2018-2019学年高二英语12月月考试题 (IV).doc

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2018-2019学年高二英语12月月考试题 (IV)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满 分45分)第一节 语法和词汇知识1(1.5分)The party was _ successWe sang danced until it came to _ end at midnight()Aa; anBa; theCthe; anD/; an2(1.5分)Little _ about his own health though he was very ill()Ahe caredBhe caresCdoes he careDdid he care3(1.5分)Where did you get to know her?It was on the farm _ we worked()AthatBthereCwhereDwhich4(1.5分)_more attention,the trees would have grown better()AGivenBBeing givenCHaving givenDGive5(1.5分)It was such a _ job that I really felt _()Atiring; tiringBtired; tiredCtiring; tiredDtired; tiring6(1.5分)I wont go to the party unless _()AI invitedBinvitedCbeing invitedDam invited7(1.5分)The library needs _,but it will have to wait until Saturday()AcleaningBbe cleanedCcleanDbeing cleaned8(1.5分)If we had been more careful,we _ much better results now()AgotBhad gotCwould be gettingDwould have got9(1.5分)Well have to finish the job,_()Along it takes howeverBlong however it takesChowever long it takesDit takes however long10(1.5分)my brother fell off his bike and hurt leg_()AThats too badBHe is too carelessCHe should be carefulDI am sorry to hear that第二节 完形填空(满分30分)11(30分)I first went to hear a live rock concert when I was eight years old My brother and his friends were all(1) of a heavy metal group called Black Wednesday When they (2) that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought(3) for the performance However, at the last minute, one of the friends couldnt go, so my brother (4) me the ticket I was really(5) ! I remember the buzz (嘈杂声) of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our(6) After a few minutes, the lights went down and everybody became(7) I could barely make out the stage in the(8) We waited Then there was a roar from the crowd, like an explosion, as the first members of the band(9) the stage My brother leaned over and shouted something in my ear, but I couldnt(10) what he was saying The first song was already starting and the music was as(11) as a jet engine I could(12) the drum beats and the bass notes(低音符) in my stomach I cant recall any of the songs that the band played I just(13) that I really enjoyed the show and didnt want it to(14) But in the end, after three encores (加演), the show finished We left the(15) and walked unsteadily out onto the pavement I felt a little dizzy, as if I had just(16) from a long sleep My ears were still(17) with the beat of the last song After the(18) , I became a Black Wednesday fan too for a few years before getting into other kinds of music Once in a while,(19) , I listen to one of their songs and (20) Im back at that first show(1)AmembersB fansC friendsD volunteers(2)A guessedB thoughtC discoveredD predicted (3)A flowersB drinksC ticketsD clothes (4)A offeredB bookedC returnedD found (5)A relaxedB embarrassedC encouragedD excited(6)A entranceB seatsC spotsD space(7)A quietB fortableC seriousD nervous (8)A silenceB noiseC smokeD darkness(9)A fell uponB got throughC stepped ontoD broke into(10)A forgetB repeatC hearD bear (11)A hardB loudC sweetD fast(12)A feelB touchC enjoyD digest (13)A realizeB understandC believeD remember (14)A continueB delayC finishD change (15)A partyB theatreC operaD stage(16)A escapedB traveledC benefitedD woken (17)A achingB burningC ringingD rolling (18)A petitionB celebrationC interviewD performance (19)A besidesB otherwiseC insteadD though (20)A decideB imagineC concludeD regret第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)12(6分)EUROPE is home to a variety of cultural treasuresLonely Planet,the worlds largest travel guide publisher,has offered pairs of cities for culturehungry but time poor travelersLondon and Paris It takes you about two hours to travel from London to Paris by Eurostar,a highspeed railway serviceThe two capital cities have been peting in fashion,art and nightlife for decadesbut each secretly looks up to the other No one can doubt the grand and impressive beauty of ParisLouvre Museum,but if you want to save money,you cannot skip the British Museum free to visitpared with London,Paris has more outdoor attractions,such as the beautiful green walkway La Promenade Plantee In Paris,youll see diners linger(逗留) over red wineWhile in London,you can try some afternoon tea,eat fish and chips or salted cakeVienna and Bratislava Austrian capital Vienna and Slovakia city Bratislava are an hour apart by trainBut since they are linked by the Danube River,the best way to travel is by shipA tour of the two cities is the perfect way to experience everything from 17th centurys Habsburg dynast splendor to scifi restaurants Vienna is famous for Mozart and imperial palacesYou can appreciate the perfect blending(融合) of architecture and nature in the grand Scholoss Schonbrunn Palace,and reward yourself with a cup of Vienna coffee,which has made its way to the worlds cultural heritage Bratislava is best known for its fine diningthe remarkable UFO restaurantYou can enjoy a meatfilled dinner here in an amazing setting(1)Whats the relationship between London and Paris according to the text? AThey help each otherBThey attack each otherCThey admire each otherDThey dont like each other(2)What are the advantages of Paris mentioned in the article? aLouvre MuseumbFree access to museumscMore outdoor attractionsdBetter wines and perfumesAacBcdCacdDbcd(3)Lonely Planet remends these two pairs of cities because Athey are not expensive to visitBthey are best known to the worldCthey are always enemies between each otherDthey are close but different in many aspects13(8分)Age plays a major part in people who are infected with cold,ie,in people who suffer from cold infectionA study done by University of Michigan,has shown information that seems to be true for the general populationBabies are the most cold infected group,generally more than six colds in their first yearBoys have more colds than girls up to the age of threeAfter three,girls are easier to get infected with cold than boys,and teenage girls get three colds a year to boystwoThe general cold infections continue to get less into adultsElderly people who are in good health have as few as one or two colds every yearOne interesting thing is found among people in their twenties,especially women,who show a rise in cold infection,because people in this age group are most likely to have young children The study has also found that economy plays an important role as wellWith more and more ine,the frequency at which colds are reported in the family is getting lower and lowerFamilies with the lowest ine usually suffer about a third ally forces people to live in rooms more crowded than rooms owned by richer people,and the crowding usually leads to more chances for the cold virus to travel from person to personLow ine may also have an effect on our dietMany scientists believe that a poorer diet usually leads into more possibilities of cold infection(1)Which of the age groups has the highest frequency of cold infection? ASmall babiesBTeenage boysCAdult womenDElderly people(2)The purpose of writing this passage is to Agive the readers some tips to avoid cold infectionBshow a carefulmade study on cold infectionCreport the major reasons leading to cold infectionDdescribe all the possible dangers of cold infection(3)How does economy play an important role in cold infection? AFamilies with lower ine suffer less from cold infectionBPeople who have lower ine enjoy living in crowded roomsCRich families can have better nutrition and never get infectedDPeople with higher ine have fewer chances of infection(4)From the passage we can infer that Aage is the only important factor that connects with coldsBfamilies with the highest ine will more easily get infectedCpeople have lower frequency of infection as they grow olderDa better diet may help people to fight against cold infection14(8分)Since the beginning of the year,smog(雾霾) has covered parts of North ChinaIn January,Beijing saw only five days without smogThe rising PM 2.5 readings terrified many people,and some health experts said that whenever the smog gets serious,hospitals receive more patients suffering acute respiratory (呼吸系统)and heart diseasesLater,news of polluted underground water in some provinces scared people who wondered whether the water they drink is safeSo the need to emphasize environmental protection while developing the economy is heard everywhereSmog is especially a mon concernAs a popular online post said,air may be the only thing that is equal for everyone,despite your ine or professionPeople with higher ines are able to drink only bottled spring water and eat only organic food by paying higher prices,but they breathe the same air as everyone elseAt a meeting on Monday,many representatives have expressed their concerns about the air quality,tooOne talked about his experience in BeijingAfter taking a taxi from the capital airport to my hotel,which took about an hour,I washed my nose and found the inside of my nose was blackWe should ask ourselves this question:Why do we want to develop?Its for living a better lifeDirty air is definitely not a better life,he saidChina needs to develop its economy and invest (投资) in hightechEvery Chinese has a dream to make China strongerBut without blue sky,clean water and safe food,the achievements in the economy will bee meaninglessSpace technologies are not to be developed for building a base on Mars so that one day all human beings can move to the red planet because they have destroyed EarthWhat the public wants is a strong and beautiful ChinaThe great efforts must be made to promote W5P2 ecological progress and build a beautiful ChinaThe words have shown the central governments determination to address the environment issue38The effect of smog doesnt include Athe increase of peoples ine Bmore people suffering diseasesCthe rising of PM 2.5 readings Dpatients increasing in hospital39Why has smog bee a mon concern? ABecause people have to pay higher pricesBBecause a popular onlinepost discussed itCBecause we have to develop industryDBecause nobody can avoid it40The underlined wordtheyin Paragraph 5 refers to Aspace technologies Bother planetsChuman beings Dindustrial development41From the last two paragraphs we can infer that Ahightech can pletely solve the problem of pollutionBspace technologies should be developed on a large scaleCwe can move to Mars after the earth has been destroyedDwe must protect the environment while developing economy15(8分)When I asked my daughter which item she would keep; the phone,the car,the cooker,the puter,the TV,or her boyfriend,she saidthe phonePersonally,I could do without the phone entirely,which makes me unusualBecause the telephone is changing our lives more than any other piece of technologyPoint 1 The telephone creates the need to municate,in the same way that more roads create more trafficMy daughter es home from school at 4:00 pm and then spends an hour on the phone talking to the very people she has been at school with all dayIf the phone did not exist,would she have anything to talk about?Point 2 The mobile phone means that we are never aloneThe mobile saved my life,says Crystal JohnstoneShe had an accident in her Volvo on the A45 between Otley and SkiptonTrapped inside,she managed to make the call that brought the ambulance(救护车) to her rescuePoint 3 The mobile removes our secretIt allows marketing manager of Haba Deutsch,Carl Nicolaisen,to ring his sales staff all round the world at any time of day to ask where they are,where they are going,and how their last meeting wentPoint 4 The telephone separates usAntonella Bramante in Rome says,We worked in separate offices but I could see him through the windowIt was easy to get his numberWe were so nearbut we didnt meet for the first two weeks!Point 5 The telephone allows us to reach out beyond our own livesToday we can talk to several plete strangers simultaneously ( 同时地) on chat lines (at least my daughter doesI wouldnt know what to talk about)We can talk across the worldWe can even talk to astronauts (if you know any) while theyre spacewalkingAnd,with the phone line hooked up to the puter,we can access(存取) the Internet,the biggest library on Earth42How do you understandPoint 1The telephone creates the need to municate,? APeople dont municate without telephoneBPeople municate because of the creating of the telephoneCPeople municate more since telephone has been createdDPeople municate more because of more traffic43Which of the following best shows peoples attitude towards mobile phones? AMobile phones help people deal with the emergencyBMobile phones bring convenience as well as little secret to peopleCMobile phones are so important and should be encouragedDMobile phones are part of peoples life44It is possible to talk to several plete strangers simultaneously through Athe TV screen Ba fax machineCthe phone line hooked up to the puter Da microphone45The best heading for the passage is APhone Power BKinds of PhoneCHow to Use Phones DAdvantage of Phones16(10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项选项中有两项为多余选项Good listening skills can provide you with a deeper level of understanding about someones situationIf you want to know how to be a good listener,read on to get started!(46) Its easy to get lost in yourself and to only consider the impact of the other personstellingon youBut active listening is blocked by your inward thinkingOn the contrary,you must look at the problems from the other persons angleDont try to help immediatelySome people think that they should find a quick and easy solution to the persons problem while listeningInstead,you should take the time to think of asolutiononly if he or she is really looking for help in this way(47) Remember what youve been told(48) So,if the person is telling you about his problems with his best friend,you can at least remember his name so you can refer to him that wayIf you dont remember any names,details,or important events,then it wont sound like youre listeningEncourage the speaker with body language(49) Also says little things such asYeahwhen the person is talking about something that they want you to agree on orWowwhen the person talks about a tragedy or something bad done against themThese words betray that youre not only listening but paying attentionMake eye contactIf you give your friend the impression you arent interested and are distracted,they may never open up to you again(50) AWait for the person to open upBPlace yourself in the other persons shoesCShow them that you care by nodding at right times so they know youre listeningDBeing a good listener is to actually absorb the information the person has told youEFocus directly on their eyes so that they will know certainly that you are absorbing every single wordFInstead of the conclusion,let the speaker know that you are ready to listen and to be a sounding boardGIf you start thinking of all of the quick measures for the persons problems,you wont be listening attentively单词拼写17(1.5分)His friends were enthusiastic and encouraged him to publish his ideas,but Copernicus was (谨慎的)18(1.5分)But she was (使激动)by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum19(1.5分)At first my new (周围的环境)were difficult to tolerate20(1.5分)First well put youas an (助手) to an experienced journalist21(1.5分)You have three layers of skin which act as a (屏障)against disease,poisons and the suns harmful rays22(1.5分)They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves,their houses and (财产)as well as their activities and achievements23(1.5分)Others try to (传达)certain emotions24(1.5分)During adolescence I also smoked and became (上瘾的) to cigarettes25(1.5分)If you develop AIDS,your chances of (幸存) are very small26(1.5分)Having collected and (评估) the information,I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast27(15分)No one knows for sure when a fire will happen,so it is (1) (extreme) necessary to make preparations before a fire startsCheck the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find (2) in the dark when lights have failedFind out (3) the nearest fire extinguisher(灭火器) is and read the instructions to learn how (4) (use) it Dont lose your head when a fire breaks outFirst,telephone the fire department immediately when (5) fire just gets startedTake care not to be overe by smoke,(6) can kill you quicklyCover your mouth (7) a wet towel or cloth,and avoid getting into the smokeDont get in an elevator,as you may get trapped if the electricity (8) (fail)If you can not get away by yourself,it is of great (9) (important) to hang something out of the window to attract attention as a sign of asking for help In short,if you make preparations before hand and take precautions(预防措施) during the fire,chances are that (10) will survive in case of a fire if it really breaks out some day短文改错28(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词注意:(1)每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;(2)只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分It was cold and rainyStood at an uncovered bus stop,an old man didnt have a hat and an umbrellaWithout thinking I stopped and give him the umbrella I carried with IAs a result,I was caught in a heavy rainWhen I got to school,I became plete wetTo my great happiness,all of my classmate felt admiration for me at the moment they knew about my kind actIt was not until then when I realized giving was joyful than I had thoughtI will try my best to help those who are in need in the future书面表达29(25分)假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Chris刚刚转学,感到一切都很陌生他在邮件中向你询问如何尽快融入新环境请你根据以下信息回信:1多跟同学交流沟通;2积极参加学校活动;3向老师寻求帮助注意:1词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯Dear Chris, Yours,Li Hua上石桥高中高二12月份参考答案与试题解析第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满 分45分)第一节 语法和词汇知识1(1.5分)The party was _ successWe sang danced until it came to _ end at midnight()Aa; anBa; theCthe; anD/; an【分析】这次晚会开得很成功我们既唱歌又跳舞,一直玩到深夜才结束【解答】答案:A本题是对冠词的考查第一空属于抽象名词具体化的用法,在这里指的是这次晚会是一次成功的晚会,所以用不定冠词a;e to an end为一固定短语,故选A【点评】解答冠词的题目注意分清句中所表示的内容是特指还是泛指,表示泛指一般用不定冠词a(an);而表示特指用定冠词the2(1.5分)Little _ about his own health though he was very ill()Ahe caredBhe caresCdoes he careDdid he care【分析】尽管他病得很重,但他很少关心自己的健康【解答】答案D否定词或具有(半)否定意义的词或词组置于句首作状语时,句子要部分倒装常见的否定词或具有(半)否定意义的词或词组有:never,scarcely,hardly,rarely,seldom,little,not until,no soonerthan,hardlywhen,scarcelywhen (before),not only,in no case (in no way,at no time,on n

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