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2019-2020学年高一英语上学期期中(11月)试题第一部分听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个话题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.When will the train arrive? A.At 9:20.B.At 9:25.C.At 9:35.2.What does the woman mean? A.She will be too busy to take the notes.B.She will help the man to take notes.C.She will lend the man what he wants.3.Why isnt Susan ing to the party?A.She doesnt like parties.B.She has to look after Peter. C.She has been seriously ill.4.What can we learn from the dialogue?A.The man is very busy at the moment. B.The man will help the woman in the afternoon.C.The man will help the woman at once.5.What kind of music does the woman like best?A.Pop music.B.Classical music.C.Light music.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读每个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What does the man want the woman to do?A.Repair the TV.B.Turn on the TV.C.Turn off the TV.7.Where does the woman ask the man to go?A.To the bedroom.B.To the garden.C.To his office.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.When will the man probably go to Africa?A.This winter.B.This month.C.Next year.9.How many people went to Africa with the woman?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.Who is the man probably?A.He is a salesman.B.He is Toms teacher. C.He is the womans husband.11.What do we know about Tom?A.He likes leather shoes.B.He likes doing sports,such as running.C.Tom has worn out a pair ofshoes in one month.12.What kind of shoes will the woman probably buy for Tom?A.Tennis shoes.B.Leather shoes.C.Iron shoes.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.How many members does the International Friends Club have now?A.About 50.B.About 30.C.About 15.14.What activity does the club have on Thursday evenings?A.A sports event.B.A get-together meal. C.A language class.15.What days language evening should the woman go to?A.Friday.B.Wednesday.C.Tuesday.16.What do we know about the woman?A.She wants to find a job there.B.She has many friends there.C.Sheis new there.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.When did the Mall ofAmerica open?A.In 1965.B.In 1992.C.In 1996.18.What can we learn about the Mall ofAmerica?A.Each year about 4 billion people visit it.B.Most customers e from places nearby.C.It is just a place to shop and eat.19.What is the biggest part of the Mall ofAmerica?A.Shopping.B.Eating.C.Entertainment.20.What was the Nickelodeon Universe?A.An indoor theme park.B.An aquarium.C.A shopping center.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEventsLong March exhibitThe Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60thanniversary of the Long March. On show are more than 220 photos and 40 items that explain with pictures how the munist Red Army drew back from its besieged(被围困的)bases in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shanxi province in the mid-1930s. Explanations are all in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.Time: 10:00 am4:00 pm.Address: 1286 Hongqiao RoadAdmission: 8 Yuan for Chinese/ 15 Yuan for foreignersThai elephantsEight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a beam, dancing and blowing a mouth-organ. People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war(拔河比赛)with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at 1:30 pm at weekends. The show will end on November 15.Address: 189 Daduhe RoadAdmission: 30-40 YuanDancing dolphinsDolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and doing math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea lions also perform.Hours: 10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pmAdmission: 20 Yuan for adults and 10 Yuan for children.21. If you go to visit the Long March exhibit with an Australian, how much will you pay altogether for the admission? A. 16 yuan B. 23 yuan C. 30 yuan D. 20 yuan22. At the exhibition, you will see _.A. many articles written by famous writersB. many things left by the Red ArmyC. books on the Long MarchD. many photos and pictures about the Long March.23.Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants? A. Riding bicycles. B. Blowing a mouth-organ C. Doing math D. Having a tug-of-war with people.24. The dolphinarium in Peace Park is a hall where you can see_.A. not only dolphins but also seals and sea lions perform B. only seals and sea lions perform C. only dolphins perform D. only seals performTheres something about Minot that Im always going to carry with me. When it got hit last year by the worst flooding in its history, there was this feeling of helplessness. Youjustwatched this water slowly rise and flood the city. It was heartbreaking. But this is a munity of people that are extremely strong and not afraid to roll uptheirsleeves and work to get it back to normal.Ive tried to bring as much awareness to Minot as I can, and raise as much money as I can. We held a concert last year,where my wife singer Fergie talked her band the Black Eyed Peas into ing in and doing a benefit concert. From it we raised $2 million towards the rebuilding effort, which was really cool. We won a contest for Oak Park as well, to start rebuilding on that.Roosevelt Park Zoo is one of my oldest memories. Irememberhaving a birthday party there as a kid. We used to go to look at the monkeys and other animals inthesummer when it was open. But after last years flood, it was almost washed away, and theyve got go start from scratch. I think the $25,000 dollars is a great start, but were going to have to raise alot more to get it back to right. Luckily,themunity itself is developing, so its just a matter of those doing whatever they can to helpthe munity to get it back to normal. However, its going to be a number of years for a third of the homes were lost. That will take a long time to heal, and if anyone in the world can get through it, its the people in Minot.25. The author helped Minot fight against the flood by_.A. raising money for it through various activitiesB. donating as much money as the couldC. calling for the peoples awareness to stay calmD. asking his wifes band to play to fort the people26. The author helped rebuild Roosevelt Park Zoo mainly because_.A. it was important for the childrenB. many performances were held thereC. it was destroyed the mostseriouslyby the floodD.it reminded him of his happy childhood27. Which of the following did the author show to us in the text?A. The ways of helping each other inthefloodB. His deep love to his hometownC. The difficulty of rebuilding homes in his hometownD. His worry about the future life of the people in MinotCMore than one-third of adults in the United States are obese(肥胖). In fact, over obesity has reached such proportions that one big-city mayor has gone about banning large-sized, sugary soft drinks and the First Lady has been on a campaign to control the dietary offerings in public schools.Even many adults who do not fit the clinic definition of obesity are still overweight, and a large percentage are looking for the best ways to lose weight.Reducing pounds largely es down to the two-sided factors of diet and exercise. Not carrying out the first one enough, and not getting enough of the second one, ends up giving the individual a recipe for being overweight.Advising someone to eat less and exercise more might be the easiest advice possible, but its also, partially, an oversimplification. Dieting has more to do with the types of food you eat than how much you eat. Reduce the amount of red meat in your diet. If you dont want to eliminate red meat altogether, choose cuts of meat with less fat content. Limit your intake of salt and starches. If youve got to have potato chips alongside your sandwich at lunch, choose the baked potato chips that contain less fat than the deep-fried chips. You might find youre really not sacrificing that much in terms of taste.A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, egg whites, fish and nonfat dairy products will certainly aid in the mission of losing weight. Drink more water and less sugary drinks. If you have to have a soda, a diet soda is a better option, but seltzer is an even better choice than that.Its importantif not always easyto make sure you get at least some physical activity each and every day. If your feet wont allow for a regular jogging regimen, then make sure you take lots of walks. Next time you need to mail a letter, walk to the mailbox instead of driving. Try to work in a daily walk in your neighborhood.28.You should when you want to lose weight.A. diet as well as exercise enoughB. try not to fit the clinic definition of obesityC. get little exercise every dayD. focus your attention on diet only29The First Lady has started a movement to .A. raise peoples awareness of healthy dietB. control the public school dietary supplyingC. ban the sugary soft drinksD. realize the importance of dieting30What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?A.We must keep far away from fat and ignore our taste.B.The simplest and best way to lose weight is to eat and exercise more.C.We should remove the red meat in our diet pletely to reduce weight.D.When it es to diet, no one needs to starve themselves in order to lose weight.31The last paragraph is mainly about .A. walkB. DietC. exerciseD. JogDThe Top 4 Lies Girls Hear1.Youll never be good at math.Its generally accepted that boys are good at math while girls arent.The fact is that it isnt trueatleast,it doesnt have to be.When girls reach their teens,most of them lose their interest in math.Theyre trying to be regarded as female(女性).They want to stay away from things that are boythings,and math is still considered a boy thing. Math class is hard,but if you gave it a chance youcould be great at math,especially because you are a girl.2.Being skinny is good,and how you diet is your business.Lots of web sites tellvisitors that losing interest in eating is a beautiful thing.These skinny is bettersites are lying.Losing interest in eating is a disease,not a fashion statement.It can kill you.3.“You dont deserve(应得,值得)to make as much money as a guy.”Its said that in xx women who work full-time earn about 23 percent less than guys earn.Once yousee real women succeeding in cool jobs,youll truly get that youre worth just as much asor morethan any guys.4.Caffeine(咖啡因)will help you study better.Caffeinated soft drinks have long been advertised as must-haves when you have to work very hard.But if you want to do your body a big favor,youd better give up caffeine altogether.32.Why do girls lose their interest in math?A.Because they dont realize the importance of math.B.Because math class is too hard for girls.C.Because they arent interested in the things which are considered boy things.D.Because girls are not as clever as boys.33.The word skinny means.A.pretty B.strong C.tall D.thin34.Supposing in xx a man earns $20,000,how much will a woman doing the same job probably get?A.$10,000 B.$15,000 C.$20,000 D.$25,00035.Which of the statement is NOT true?A.Being skinny is good for girls health.B. Girls sometimes can do better than boys in math.C.Girls can earn as much money as boys do.D.Caffeine can make people feel more excited.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分。)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 How To Bee SmarterThere are three things that will get you ahead in life: Good looks, smarts and being considered as being smart. The first is God-given. 36 In this article we explore some different ways to bee smarter.Go to college, and get an education. 37 It means that you will have been exposed to many different ideas and hopefully you will have learned how to think. Being able to think outside the box and for yourself are features smart people possess.Read books and educational magazine. 38 Educational magazines such as Discovery or National Geographic are a wealth of knowledge that you can share with others, thus making you sound very smart. If you do watch television, try watching something where you can learn such as the History Channel, Discovery etc. Expand your vocabulary. Try to learn one new word a week. It does not seen like much, but adding 52 new word to your vocabulary will make you appear much smarter. Subscribing to vocabulary. is a good start. 39 This way you are actually getting 365 words a year, but that is usually more than most people can absorb. 40 Uneducated people and people not considered as being smart tend to do this. They hear an outrageous(骇人的) claim and they repeat it to the nearest ear. You can do much harm to your quest for being smart if you are known for giving bad information.A. That is my exact point.B. And unluckily most of us are not good-looking.C. You will have a new word sent to your e-mail address daily.D. The programs actually provide you with information you can see.E. Reading books works the brain out more than viewing television.F. Do not repeat everything people tell you until you know that it is true.G. College does not necessarily mean you will be smarter, just educated.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分320分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Itstartedwithmyshirts.Theyweretoo 41.IthinkIwasfatterandIneededalifestyle42 .ButIdidntknowwheretostart.Atthetime,Ithought43 wastheanswer.Ihadtodosomethingthatwouldnot 44 toomuchtimeoutofmyday.Idecidedtostarttakingthestairs. Climbingstairs was a goodwayto exercise45 goingto agym.IkeptclimbingstairsandsoonIwasuptotwentyflightsofstairsperday.Althoughmyendurance(耐久力,持久力)increasedandIstartedtofeelmoreenergetic,Ididntlosemuch46 .After47itwithmywife,Idecidedtotakepartinaweightlossprogram.Istudieddifferentprograms,and decided on onethat was48 the most successful.The instructorhelpedme to 49where weightes from;it esfrom50withoutthinking.IfIdidntkeeptrackofwhatIate,Iatealotmore.SoIstartedwritingdowneverythingthatwentintomy51 .Ialsolearnedhowtomake52 choicesandreadnutritionlabels.Weweighedourselveseveryweek53 thathelpedmetostayontrack.Ibegantoseethateating 54 waslikestickingtoabudget.Ionlyhadsomanycaloriesto55eachday.Idecided that junk foodwasnt56 the price.Ibegantosee57 almostimmediately.Ilost10poundsinthefirstthreeweeks.I 58toarateoflosingabouttwopoundsaweek.AfterninemonthsIhadlost85poundsand14inchesoffmywaistline. Peoplewere59 at the change. Some saidIlookedyounger.Ifyoulearntheprinciplesofweightloss,andlivethose60 ,youwilllosetheexcesspounds.It takes work and discipline(纪律), but losingweight can bedone.41. A. tightB.looseC. shortD.long42. A. designB.changeC. hopeD. promise43. A. operationB. pressureC. exerciseD. education44. A. catchB. holdC. makeD.take45. A. withB. withoutC. byD.for46. A. moneyB.wayC. weightD. sweat47. A. arguingB.fightingC. persuadingD.discussing48. A. allowedB.consideredC. encouragedD. valued49. A. acceptB.developC. demandD. understand50. A. drinkingB. eatingC. buyingD. caring51. A. eyesB.pocketsC. mouthD. office52. A. easyB.generousC. healthyD.full53. A. andB. butC. orD.yet54. A. properlyB. possiblyC. carefullyD. patiently55. A. pourB. useC. reachD. collect56. A. receiveB.expectC. worthD. require57. A. marksB.resultsC. opinionsD. decisions58. A. stuckB.approachedC. attractedD. addicted59. A. annoyedB.disappointedC. worriedD. amazed60. A. rulesB. knowledgeC. experiencesD. methods第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置。Everyone seems _1_ (have) his or her own holiday. Dad has Fathers Day. Mom has Mothers Day. Children have Childrens Day. Lovers have Valentines Day. But is there a special day _2_ older people?Of course. The Chongyang Festival is the holiday _3_ Chinese people show love for their elders. Celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the festival4 (know) as the Double Ninth Festival. Nine is the _5_ (high) digit (数字), so it _6_ (regard) that the two together mean a long life.The festival es during _7_ golden time of autumn. The clear weather and the joy of harvest make for a happy atmosphere. On the day, people _8_ (traditional) climb a mountain and carry dogwood (茱萸). People in ancient times _9_ (believe) that the plant could drive away evil _10_ (spirit) and prevent people against cold in winter.第II卷第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Johnson,Imveryhappyto receiveyoure-mail on whichyou asked me aboutmylife.Id likesharemyexperience withyou. Asa Senior1 student,Iwasnow workingveryhard to preparefortheingfinal exam.Inclass,Ilisten to the teachers attentivelyand takenotescareful.Afterclass,Itake anactive part in various sports to keephealthy,thatisalso veryimportant for mystudy. Bothmyteachersandparentsgiveme manysupport. With theirhelp and encouragement,Ihavemadegreatprogresses so far, but Ihavebeen able to buildup myconfidence.Ihavedecided to attend thekeymedicaluniversity.I am sureIwill realizehis dream one day.Best wishes.Yours,Mary第二节书面表达 (满分25分)假定你是晨光中学的学生李华,你的美国笔友Chris现在在读高一,从他的来信中你获悉他与父母处理好关系越来越困难,他希望你回信就如何处理好跟父母亲的关系提几点建议并陈述理由。(100字左右)_xx下学期高一期中考试英语试卷答案听力:(每小题1.5分,共30分)01-05 CCBCB 06-10 CAABA 11-15 CAABA 15-20 CBBCA阅读理解:(每小题2分,共40分) 21-24 BDCA 25-27 ADB 28-31 ABDC 32-35CDBA36-40 BGECF 完形填空:(每小题1.5分,共30分) 4150ABCDBCDBDB5160CCAABCBADA语法填空:(每小题1.5分,共15分) 61 to have 62 for 63. when 64. is known 65. highest66. Is regarded 67.the 68.traditionally69.believed 70.spirits短文改错(每小题1分,共10分)1. on which-in which 2. like 后加to 3. was-am 4. careful-carefully 5. that-which 6. many-much 7. progresses-progress 8. but-and 9. the key-a key 10. his-my书面表达(25分)


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