2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 7 The Sea单元整合训练 北师大版必修3.doc

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Unit 7 The Sea单元整合训练 语言知识再落实.单句语法填空1Ill make arrangements(arrange) for you to be met at the airport.2I was terrified(terrify) out of my mind,giving my first public performance.3It didnt take much persuasion(persuade) to get her to tell us the truth.4From time to time his sharp cough broke the rather frightening (frighten) stillness.5In the light of recent discoveries (discover),it may be necessary to revise our previous theory.6He glanced at the envelope and recognised(recognition) his uncles handwriting.7Of those wounded in the battle,only three survived(survival),and now they all have passed away.8The journey along this route is very attractive (attract) for its picturesque scenery.9Yesterday Michael apologised to his boss for being late.10It is reported that twentyfive thousand deaths per year are caused by air pollution(pollute).完成句子1你能不能安排我们明天上午参观工业展览会?Can you arrange for us to visit the Industrial Exhibition tomorrow morning?2我最后终于成功地说服她跟我一起出去喝一杯。I finally managed to persuade her to go out for a drink with me.3在英国,许多公共场所禁止吸烟。People are banned from smoking in many public places in England.4有些奇怪的风俗从古代沿袭下来。Some strange customs have survived from earlier times.5北京街上的漂亮花朵吸引了许多人的注意。Beautiful flowers in the streets of Beijing attracted many peoples attention.微写作用本单元词汇或句式完成写作任务1我的朋友杰克喜欢航海,去年他说服一些人参加他的航海。 (persuade)2根据他的安排,他们在某周一启航寻找鲸鱼。 (according to; set sail; in search of)3在路上他警告他的同伴注意鲨鱼,以免陷入麻烦。 (get into trouble)4在他们的共同努力下,他们达到了目的。 (make it)(将以上部分连成一篇英语短文) 【连句成篇】My friend Jack likes making voyages.Last year he persuaded some people to participate in his sea voyage.According to his arrangement,they set sail on a Monday in search of whales.On the way,he warned his men to watch out for sharks in case they got into trouble.With their hard work,they made it.高考语篇再强化.阅读理解Under the worlds oceans and seas lies an attracting world of lands that stretches hundreds of kilometers in every direction.In this world,without the sun,there are deep canyons (峡谷),great plains,and towering ranges of mountains.And this underwater world covers 70 percent of the earths surface.The worlds longest mountain range extends 16,000 kilometers under the Atlantic Ocean from Iceland to the Antarctic.Called the MidAtlantic Ridge (山脊),this range of mountains contains a number of high peaks,among them are the Ascension Island,the Azores,and Iceland.The worlds highest mountain is found in the midPacific area.It is the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea,which is 9,450 meters from base to peak.This is nearly 610 meters taller than Mount Everest.Only 4,221 meters of Mauna Kea rises above the surface of the sea.In 1873 the British survey ship Challenger discovered the deepest trench (海沟) in all the seas.Named the Challenger Deep,it is near the island of Guam and is 11 kilometers deep.Since sunlight only reaches to a depth of about 244 meters,many of the creatures of the deep sea live in a world of darkness.However,to get help in their survival,many have their own bright lighting system.Food es to them from the upper levels of the ocean and they can get a constant supply from the waste matter that gradually moves downward toward the ocean floor.These undersea creatures must remain at the various places for which they are fit.To wander to other levels could result in death from improper water pressure.【语篇解读】主要讲述的是黑暗的海底世界的一些情况。1The best title for this text should be AThe Sunless WorldBThe Longest MountainCThe Highest MountainDThe Deepest TrenchA主旨大意题。通读全文可以看出,这篇文章主要讲述的是黑暗的海底世界的一些情况。2The worlds longest mountain range under the ocean Aextends 1,600 kilometers under the Atlantic OceanBis called the MidAtlantic RidgeCcontains few high peaksDextends from Iceland to the AzoresB细节理解题。由第二段可得出本题的答案。3From this passage we know that Athe longest and the highest mountains lie in the seaBthe highest mountain lies on landCthe longest mountain lies on landDMauna Kea is 4,221 meters highA细节理解题。由第二、三段我们知道,最长的山脉在大西洋,最高的山峰则在太平洋中部的夏威夷。据此,我们可得出本题的答案。4If a kind of creature lives in a sea area about 300 meters from the surface, Athe creature wont have enough food to eatBthe creature will feel very coldCthe creature will have to give light by itselfDthe creature will feel too hotC推理判断题。从最后一段我们知道,阳光只能到达离海面244米的地方,在此以下的地方生活的动物就必须靠自己的发光系统照明。.完形填空My friend Michelle is blind,but youd never know it.She makes such good use of her other 1 ,including her “sixth sense”,that she rarely gives the impression shes 2 anything.Michelle looks after her children pretty much like the rest of us, 3 that she doesnt push too hard on them, 4 really benefit a lot from her relaxed attitude.She knows when to clean the house,she moves around so fast that often 5 dont realise shes blind.I 6 this the first time after my sixyearold daughter,Kayla,went to play there.When Kayla came home,she was very 7 about her day.She told me they had baked cookies,played games and done art projects.But she was 8 excited about her fingerpainting project.“Mom,guess what?” said Kayla,all smiles “I learned how to 9 colors today! Blue and red make purple,and yellow and blue make green! And Michelle 10 with us.”To my great 11 ,my child had learnt about color from a blind friend!Then Kayla continued.“Michelle told me my 12 showed joy,pride and a sense of acplishment.She really 13 what I was doing!” Kayla said she had never felt how good finger paints felt 14 Michelle showed her how to paint without looking at her paper.I realised Kayla didnt know that Michelle was blind.It had just never 15 in conversation.When I told her,she was 16 for a moment.At first,she didnt believe me.“But Mommy,Michelle knew exactly what was in my picture!” Kayla 17 And I knew my child was 18 because Michelle had listened to Kayla describe her artwork.Michelle had also heard Kaylas 19 in her work.We were silent for a minute.Then Kayla said slowly,“You know,Mommy,Michelle really did see my picture.She just used my 20 ”Indeed,she uses a special type of “vision” that all mothers have.【语篇解读】本文主要讲了我的朋友Michelle虽然是盲人,她是她通过其他感觉更好的认识和感知了世界。1A.waysBmeansCmethods DsensesD考查名词。way 方法;means 方法、手段;method 具体方法;sense 感觉。根据including her “sixth sense”,故选D。2A.enjoyed BfoundCmissed DseenC考查名词。enjoy喜爱、享受;find发现、找到; miss 错过、想念;see看见。根据including her “sixth sense”,that she rarely gives the impression shes anything.可知这里想说“她很少给出她错过一些事情的印象”,missed错过,故选C。3A.and BexceptCeven DbutB考查连词。and和;except除之外;even 甚至、更;but但是。这里想说Michelle照顾她的孩子们几乎像我们一样,根据except that she isnt too hard on them.可知这里想说她的孩子们从她轻松的态度收益很多,故选B。4A.who BitCshe DwhichA考查定语从句。根据except that she isnt too hard on them, really benefit a lot from her relaxed attitude.可知这里想说她的孩子们从她轻松的态度收益很多,relaxed放松的,故选A。5A.guests BfamilyCchildren DfriendsA考查名词。guest客人;family家庭;children孩子们;friend朋友。根据often dont realize shes blind,可知这里想说她的客人经常意识不到她是盲人,故选A,guests客人。6A.realised BwitnessedCrecognised DregrettedA考查动词。realize 意识到;witness 目睹;recognise认出;regret遗憾、后悔;这里想说在我女儿去她家玩之后,我第一次意识到这些,realised意识到,故选A。7A.excited BsadCsatisfied DenjoyedA考查形容词。excited 兴奋的;sad伤心的;satisfied满意的;enjoyed喜爱、欣赏。根据But she was especially excited about her fingerpainting project.可知这里想说她那天很兴奋,excited兴奋的,故选A。8A.especially Bnot soCa little Dnot at allA这里想说她尤其是对她的手指画兴奋不已,故选A,especially尤其地。9A.paint BdrawCcreate DmixD考查动词。paint粉刷;draw 绘画;create 创造;mix混合。根据Blue and red make purple,and yellow and blue make green!故选D。10A.stayed BpaintedCtalked DwatchedB考查动词。stay停留;paint粉刷、画; talk谈话;watch观看。根据my child had learnt about color from a blind friend!可知这里想说Michelle和我们一起画,故选B,painted画。11A.excitement BencouragementCdelight DsurpriseD考查名词。excitement兴奋;encouragement鼓励;delight高兴;surprise惊讶。根据my child had learnt about color from a blind friend,故选D,surprise惊奇。12A.attitude BcolorCpicture DpaperC考查名词。attitude 态度;color颜色;picture图画;paper纸。根据“Michelle told me my showed joy,pride and a sense of acplishment.”Michelle告诉我我的绘画展示出高兴、自豪和一种成就感,所以C项正确。13A.touched BgotCsaw DunderstoodD考查动词。touch 触,摸,碰;get 得到;see看见;understand明白。这里想说她真的明白我在做什么,understood懂,故选D。14A.after BsinceCuntil DwhenC考查连词。after在之后;since自从以来;until直到为止;when当时候。这里想说直到Michelle向她展示不看纸怎样去画画,until直到才,故选C。15A.referred to Bturned outCe up Dthought aboutC考查动词短语。refer to提到,谈到;turn out 结果是;e up 被提出;think about想出。这里想说它从来没有在谈话中被提及,e up被提及,故选C。16A.curious BquietCpuzzled DdisappointedB考查形容词。curious 好奇的;quiet 安静的;puzzled 疑惑的;disappointed失望的。这里想说她沉默了片刻,故选B,quiet沉默的。17A.cried BinsistedCplained DinformedB考查动词。cry哭;insist坚持;plain抱怨;inform告知。根据“But Mommy,Michelle knew exactly what was in my picture!”故选B,insisted坚决认为。18A.right BwrongCworded DuncertainA考查形容词。根据because Michelle had listened to Kayla describe her art work.可知这里想说我知道我的孩子是正确的,故选A。19A.shortings BdifficultiesCpride DdescriptionC考查名词。shorting缺点;difficulty困难;pride 骄傲、自豪;description描述。根据“Michelle told me my picture showed joy,pride and a sense of acplishment”, Michelle告诉我我的绘画展示出高兴、自豪和一种成就感,所以选C,pride骄傲。20A.paper BpensChands DeyesD考查名词。根据Indeed,she uses a special type of “vision” that all mothers have,可知这里想说她用我的眼睛在看,故选D。


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