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基础知识 小测4一、单项填空。(5分)( )1. I hope we can fly to _ moon one day.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2. Xiao Shenyang says that _ job is to make people happy.A. his B. he C. him D. himself( )3. _ March 28, about 20 Chinese cities turned off lights of majo buildings for one hour.A. At B. In C. On D. Of( )4. Now the train service is very good. The trains are _on time.A. hardly B. always C. never D. sometimes( )5. Helen has two sisters and a brother. Her brother is working, but _her sisters are still at school.A. neither B. either C. all D. both二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(7分)1. This is one of the _ (big) rabbits in the world. He eats 12 carrots, six apples and two cabbages every day.2. My neighbor Helen never talks to me. She is so _(friendly).3. As we know, Zhang Jay is famous for the different _ (shape) of mountains.4. David is good at drawing and hes going to be a _ (art) when he grows up.5. The _ (wonder) ocean is the largest habit in the world.6. If people dont have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry _(easy)7. He could dress _(he) when he was 5 years old.三、短文动词填空 (8分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词When Liu Xiang dreams, he dreams of gold. When Guo Jingjing dreams, she dreams of gold, too. But neither of them is dreaming of money. They 1_ (dream) of the Gold Medals they want to win at the Olympics in Beijing in xx. Both of these wonderful athletes have been dreaming of gold for a long time. Their dreams began when they were children. They loved sport and they had a childs dream of 2_ (become) Olympic athletes. As they got older and had training harder, the dream came within their reach (能及的范围). In 2004, both Liu Xiang and Guo Jingjing 3_ (win) Olympic gold medals and their dream came true. Now, Beijing gold is in their dreams.Every success 4_ (begin) with a dream. Every successful person is a dreamer. They dream of what they want 5_ (achieve) and then begin working towards achieving that dream. On the way, troubles 6_ (meet) by them. Sometimes, their dream doesnt come true. But working towards that dream has taught them about themselves and about life and, as a result, they7_(succeed) in becoming strong, independent (独立的) people. People often say,” If you dream it and believe it, it8_(come) true. 答案: 1._2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _

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