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组合训练十六九年级(全)Units 12一、单项选择。(A)1.How do you study_ a test?I study _ working with a group.Afor;by Bby;inCfor;from Dof;by(B)2.We can use QQ to communicate with each other online.Good.Will you please show me_?Awhich to use Bhow to use itCwhat to use Dwhere to use it(B)3.I have trouble_ the new words.Amemorize BmemorizingCto memorize Dmemorized(C)4.The math teacher got angry with me when I didnt_him in class yesterday.Alook for Btake care ofCpay attention to Dfall asleep(C)5.(xx昆明中考)Have you watched the movie named Amazing China(厉害了,我的国)?Sure,I have._ great achievements our country has made!AWhat a BWhat anCWhat DHow二、阅读理解。Elizabeth Tower,popularly known as Big Ben,is located in the city of London,on the north bank of the River Thames(泰晤士河)It is one of the most famous and wellpreserved historical buildings with a clock in the world.In the north of China,there lies a 6,700kilometerlong ancient wall.It starts at the Jiayuguan of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan of Hebei Province in the east.Its the longest wall in the world.It is the standalone bell tower in the north of Pisa.The most special part of the tower is that it is leaning(倾斜的). The height of the tower is 55.86 meters from the ground on the low side and 56.67 meters on the high side.Known as the Forbidden City,it is the largest and most wellpreserved imperial residence in China today.The project began in 1406 and it took 14 years to build it.The first ruler who actually lived here was Yongle Emperor,Zhu Di.As one of the most beautiful buildings in the world,it was built by Taj Mahal for his wife as a tomb.It lies beside the Jumna River in the middle of gardens with quiet pools.( B )1.Elizabeth Tower is one of the most famous buildings with a clock in _.AAmerica BEnglandCChina DIndia( C )2._ was built as a tomb.ALeaning Tower of Pisa BForbidden City CTaj MahalDElizabeth Tower( A )3.It took old Chinese people _ years to build the Forbidden City.Afourteen BseventeenCtwenty Dforty( C )4.Which of the following is NOT true?AThe Elizabeth Tower is on the north bank of the River Thames.BThe Great Wall is the longest wall in the world.CThe height of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is 56.67 meters from the ground on the low side.DThe Great Wall is 6,700 kilometers long.三、综合填空。All around the world,we can see the “throwaway”lifestyle.When something has been used for only a short time,people may 1.throw_ it away without thinking.As a result,wherever we go,we can see mountains of rubbish.It has been a big 2._problem_(问题) in the past few years.But why do we live in such a throwaway society? First of all,companies now are able to produce things 3._cheaper_(cheap) because of the technology.It is easier to replace an object than to 4.repair_ it.Another reason is our love of disposable (一次性的) 5._products_(product)As busy people,we are always looking for ways that can make our lives 6._easy_(简单的)For example,we use paper plates,plastic cups and so on.7._Besides_,advertisements try to make us believe that the newer,the better.This makes us thirsty for the 8._newest_(new) products.So we always throw away old things which may be still 9._used_(use) and buy new ones.Luckily,the government has realized the importance of protecting the environment.We are encouraged to save materials.Instead of throwing away the old things,we can repair them.So we are supposed to repair our possessions and change our ideas about 10._spending_(spend) habits.This may be the best way to reduce the rubbish and take care of our environment.四、(xx扬州中考改编)完成句子。Beyond its influence on health,not getting enough sleep can lead to car accidents or other mistakes.Here are what sleep researchers have found about how to sleep.How much sleep do we actually need?(A)It_is_known_that_all_of_us_naturally_need_no_less_than_eight_hours_of_sleep_per_night.When we sleep below six hours per 24,were at an increased risk of health problems.(B)有些人认为我们可以在周末弥补失去的时间。 Sadly,there is no storage system for sleep in the brain.Can we train ourselves to need less sleep?As a study in 1964,a 17yearold boy named Randy Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours.How many people could do anything close to that without dying?When you are reading this,you might say you usually get six hours of sleep and feel just fine.Sleep experts often compare people without enough sleep to drunk drivers:They dont get behind the wheel thinking theyre probably going to kill someone.Can we drink coffee instead of sleeping?(C)_can,awake,keep,coffee,us._Remember,too much coffee may throw off our sleep and energy cycles.So limit coffee and avoid caffeine for four to six hours before bedtime.Does a sense of purpose connect to sleep quality?(D)A new research suggests a_kind_of_strong_connection_between_purpose_in_life_and_sleepPeople who have a greater sense of purpose usually have better physical and mental health,which in turn explains their higherquality sleep.Perhaps developing a sense of purpose in life could be as useful at improving sleep as the healthy habits above.1英译汉。请将(A)句译成中文。_众所周知我们每晚需要至少8小时的睡眠。_2汉译英。根据(B)处中文提示写出英语句子。(每空一词)Some of us think we can _make_ _up_ any of those hours lost during the week on weekends.3连词成句。请将(C)处的单词连成意义完整的句子。_Coffee_can_keep_us_awake._4句子提问。请就(D)句的画线部分提问。_What_ _does_ the new research suggest?5从文中找出与“People without enough sleep would insist that they were fine when reading this.”意思相同或相近的句子。_When_you_are_reading_this,you_might_say_you_usually_get_six_hours of_sleep_and_feel_just_fine.五、书面表达某校进行了“你最喜欢的课堂学习方法”的调查。结果表明,小组合作学习的方式最受同学们的欢迎。请你写一篇90词左右的有关小组合作学习的短文。文中不得出现真实的人名与校名,内容须包含以下三个方面:1小组合作学习的好处;2让你感受深刻的一次小组合作学习的经历;3小组合作学习的方法给你带来的收获。Studying in groups is becoming more and more popular.It has many advantages.For example,we can not only save time but also encourage each other when we study in groups.I still remember when I was in Grade 8,my physics was very poor.I had a really hard time with it.Once in class,I studied with some classmates together.I was very relaxed and asked my classmates a lot of questions about physics.I didnt feel stressed out at all.At last,I finished my homework by myself for the first time.How excited I was!Because of studying in groups,I am not worried about physics anymore.I get more confidence with my classmates help.It also gives me more chances to improve myself in many ways.


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