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2019-2020学年高中英语下学期第1周周练题阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Recently we talked with Diane Lucas ofScrapsforever.about scrapbooking (剪贴薄制作). What is scrapbooking exactly? When I make a scrapbook page, I take a few of my family photos and put them into a page that uses beautiful paper, stickers, drawings, and words to show the theme(主题). For example, this page about my son is called “First Day at School”. Heres a photo of him and one of his drawings, and I decorated(装饰) it with stickers. When you make a scrapbook, you can put words and pictures together to show the important times in your life. Its like a personal history. How did you get started? When I was a child, I always saved bits of paper, things like movie tickets and vacation postcards. I made my first scrapbook ten years ago, when my father died. When I looked through his desk, I found the most wonderful things like my parents anniversary cards, and photos from his army days. I couldnt throw away anything, so I made two scrapbooks with my collections, for my brother and me. Do you know other people who make scrapbooks? Oh, yes! We call ourselves “scrappers”, and we often have “crops”, big parties where we all work on our scrapbooks. We bring our scissors and papers and our boxes of photos, and we talk while making new pages. Its a time for enjoyment, when friends show pictures and tell stories about our families, and our lives. At the same time, we create a book to keep those memories. Why is scrapbooking so popular these days? I think people want to record their family history, and show it to other people. When you make a scrapbook, you can pass the stories on to your children, and your grandchildren. So many people today want to do that! We all have boxes of pictures, and we all want to keep those memories. Thats the real meaning of scrapbooking.1. Scrapbooking requires that the scrappers have _.A. a bit of creativity B. good handwritingC. rich life experiences D. a wide knowledge of history2. Diane Lucas made her first scrapbook _.A. in honor of her father B. when serving in the armyC. with the help of her brother D. under the influence of her parents3. What does Diane Lucas think of the “crops”?A. Theyre hard to hold. B. Theyre very interesting.C. Theyre quite petitive. D. Theyre full of challenges.4. In Diane Lucas mind, scrapbooking is a good way to _.A. make friends B. rewrite historyC. educate children D. share peoples stories完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When our first son Brendan was born inSydneyin 1966, we planted a golden elm tree in our front yard. It and Brendan1together and when we2the house, eight years later, the tree branched out over our heads. We were3we had to leave it behind when we moved toNew South Wales. A young couple bought our home and were4it. Over the next 37 years, when travelling toSydney, my family5couldnt help stopping to see the tree. With time, the golden elm grew more beautiful. The owners still loved the home and seemed not to6at all that we didnt pletely leave them alone.Recently on the way to Sydney, my husband7to see how the house and the owners were getting on. It had been about ten years since we had last8and the tree had been removed some years earlier.9, the owner, Gillian, suggested she would contact us some time in the future, so my husband gave her our10.When I heard about her11message, I wondered what she meant. One day in December, we had a phone call from Gillian. She wanted to drop something in to us for our12. I told Brendan that there was a mysterious gift being13for him that day, so it was indeed14when Gillian handed him a package containing two carved(雕刻的) wooden bowls. Gillian had asked a local woodworking pany to make the15from a piece of the trunk of the golden elm, which she had16several years earlier. My husbands17had driven her to follow through with her idea.What a pleasure it was to18that package. We were19by her thoughtfulness (体贴), and amazed that her long-term plan actually did20.1. A. watchedB. grew C. played D. worked2. A. built B. sold C. found D. entered3. A. sorry B. afraid C. angry D. nervous4. A. proud of B. polite to C. worried about D. delighted with5. A. never B. seldom C. always D. still6. A. forget B. believe C. mind D. remember7. A. feared B. decided C. agreed D. refused8. A. failed B. finished C. lost D. stopped9. A. Instead B. Besides C. However D. Therefore10. A. tree B. address C. key D. message11. A. encouraging B. personal C. important D. secret12. A. son B. friend C. parent D. neighbor13. A. ordered B. bought C. made D. sent14. A. strange B. funny C. exciting D. heartbreaking15. A. phone B. bowls C. branches D. package16. A. picked B. planted C. stored D. covered17. A. dream B. mistake C. visit D. suggestion18. A. post B. receive C. offer D. use19. A. shocked B. confused C. amused D. touched20. A. end B. fall through C. form D. e true阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jerry:Susan, there are three styles of conversation 21. _ (mention) in your new book, bowling, rugby and basketball. What are they?Susan:Well, in a bowling style, people hold back when an elder or senior person is speaking, and they talk only if they 22. _ (ask) for their opinion.Jerry:Just like people take turns in bowling.Susan:23. _ (exact). You go and roll and I wait for you. Then its my turn.Jerry:So thats the high-considerate (高度体贴的) model.Susan:Yes. Then theres the rugby style, 24. _ might be opposite. In this style youre expected to interrupt other people and they are fine with that, because they expect 25. _ (interrupt). So many voices can be heard at the same time.Jerry:And what about the basketball model?Susan:Suppose youre playing basketball, for example, you 26. _ (move) the ball forward. When you hesitate (犹豫), someone sees that as 27. _ opportunity to jump in and take the ball away. Stealing the conversation away is the same thing. Not in a bad way, 28. _ just as “Oh, its my turn now”.Jerry:Which style do you think is the 29. _ (good)?Susan:Well, its hard to say. It depends 30. _ the occasion.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Dear Sarah,Im writing because I want apologise about last Friday.Im really sorry, but I would have met you on time if everything hadnt gone wrongly! I didnt get there until 9 oclock, because my watch breaks and I didnt know what time it was. Then I had to walk because Id missed the bus. Believing it or not, I fell over a cat and my trousers became dirt, so I had to go home again! Then I decided to catch other bus, but it arrived late.I hope you arent too angry about me. Can us go out another day? Would you like to e with me to Andys party on next Saturday night?Looking forward to hear from you.JackAABD1-5 BBADC 6-10 CBDCB 11-15 DADCB 16-20 CCBDD21. mentioned 22. are asked 23. Exactly24. which 25. to be interrupted26. are moving 27. an 28. but29. best 30. on / upon短文改错:31. . want apologise . want后加to32. . hadnt gone wrongly! wronglywrong33. . my watch breaks . breaksbroke34. Believing it or not . BelievingBelieve35. . my trousers became dirt . dirtdirty36. . catch other bus . otheranother37. . angry about me. aboutwith38. Can us go out . uswe39. . on next Saturday night?去掉on40. . to hear from you. hearhearing题号分值考点识记理解简单运用综合运用难易程度11.5动词辨析中21.5副词辨析中31.5动词辨析难41.5动词辨析中51.5副词辨析难61.5形容词辨析易71.5动词辨析难81.5名词辨析易91.5非谓语动词辨析中101.5形容词辨析易111.5动词辨析易121.5名词辨析中131.5动词短语辨析中141.5连词辨析难151.5名词辨析中161.5动词辨析易171.5动词辨析易181.5形容词辨析 易191.5动词辨析中201.5名词辨析易212细节理解题中222词意猜测题易232推理判断题易242推理判断题中262考查语境的准确运用易272考查语境的准确运用中282考查语境的准确运用易292考查语境的准确运用易302考查语境的准确运用易311.5词性转换易321.5冠词的准确运用易331.5连词的准确运用易341.5关系代词的准确运用易351.5过去分词作定语的准确运用中361.5被动语态的准确运用中371.5考查非谓语动词的准确运用中381.5考查副词的准确运用易391.5考查不定式的准确运用易401.5考查时态的准确运用难


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