广东省揭阳市七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina(第2课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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广东省揭阳市七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina(第2课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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广东省揭阳市七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina(第2课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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广东省揭阳市七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina(第2课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 1 My names GinaThe Second PeriodSection A(2a-2d)I. Teaching aims1.Master the key words:his, and, her, yes, she, he, no, not 2. Get students to greet people using the target language.Whats your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is 3. Be able to introduce yourself and others.4. Lead students to be warm and polite.II. Key points1. Master the key words and expressions.2. Be able to greet each other using the target language.3. Be able to introduce yourself and others.4. Master the use of verb be. Difficult point:The use of my,your,his,her.III. Teaching aidsMultimedia/A tape recorder/A blackboardIV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Review 1.Get students ready for learning. Greeting (Say hello between the teacher and the Ss)2.Review introductionT: Good morning. Im Cherry. Whats your name?S: Im Xu Dong./My name is Nice to meet you.T: Nice to meet you ,too.Step 2 Presentation1. Present new words.2. Do 2a. Ask students to look at the pictures in 2a and guess what people are doing in these pictures. Listen to the conversations and number the pictures. After that, check the answers. Step 3 Practice 1. Do 2b.(1)Listen again. Circle the names you hear. The first name is done for you.Play the recording. Students listen and circlethe names they hear. Then check the answers. (2) Listen and complete the conversations.Conversation 1:E: Hello. _ your name?A: _ Alice.E: _ Eric.A: _.Conversation 2:T: Whats _ name?G: _ Eric.T: And whats _ name?G: _ Alice.Conversation 3:B: Excuse me, _ Eric?E: Yes, _ . Are you Mike?B: No, _. _ Bob. Nice to meet you.E: _.2. 2c.(1) Call attention to the two conversations in the box. Ask one pair to act out the first one. Tell them to use their own names. Ask another pair to act out the second one. Have them point to a boy or a girl when they ask the questions: Whats his name/Whats her name?(2) Let students work in pairs to practice the two conversations. As students work, move around the classroom, monitoring the conversations and offering assistance if necessary.(3) Have several pairs of students present their conversations to the class.Step 4 Consolidation 1. Explain some language points. 2. Do some exercises.3. Do 2d. (1) Ask Ss to look at the picture in 2d. Then Ss listen to the dialogue and answer the questions: How many people are there in the conversation? Who are they? (2) Divide the Ss into groups of four. Let them practice the dialogue in their group. (3) Now close your book and complete the conversation. Good afternoon! _ Linda. _ Helen? Yes, _. Nice to meet you, Linda. Nice to meet you, too. _ name? _ Jane. _ Jack? No, _. _ Mike.4.Role play the conversation of 2d.Step 5 Summary 1. Review new words and structures.2.Assign homework:Review the words and expressions in this section;Practice the conversation of 2d;Preview Section C-1a.V. Blackboard designUnit 1 My names Gina.Section A(2a-2d)1.Whats his name? his2.Whats her name? and 3. Are you Helen? Yes, I am. her 4.Is he Jack? -No, he isnt. yes she, he, no, notTeaching reflection:


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