this summer.V 书面表达Dear Bob, Im very glad to hear that you are ing to our school. Now Im writing this letter to tell you something that you are concerned about. You will have meals in the students dining hall offering a large varieties of food, which must be to your taste. As for acmodation, you will live in a dorm shared by five other students.This term, courses like Chinese and Traditional Chinese Culture will be provided, which will help you have a better understanding of China. Besides, a large number of student associations are set up, such as the dancing club, the chess club and so on. You can sign up for whatever club you are interested in. Those are the arrangements and I hope they will be helpful to you. Dont hesitate to ask me if you have any other questions. Looking forward to you arrival. Yours, Li Hua


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