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xx-2019年度高二英语下学期第八周周测试题 选修八 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Safety and Security Procedures Your safety and the security of your personal property are of the primary concern to those of us who wele you as our guest. We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions.YOUR VEHICLE Lock your vehicle and do not leave money or valuable items inside. We are not responsible for their loss.TRAVELING Be good at noticing things around you when sightseeing or traveling. Stay in heavily traveled areas. Dont display large amounts of cash.GUEST ROOM SECURITY For additional security, use the deadbolt (插锁) provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked. As an additional precautious measure, please secure the secondary locks provided. Do not admit anyone to your room without first making identification. A one-way viewer is provided in your door to assist with identification. If there is any doubt about the persons identity, please contact the Front Desk.SAFETY BOXES Do not leave money or valuables in your room or vehicle. We provide free safety boxes for you. We are not responsible for items left in room valued over $200.KEYS Safeguard your key. Please do not leave it in the door. Do not give your key to others or leave it unattended. Please leave your key at the Front Desk when you check out.FIRE Please familiarize yourself with the nearest fire exits. Report fire or smoke to the hotel operator. In the unlikely event of a fire, please move quickly and calmly to the nearest safe exit and leave the building. Avoid the use of the elevator.REPORTING Please report any suspicious activity, or safety concerns to management.1. What should you do with a suspicious-looking stranger who knocks at your door?A.Pretend you are not in the room.B.Send him to the police station.C.Get in touch with the Front Desk.D.Let him in to make sure of his identity.2. Where are you advised to put your valuable things when you go out?A.In your cars.B.In the room.C.At the Front Desk.D.In the free safety box.3. Where might you see these suggestions?A.At a gym.B.At a hotel.C.At a shop.D.At a bank.B Johnny Kelley is 86 years old. He has just run the last eleven kilometers of the Boston Marathon. It took him one hour and fifteen minutes to run the eleven kilometers. After his running, he went to the hospital center. The nurse was surprised and pleased to see that his blood pressure was 139 over 84. She told him that his blood pressure was very good. Then she said, “I wish mine were good like yours. ”Johnny Kelley is known as the great-grandfather of the Boston Marathon. He ran all the 42 kilometers of the marathon 61 times. This year was the second time that he has cut back and run only part of it. Kelley holds the record for running more Boston Marathons than anyone else. Thousands of people cry “e on” to him as he runs. Today an 11-year-old boy called put to Kelley, “Hey, Mr Kelley. You are a great man. ” Kelley smiles and thanks people as he runs. “Its a wonderful.” He said, “People e out to shake my hand. I am weled by thousands of people. I think a lot of them thought I ran the whole race. And maybe they congratulate because they know me after all there years and they dont know the other runners. ”4Kelley is known as the great-grandfather of the Boston Marathon because _. A. he is eighty-six years oldB. he ran all the 42 kilometers of the Boston Marathon that dayC. he was old and ran all the 42 kilometers of the Boston Marathon 61 timesD. his grandson is the best runner of the Boston Marathon5When Kelley said it was wonderful, he meant that _. A. he was weled by thousands of peopleB. his blood pressure was so goodC. he was able to run the whole Marathon raceD. he got to the hospital center safely6Kelley went to the hospital center after the race _. A. to tell the nurse the good newsB. to have a good restC. to thank people who cried “e on” to himD. to see if his blood pressure was goodCNext time you hear a funny joke youd better not laugh too hard. According to a paper published by the British Medical Journal, laughter isnt always the bestmedicine. Sometimes it can even be harmful. Professor Robin Ferner from the University of Birmingham, one of the authors of the study, found that bad things could happen to people who laughed too much. He says: “We found people with heartbeat problems which had stopped their heart, we found people who had fainted(昏倒), and we found people whoddislocated theirjawsor burst their lungs.”It seems that laughing can beno laughing matter. Butits not alldoom and gloom. Professor Ferner says there are benefits to laughing when you want tolose weight, for example. Yes, thats right: laugh and be slimmer! Professor Ferner explains that: “You use energy when you laugh, you move yourdiaphragm(横膈膜), you expand your lungs, and both those things can be helpful.”According to the research, laughing for a quarter of an hour can burn up to 40 calories, and if you laughed all day youd use up about 2,000 calories, which is what most people consume in a day. But dont do that or you might end up with apainfuljaw.Ouch! Or you might find people looking at you in afunnyway.But I dont want to finish this article leaving you feelingdesperate. Laughter es naturally for most of us. Babies begin to laugh at around 3-6 months. So give in to yoursense of humourand keep smiling. Life is short anyway.7. The underlined phrase “doom and gloom” in Paragraph 2 probably means_.A.hopelessB.funnyC.painfulD.nervous8. How many calories can you use if you laugh for half a day?A.About 40.B.About 1,000.C.About 2,000.D.About 2,040.9. What is the authors attitude towards laughing in the last paragraph?A.Uninterested.B.Disapproving.C.Worried.D.Favorable.DRecently a creative advertisement displaying the deep love between an overseas student and his parents has stirred up a debate on Chinese social media, with many criticizing Chinas younger generation of being spoiled and too dependent.In the ad, which was created by Chins Merchants Bank to promote its credit card for overseas students, a Chinese student named Lan overes the initial “fresh-off-the-boat” feeling and starts to make friends with local American students. Deciding to make some stir-fried tomatoes and eggs, a popular Chinese dish, to impress his foreign friends, Lan asks his parents in China for help. Despite the 12-hour time difference, the parents wake up at 4 am to make a how-to-video for their son.The ad has been viewed over 1.2 million times since it was posted online on Thursday, and has received mixed reactions from Chinese netizens.Some called it a heart-wrenching demonstration of parental love, sharing their own moving moments with their parents.“When I studied abroad, my mother also taught me how to cook delicious dishes over the Internet, so that I would not starve and could enjoy my life in a foreign country, “wrote a netizen on Sina Weibo, adding that the ad brought her to tears.Others showed a different opinion, criticizing the parents for spoiling the boy.Chinese parents spoil their children. I think its heartless and not touching to wake your parents up in the middle of the night just to satisfy your vanity to impress others. Such parental love would only destroy a child, rather than make him/her independent,” wrote a netizen.I think the boy is dumb to ask his parents for help, as a casual online search of the recipe can offer at least 6 million results. Spoiling your child is not love, its called connivance(纵容),” noted another netizen.10. What does the creative advertisement lead to on Chinese social media?A.A great economic interest.B.A great increase in credit card sales.C.A hot topic on social morality.D.A heated debate on Chinese family education.11. What is the first netizens attitude towards the story in the ad on Sina Weibo?A.Ambiguous.B.Negative.C.Neutral.D.Sympathetic.12. Whats the best title of the text?A.Controversial Ad Draws Mixed Reaction from Chinese Public.B.How to Make a Popular Chinese Dish.C.The Current Situation of Chinese Netizens.D.Arguments on Chinas Advertisement Business.EI look around and cant recognize where I am. It seems familiar but distant. I see my friends gather by a stage where music is playing and I run over. As I begin running towards them, they bee further and further away. I keep calling them, but no one hears me. I start hearing a distant alarm-like sound and I am transported away. I woke up in a daze sitting in my bed.“Oh, it was only a dream,” I said to myself. I have always had vivid and intense dreams. It feels like I havent even slept because I have been living out my dreams during my sleep.Today, dreaming is being studied even more than ever. Some say that dreams are how your receptors make sense of random thoughts while you sleep. Some say that you cant dream of a face you have never seen before, so everyone you see in your dreams you have at least laid eyes on at one time or another.Other people think dreams are ways of expressing stress or internal feelings you may be experiencing. A lot of people say that they have dreams about “being chased”.A mon interpretation of the “being chased” dream is that you are feeling threatened. Some dream interpretation websites say you should try to reflect on what or who is chasing you to get a better idea of what is making you feel this way.Another dream that is often experienced is flying. This dream has a much more positive interpretation, which is that you are feeling free or have broken out of a bad situation such as a relationship turned sour or a job you hate.Unfortunately, you may forget half of your dream within five minutes of waking up and within ten minutes, you usually forget 90% of it.Dreamologists, people who devote time to the study and interpretation of dreams, suggest if you want to try to remember and study your dreams you should keep a journal beside your bed and write down what you dreamt as soon as you wake up so you can reflect on it later.13. In which situation do dreams of “being chased” probably mean?A.You are feeling free.B.You just quit a job you hate.C.You lack the sense of security.D.Your friends keep you at a distance.14. Why should we keep a journal beside our bed?A.To reflect on what we dream.B.To avoid forgetting our dream.C.To help us sleep well without dreams.D.To help us get out of the tense dreams.15. Where is the passage probably taken from?A.A news reportB.A fiction bookC.An websiteD.A science newspaper第二节. 七选五(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)The beauty of confidence is that it is possible to learn it, no matter who you are! Follow these simple steps to be confident.Consider your strengths and success._16_When did you help others? What are you good at? When have you taken pride in yourselves? What are you working hard for? If you have difficulty thinking of your strengths and success, ask your family member or a close friend.Have goals. Sitting around and doing nothing will make you feel worse. Start with a small goal._17_Youll get more confidence achieving a small goal. Once youve achieved many smaller goals, you can set bigger goals._18_Failure is the mother of success. When you fail, view it as a learning experience. Often we have to fail on our own to gain experience. By failing, you have at least taken a chance.Pick a role model. Pick a role model that is always confident and always learn from them. Study their action, their manners of speaking and how they municate with others. _19_However, its a great place to start.Smile. Confident people smile often, and without much reason._20_It tells the people around you that youre fortable in yourself and enjoying your time.A.Of course you dont want to spend your entire life copying someone else.B.If possible, write them down so that you can look back at them later.C.Start projecting a more powerful you today.D.Smiling is a friendly and open gesture.E.Otherwise, youll get discouraged.F.After reaching a goal, reward yourself.G.Learn from failure.第二部分:完形填空(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 One night I decided to spend some time building a happier and closer relationship with my daughter. For several weeks she had been 21 me to play chess with her, so I suggested a game and she happily 22 . It was a school night, however, and at nine oclock my daughter asked if I could 23 my moves because she 24 to go to bed; she had to get up at six in the morning. I 25 she had strict sleeping habits, 26 I thought she ought to be able to 27 some of this strictness. I said to her, “ 28 , you can stay up late for once. Were having 29 .” We played on for another fifteen minutes, during which time she looked 30 . Finally she said, “Please, Daddy, do it quickly.” “No,” I replied. “If you are going to play it 31 , youre going to play it slowly.” And so we 32 for another ten minutes, until 33 my daughter burst into tears, and 34 that she was beaten. Clearly I had made 35 . I had started the evening wanting to have a 36 time with my daughter but had 37 my desire to win to bee more 38 than my relationship with my daughter. When I was a child, my desire to win 39 me well. As a parent, I 40 that it got in my way. So I had to change.21.A.guiding B.training C.asking D.advising22.A.allowed B.expected C.replied D.accepted23.A.change B.hurry C.repeat D.pass24.A.agreed B.hated C.begged D.needed25.A.knew B.learned C.guessed D.heard26.A.so B.but C.for D.or27.A.put up B.take up C.pick up D.give up28.A.e on B.Go ahead C.By the way D.As usual29.A.patience B.luck C.fun D.success30.A.excited B.anxious C.proud D.angry31.A.fairly B.again C.well D.regularly32.A.discussed B.continued C.counted D.argued33.A.nervously B.immediatelyC.strangely D.suddenly34.A.promised B.wondered C.admitted D.discovered35.A.a mistake B.a decision C.an attempt D.an effort36.A.free B.happy C.full D.different37.A.managed B.recognized C.allowed D.reduced38.A.importantB.attractive C.difficult D.interesting39.A.offered B.served C.controlled D.taught40.A.explainedB.apologized C.imagined D.realized 第四部分 短文改错(20分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Today is Sunday. I didnt get up early as usually. In themorning after I finished my home-work, I do some washing.Then I telephoned one of my classmate and invited himto see a film. And unfortunately, when we got to the cinemaat 3 p.m. we found all the tickets had sold out.So we went to our school and played the football.After that, when we were about to go home, we saw ourEnglish teacher, Mr. Wang, came into the school gate. He told us we had made many progress in English this term. He also suggested that we should read more and wrote more.We promised that we would take his advices.高二英语周测参考答案 xx.4.111 阅读理解1-3. CDB 4-6. CAD 7-9. ABD 10-12. DDA 13-15. CBD 16-20. BEGAD二完形填空 21-25. CDBDA 26-30. BDACB 31-35. CBDCA 36-40. BCABD三短文改错Today is Sunday. I didnt get up early as . In themorning after I finished my home-work, I some washing.Then I telephoned one of my and invited himto see a film. unfortunately, when we got to the cinemaat 300 p.m. we found all the tickets had sold out.So we went to our school and played the football.After that, when we were about to go home, we saw ourEnglish teacher, Mr. Wang, into the school gate. He told us we had made progress in English this term. He also suggested that we should read more and more.We promised that we would take his .


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