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2019年三年级英语第二学期单元练习1Class No. Name Mark 题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分学生对测验结果的自评教师激励性评价和建议一听老师读单词或短语三次,将所读内容的大写字母编号写在相应图下的括号内。(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听老师读句子三次,选出所提及的信息,把其字母编号写在前面的括号内。(10分)( ) 1. A. grandfather B. mother C. grandmother( ) 2. A. Ben B. Janet C. Sally( ) 3. A. tree B. family tree C. farm( ) 4. A. uncle B. aunt C. on( ) 5. A. tall lady B. old lady C. old man( ) 6. A. beautiful B. short C. pretty( ) 7. A. big horns B. big bull C. big pigs( ) 8. A. some goats B. some horses C. some dogs( ) 9 A. a turtle and a frog B. a turtle and a dogC. a cat and a frog( ) 10. A. three legs and a short tail B. four legs and long tail C. four legs and a short tail三、听老师读短语三次,判断老师所读的短语是否与图一致,如果一致请在括号内写,否则写。(12分)( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )四、听老师读句子三次,把相应的信息用线连起来。(9分)motherdaughtersister husband wifegrandfather 五、听老师读句子三次,选出正确的答句。(9分)( ) 1. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes. I am.( ) 2. A. No, it isnt. B. No, Im not. C. No, I dont.( ) 3. A. They are dogs. B. Hes Jim. C. They are my cousin.( ) 4. A. Shes my sister. B. Hes my brother. C. Thats my father.( ) 5. A. He has a bull. B. His name is Tango. C. Its a bull.( ) 6. A. No, but I have some sheep. B. Yes. I have some pigs. C. No, but I have some cows.六、看图、仿照例子写出下列动物的英语名称。(10分)1. a bull 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. a 10. a 七、阅读左边的短语,找出右边与它相对应的图,用线连接起来。(5分)a tall manan old womana pretty girlfour catssix chickens八、看图,选择相应的描述句子,把其字母编号写在括号里。(10分) )1. A . Whos that beautiful lady? Shes Miss White.B. Whos the man? Hes Mr Chen.( )2. A . The lady is tall.B. The lady is short.( )3. A . This is a sheep.B. Theyre sheep.( )4. A . Ben has a ball.B. Ben has two balls.( )5. A . Who is he?B. Who are they?九、看图,阅读句子,选择恰当的词填空。(5分)fathermother sistersonbrother1John is Jim and Lindas .2Jim is Lindas .3Linda is Ben and Janets .4Ben is Davids .5Janet is Bens .十、单元形成性评价表。(20分)(具体操作及评分标准另附)项目评价内容评价形式占分比例得分口语部分本单元相关学习内容:课文朗读/背诵,情景对话/表演,小诗/歌谣/歌曲的诵读或演唱等。自 评5分同学评5分学习行为课堂学习表现。小组评3分课后(在家)学习表现。家长评3分英语作业。教师评4分听力朗读材料单元一(Module 1- Module 2)一听老师读单词或短语三次,将所读内容的大写字母编号写在相应图下的括号内。A. a chicken B. a bull C. a duck D. two sheep E. a goat F. a horse G. a frog H. a goldfish I. a turtle J. three pigs二、听老师读句子三次,选出所提及的信息,把其字母编号写在前面的括号内。1. Shes my grandmother.2. Whos Ben?3. Its my family tree.4. Is Jim your uncle?5. Whos the old lady with grey hair?6. Lucys very pretty.7. It has big horns.8. I have some horses.9. She has a turtle and a frog.10. Look, it has four legs and a short tail.三、听老师读短语三次,判断老师所读的短语是否与图一致,如果一致请在括号内写,否则写。1a slim woman 2. a beautiful girl 3. an old man4. a strong man 5. a cute baby 6. a short girl四、听老师读句子三次,把相应的信息用线连起来。1. My mother has a dog and a cat. 2. My daughter has some geese.3. My sister has two rabbits. 4. My husband has a turtle.5. My wife has a horse. 6. My grandfather has two frogs.五、听老师读句子三次,选出正确的答句。1. Is Jim your uncle?2. Is her hair long?3. Who are the children?4. Whos the short girl with black hair?5. Whats that?6. Do you have any cows?小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 6 页 共 6 页


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