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xx-2019学年高二英语10月月考试题(英才、育才)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分。)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分。)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Mr. Jackson lived in the centre of London but he had a hotel near the airport. There a lot of foreigners stayed for night. He didnt know any other language but English and he found it difficult for him to understand the foreign visitors. Sometimes he had to use the body language to “talk” with them, and tried his best to make himself understood. But he was often misunderstood and it brought him a lot of trouble. A friend of his who learned a few foreign languages in a university would teach him. He was happy and studied hard. At first he learned some, but soon he found it wasnt easy to remember the words and expressions. His friend advised him to write down the useful expressions in his notebook so that he could use them when necessary. He did as he was told. He found it helpful for him to do so. One evening there were plenty of people in the dining room. They were all busy eating something except a Japanese. He was walking around there and waiting for his wife who was dressing herself up upstairs. Mr. Jackson thought to himself, “The man wants to eat something but he doesnt know any English. Let me help him.” As he knew only a little Japanese, he had to bring out his notebook and showed it to the man, pointing to the sentence “Im hungry”.The Japanese had a look at it and gave him two pounds and left. 1. Mr. Jackson knew only English because_ . A. he was an English student B. he had never been abroad C. he couldnt learn by himself D. he hadnt studied any foreign languages 2. As not all foreigners understood his gestures, sometimes Mr. Jackson _ to municate with them. A. succeeded B. feared C. failed D. gave up 3. The Japanese thought _ , so he gave him two pounds. A. Mr. Jackson was a beggar (乞丐) B. Mr. Jackson was a translator C. Mr. Jackson could help him D. Mr. Jackson could ring his wife upBSharing E Umbrella, a new umbrella sharing pany based in Shenzhen, China, recently announced that it had lost most of the 300, 000 umbrellas since it was set up.Chinas sharing economy has been growing rapidly, with panies offering anything from bicycles and basketballs to phone batteries for people to rent. Customers make a small deposit(押金)and get to use the thing for a daily cost, with a fine put in place for every day if they fail to return the product in time. Its a simple business model, and market data shows that people see sharing as a cheap and convenient way to cut down waste.Zhao Shuping founded the Sharing E Umbrella, an umbrella sharing service, in April. By the end of June, he had already started in 11 major Chinese cities, including Shanghai, Nanjing and Guangzhou. While picking up the umbrellas was relatively simple, as they were made available(可得到的)at bus and subway stations, the return system turned out to be a different matter. Umbrellas are different from bicycles, Mr. Zhao told Chinese news site ThePaper.cn. Bikes can be parked anywhere, but with an umbrella you need something to hang it on. So instead of bothering to return the umbrellas back to a station, a lot of people just took them home, and Sharing E Umbrella has reportedly lost track of most of the 300,000 umbrellas. Considering that borrowing umbrellas requires a 19 yuan deposit, with a fee of 0.50 yuan per half an hour usage, Zhao says that he suffers a loss of 60 yuan per lost umbrella, so the pany is now in the red, but he is not ready to stop it just yet. Zhao announces that Sharing E Umbrella still plans to roll out(推出)30 million nationwide by the end of the year.4. What do we know about Sharing E Umbrella?A. It makes people learn to help each other.B. It needs people to make a small deposit first.C. It developed faster in the western countries.D. It produces more waste and causes disorder.5. What problem did Sharing E Umbrella meet after it was founded?A. The pany had no money to produce umbrellas.B. Umbrellas are not allowed to hang anywhere.C. Lots of customers didnt give the umbrellas back.D. People refuse to pay deposit for the umbrellas.6. We can infer from the last paragraph that .A. Zhao has found a way to get the umbrellas backB. Zhao will continue his umbrella sharing serviceC. Most of Zhaos panies have been closedD. Sharing E Umbrella is a failure for Zhao.CHippos(河马)have always attracted peoples interest. Modern hippos in Walt Disney movies can dance lightly. A stone hippo in a 13th-century church in France has wings. And in ancient Egyptian fairy tales, the hippo was a goddess that guided the dead to the afterworld.Despite their popular appeal, hippos, as well as other animals, have difficulty when their needs conflict with those of humans. The early Egyptians liked to hunt hippos for their teeth and because they were dangerous animals. Amulets(护身符)to protect babies from demons(恶魔)were made from hippo bones.About 4,000 years ago, there were so many hippos in Egypt that they caused serious crop damage. Egyptian farmers killed them routinely, and by the beginning of the 19th century, all the hippos in Africa had been killed.People used to see hippos fight in the arenas(角斗场)of ancient Rome. After the fall of the Roman Empire, hippos werent seen in Europe again until a few zoos began to exhibit them in the mid 1800s.All the various uses and abuses of hippos through the centuries have made their population fall greatly. Where they do occur, mostly in national parks, they live in such high density that they make the grasslands bare. This causes other grass-eating animals to go farther for food, and hippos, which cant live far from water, destroy their own feeding grounds. 7. In Africa, hippos became extinct _.A. around the 1850sB. in the 13th centuryC. about 4,000 years agoD. in the early 19th century8. Apart from protecting crops, whats the main reason for people to kill hippos?A. To save other animals.B. To satisfy personal demands.C. To look for guidance after death.D. To follow the routine established by the Egyptians.9. The underlined word in the last paragraph can be replaced by _.A. concentration B. altitude C. level D. temperature10. What problems do hippos lead to?A. They eat up the grass in their habitats.B. They always destroy other animals food.C. They stop other animals from drinking water. D. They grow too quickly for the land to support. 第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。(请将答案涂在71-75处)A research has discovered that your gift for happiness is determined by your genes to a large degree. 11 . We can do this by overing negative emotions and developing positive emotions.Strategy 1: 12 The first step is to make a choice to be happy. In Seeking Happiness, Bertrand Russell said, “Happiness must be an achievement rather than a gift of the gods, and in this achievement, effort must play a great part.”Once youve decided to be happier, you can choose strategies for achieving happiness.Strategy 2: Develop gratitude.In Authentic Happiness, psychologist Martin Seligman encourages readers to perform a daily “gratitude exercise”. 13 Strategy 3: Remember, money cant buy happiness.Research shows: 14 . Yes, “we always think that some things are wrong because they cannot bring us happiness,” writes Daniel Gilbert in Stumbling on Happiness.Strategy 4: Take part in meaningful activities.“People are seldom happier,” says Jackson, “than when theyre doing meaningful activities”. Yet, he has found that the most mon leisure(休闲)activity watching TV produces some of the lowest levels of happiness. 15 Active leisure that helps a person grow does not e easily, he writes in Finding Flow.A. Choose to be happy.B. Achieve happiness.C. To get more out of life, we need to put more into it.D. Yet, psychologists believe we can pursue happiness.E. Happiness is decided by a good many aspects.F. More money doesnt necessarily bring extra happiness.G. This shifts people away from bitterness, and promotes happiness.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When I was 13 my only purpose was to bee the star on our football team. That meant 16 Miller King, who was the best 17 at our school.Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my football everywhere for 18 .Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from 19 . He looked very 20 , but he didnt cry.That season, I 21 all of Millers records while he 22 the home games from the bench. We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player, 23 I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Millers 24 .One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller 25 going over a fencewhich wasnt 26 to climb if you had both arms. Im sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept 27 from. But even that challenge he accepted. I 28 him move slowly over the fence. When we were finally 29 on the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didnt tell you this during the season, but you did 30 .Thank you for filling in for 31 .” His words freed me from my bad 32 . I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was 33 ahead of me. I was right to have 34 him. From that day on, I grew 35 and a little more real.16.A. cheering for B. beating out C. relying on D. staying with17.A.coach B. student C. teacher D. player18.A.practice B. show C. fort D. pleasure19.A.school B. vacation C. hospital D. training20.A. pale B. calm C. relaxed D. ashamed21.A. held B. broke C. set D. tried22.A.reported B. judged C. organized D. watched23.A.and B. then C. but D. thus24.A. decision B. mistake C. accident D. sacrifice25.A.stuck B. hurt C. tired D. lost26.A. steady B. hard C. fun D. fit27.A.praise B. advice C. assistance D. apology28.A.let B. helped C. had D. noticed29.A. dropped B. ready C. trapped D. safe30.A.fine B. wrong C. quickly D. normally31.A. us B. yourself C. me D. them32.A.memories B. ideas C. attitudes D. dreams33.A.still B. also C. yet D. just34.A. challenged B. cured C. invited D. admired35.A.healthier B. bigger C. cleverer D. cooler第 II 卷第一部分单词拼写(根据所给中文写出单词的适当形式,共10分,每题1分, 满分10分)36.I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around _(好奇地).37. Tony _(接近)Julia ,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!38. Smiles around the world can be false, hiding other feelings like _(生气),fear or worry.39.With all these _(有吸引力的事物),no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.40.Dollywood is one of the most _(独一无二的)theme parks in the world.41.If driving, Futuroscope is within easy reach of the _(高速公路).42. The second suggested people _(吸收)this disease into their bodies with their meals.43.He had not _(预见)this , so he made further investigations.44.He found that it came from the river _(污染)by the dirty water from London.45. His friends were enthusiastic and encouraged him to publish his idea, but Copernicus was _(谨慎的).第二部分 英语知识运用第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。If you travel or go abroad, its necessary to mix with the locals. This allows you 46. _ (put) your language skills to the test and find out more about the local culture. 47. _ (live) abroad for a long time, Ive put together 48. _ list of tips to help you make friends in a foreign country.Firstly, say yes to everything (within reason). Obviously, if you dont feel 49. _ease, you can choose not to do something. However, dont put off trying something new. The group of students from your class who invite you out for a coffee might end up 50. _ (be) your friends for life!Secondly, find a hobby or try something 51. _ (entire) new. Join a dance class, a walking club, or learn to cook the local food-the possibilities are endless!Thirdly, get out of the house! Hours 52. _ (spend) in front of a puter with family and friends back home surely make you even more homesick. Make the most of the new and exciting place you live in.Lastly, dont be a wallflower. When surrounded by people speaking an unfamiliar language, you may feel it difficult to be 53. _ (confidence) and involve 54. _ (you) in conversations. Even so try to make your voice heard. Its very likely 55. _you will find everyone wants to know everything about you.张掖二中xx第一学期月考试卷(10月)高二英语(英才、育才)答案一阅读理解A篇1-3 DCA语篇解读:记叙文,话题:身势语1.D 从第一段最后一句“He didnt know any other language but English and he found it difficult for him to understand the foreign visitors.”可以看出他没有学过任何一门外语2. C 纵观全文可知Mr Jackson有时不能正确地和外国朋友交谈3. A从最后一句“The Japanese had a loot at it and gave him two pounds and left.”很清楚地点出答案B篇:4-6 BCB 语篇解读:政治经济文化类阅读,共享经济遇尴尬,共享雨伞不翼而飞。4.B.细节理解题。由第二段Customers make a small deposit(押金)and get to use the thing for a daily cost, with a fine put in place for every day if they fail to return the product in time.可知实用共享雨伞需要押金,不及时还回去会罚款。5.C. 由最后一段第一句So instead of bothering to return the umbrellas back to a station, a lot of people just took them home, and Sharing E Umbrella has reportedly lost track of most of the 300,000 umbrellas可知人们不把伞还回该放得地方,而是带回家。6.B根据赵所说“Considering that borrowing umbrellas requires a 19 yuan deposit, with a fee of 0.50 yuan per half an hour usage, Zhao says that he suffers a loss of 60 yuan per lost umbrella, so the pany is now in the red, but he is not ready to stop it just yet.”虽然公司遇到了问题,但是并没打算停止投放共享雨伞。C篇7-10 DBAA语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了河马的历史、现状及生活习性解答7D细节理解题根据第三段中的and by the beginning of the 19th century,all the hippos in Africa had been killed可知,19世纪初,非洲的河马几乎被捕杀殆尽,故D项正确8B 细节理解题根据第二段中的The early Egyptians liked to hunt hippos for their teeth and because they were dangerous animalsAmulets to protect babies from demons were made from hippo bones可知,人们捕杀河马是受个人利益的驱使,故B项正确9A 词义猜测题根据画线词前的Where they do occur,mostly in national parks,及画线词后的that they make the grasslands bare可知,生活在动物高度集中的空间里以致很快草地就变得光秃秃了,故可知画线词词义为集中,故A项正确10A 细节理解题根据最后一段中的they make the grasslands bare可知,河马会吃光栖息地里的草,故A项正确二七选五 11-15 DAGFC三、完形:考点:生活故事类短文阅读【答案】16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.D 23.C 24.C 25.A26.B 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.A 31.C 32.D 33.A 34.D 35.B分析文章讲述了一个与足球有关的故事作者想成为球队里最棒的球员,并向最优秀的球员Miller看齐为了实现梦想,作者刻苦训练,在Miller受伤之后,作者脱颖而出,成为最有价值的球员作者的表现也得到了Miller认可16B考查动词短语辨析Acheering for 为欢呼;Bbeating out 打败;Crelying on 依靠;Dstaying with 和待在一起根据bee the star on our football team可知,要想成为球队里的明星,就要打败最优秀的球员,故选B17D考查名词辨析Acoach教练;Bstudent学生;Cteacher教师;Dplayer选手,球员全校最好的球员是Miller King,故选D18A考查名词辨析Apractice练习;Bshow演出,表现,节目;Cfort安慰;Dpleasure乐趣作者随身带着足球是为了练习,故选A19C考查名词辨析Aschool学校;Bvacation假期;Chospital医院;Dtraining训练Miller意外受伤,失去了右臂,作者在他出院后去看他,故选C20A考查形容词辨析Apale苍白的;Bcalm平静的;Crelaxed放松点;Dashamed羞耻的,惭愧的根据but he didnt cry可知,Miller的情况不太乐观,故选A21B考查动词辨析Aheld握住;Bbroke打破;Cset创立,开创;Dtried尝试根据records记录可知,作者破了Miller的纪录,故选B22D考查动词辨析Areported报告;Bjudged 判断;Corganized组织;Dwatched观看while he 22 the home games from the bench受伤后的Miller坐在长凳上观看比赛,故选D23C考查并列连词Aand和;Bthen然后;Cbut但是;Dthus因此 I was named most valuable player和I often had crazy dreams 形成对比,作者虽然被封为最有价值球员,但是他总是做噩梦,故选C24C考查名词辨析Adecision决定;Bmistake错误;Caccident事故;Dsacrifice牺牲让作者感到内疚的是,仿佛是自己应该为Miller的事故负责,作者觉得有点胜之不武,故选C25A考查形容词辨析Astuck;Bhurt;Ctired劳累的;Dlost丢失的saw Miller 25 going over a fence作者看到Miller在翻篱笆,只有一只手臂的Miller翻篱笆很困难,因此应该是被卡在篱笆上了,故选A26B考查形容词辨析Asteady 稳定的;Bhard 困难的;Cfun有趣的;Dfit 合适的,健康的;此处是说手臂健全的人翻篱笆不费吹灰之力,故选B27C考查名词辨析Apraise 表扬;Badvice 建议;Cassistance 帮助;Dapology道歉作者认为Miller最不愿接受作者的帮助,the last 最不可能的,故选C28B考查动词辨析Alet让;Bhelped帮助;Chad 有,使;Dnoticed 注意到根据he accepted可知,Miller接受了作者的帮助,故选B29D考查形容词辨析Adropped;Bready准备好的;Ctrapped被困住的;Dsafe安全的作者和Miller两人成功翻过篱笆,故选D30A考查副词辨析Afine好的;Bwrong错误地;Cquickly迅速;Dnormally正常Miller认为作者表现得很好,故选A31C考查代词辨析Aus我们;Byourself 你自己; Cme我;Dthem他们Miller感谢作者填补了他的空缺,故选C32D考查名词辨析Amemories记忆;Bideas主意;Cattitudes态度;Ddreams梦想得到了Miller的认可之后,作者的噩梦也不见了踪影,故选D33A考副词辨析Astill仍然;Balso也;Cyet然而,还没;Djust刚刚,仅仅 由Damaged but not defeated可知Mille虽然受伤了,但却不会被打败,作者认为Miller仍然是最强的,故选A34D考查动词辨析Achallenged挑战;Bcured治愈;Cinvited邀请;Dadmired敬佩,赞赏,欣赏 此处是说,作者认为自己敬佩Miller是对的,故选D35B考查形容词比较级Ahealthier更健康的;Bbigger更大的,更重要的,更成功的;Ccleverer更聪明的;Dcooler更酷的,更凉的从那天起,作者长大了许多,更重视自己的存在了,故选B四单词拼写36.curiously 37.approached 38.anger 39.attractions 40.unique41.freeway 42.absorbed 43.foreseen 44.polluted 45. cautious五语法填空46.to put 47Having lived 48a 49at 50being51entirely 52spent 53Confident 54yourself 55that六 短文改错I was real sad when I found my bicycle went wrong again. Tired of repairing it again reallyand again, I decided buy a new one. After school, I went to a shop locating in the center of to locatedthe city with a friend called Jack. The black bicycle attracted my eyes as soon as we went into Athe store. It looked so cool that I could hardly wait to ride it. The shopkeepers told us that it shopkeeperwas the latest bicycle.He wanted to charge me for 800 yuan, that was too high for me. I just couldnt afford 去掉 whichsuch an expensive one. Then I choose another one, which cost him only 200 yuan. It chose mewas not perfect, so it was much better than the old one. but七书面表达 Zhangye, with a long history ,located in the Northwest of China, is about 600km from Lanzhou. Zhangye is an ancient city along the Silk Road, which is also an important transport hub on the Economic Belt of “One Belt and One Road ”nowadays. The citys total area is 42,000 square kilometers, including one district of Ganzhou and five counties . It has a population of 1.3 million. There are many fantastic tourist attractions in Zhangye, among which Zhangye national Danxia geological park enjoys the great reputations all over the world. The unique shapes and rich colors make a deep impression on the tourists. In addition, with its beautiful scenery, Zhangye national wetland park is an ideal place for amusement. When it es to its local food ,I really want to remend ganzhou street and fanggu street which are full of local special food. Why not give it a try ? Your trip to Zhangye is sure to be enjoyable and worthwhile.

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