(呼和浩特专用)2019中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(八)Modules 7-9(八上)习题.doc

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(呼和浩特专用)2019中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(八)Modules 7-9(八上)习题.doc_第1页
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(呼和浩特专用)2019中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(八)Modules 7-9(八上)习题.doc_第2页
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(呼和浩特专用)2019中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(八)Modules 7-9(八上)习题.doc_第3页
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课时训练(八) Modules 79(八上)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.xx泰州 Dangal(摔跤吧!爸爸), Indian film, has become one of most popular films in China.A.a; / B.a; the C.an; the D./; the2.xx无锡 Its not to be friendly.You have to be a friend.Go and talk to Sam.A.good enoughB.late enoughC.too goodD.too late 3.xx渝北改编 My classmates about the World Cup when our teacher in.A.talk; came B.talked; are coming C.are talking; were coming D.were talking; came4.xx达州 Whats the matter, Jack?I down while I on the ice. I got hurt badly.A.was felling; skated B.fell; was skating C.fell; skated D.was falling; skating5.xx德阳 Its too hot in the room. Youre supposed to your coat.A.go off B.take off C.turn off D.put off6.xx滨州 My grandparents live in an old apartment with floors and they are on the floor.A.fifth; three B.fifth; thirdC.five; three D.five; third7.xx广东 Two months ago, China tested its aircraft carrier(航空母舰) built completely on its own.A.one B.first C.the one D.the first 8.Daniel is a boy of few words.But , he is warm-hearted.A.in a hurry B.in fact C.in the end D.above all9.When you visit a museum, you should the instructions and dont be against them.A.compare with B.pay attention toC.look forward to D.try out10.xx莱芜 Riding Mobike is one of the best ways to exercise.I often do it.A.I disagree B.Thats true C.I dont think so D.Im afraid not.xx黄石 完形填空You should try to have a good relationship with your neighbours, because you never know 11 you may need their help.If they do something to annoy(让不高兴) you, it is 12 to discuss it in a polite way than to have an argument(争论) about it.For example, if your neighbours are playing loud music that you do not like, ask them politely to 13 the music instead of 14 the police directly for help.Trees and fences(围栏)can also be a 15 of disagreement between neighbours.My grandmother likes sitting 16 in the sun after lunch, but her neighbour has put up a high fence that 17 sunshine from going into her yard in the early afternoon.My grandmother does not want to be 18 with him, because he 19 her a lot of support when my grandfather died last year.So she went to talk with the neighbour in a friendly way.Then, her neighbour lowered the fence just enough to give her some sunshine 20 losing his privacy(私人空间).My grandmother cut down the tree that was above his garden and dropped leaves all over his lawn(草坪) in autumn.Finally, they reached an agreement which made both pleased.11.A.after B.before C.while D.when12.A.more B.best C.most D.better13.A.turn down B.turn up C.turn off D.turn on14.A.going B.shouting C.calling D.getting15.A.corner B.cause C.result D.message16.A.inside B.into C.outside D.onto17.A.stops B.opens C.shows D.steals18.A.lonely B.silly C.angry D.awful19.A.took B.carried C.bought D.gave20.A.within B.without C.along D.above.阅读判断正误This is a true story that happened in my childhood.One day, I was trying to catch a butterfly in a garden.I tried many times to catch it but couldnt succeed.Just then a man came and asked me, “Why are you trying to catch this butterfly?” I said innocently(天真地), “I like it.” Hearing this he held my wrist(手腕) hard.“Youre hurting me,” I said with tears in my eyes.“So you feel pain,” he said with a mischievous(不怀好意的) smile and held my wrist more tightly(更紧地).“Why are you doing this? Im hurting,” I said and started crying.“I want you to feel the pain you are trying to impose(强加于) on the butterfly,” he said and then released my wrist.“If you caught the butterfly, you would hurt it as I hurt you.So dont do this and let it go.”He kissed me on both cheeks, patted me on the head and went away.So I didnt catch the butterfly any more.Since then whenever I want to do something bad or I refuse to help a needy person,I think, “What if it happens to me?” Then I stop all my bad actions and do the right things.21.The writer was trying to catch a butterfly in a garden when he met a man.22.The man held the writers wrist to teach him how to catch the butterfly.23.The writer started crying when the man held his wrist more tightly.24.After the man left, the writer caught the butterfly.25.The mans behavior had a good influence on the writer.xx天水 日常对话Mother: You look a bit worried, Tim. 26. Son: I seem to be getting heavy these days.Mother: Thats a problem. Can I offer you some advice?Son: 27. What do you think I should do?Mother: On the one hand, you should stop eating too much; on the other hand, 28. Son: Some of my friends have told me the same things, but Im too busy to exercise.Mother: Then why not join a club on weekends?Son: But 29. Mother: You can join the swimming club. You want to learn to swim, dont you?Son: Thats a good idea. Thank you, Mum.Mother: 30. I hope it will help you.A.what club can I join?B.Of course.C.How do you know that?D.Whats wrong with you?E.Youre welcome.F.you should take more exercise.G.Thank you all the same.用所给词或短语的适当形式填空raise moneysuccessfulaskprepare fortwo thirdsin order toactweexceptby accident31.Gina is a(n) girl in class.She often answers questions.32. make classes interesting and lively, teachers may use PPT in class.33.I really dont want to know your secret.I only found it .34.The road to is never straight.35.If you can provide us with some information, we can do it by .36.All the students to complete a questionnaire yesterday.37.I sold everything I owned for my car and my books.38.So far, nearly of the students in our class have joined the PE club.39.Were willing for wild animals.40.I the test at 8:00 pm yesterday.xx襄阳 阅读理解填词 A young woman in her twenties was sitting on the train, next to her mother.They both looked tired but excited.The young woman was looking out 41.f the trains window.Suddenly, she shouted, “Mom, look! The trees are behind us!” Her voice was so 42.l that everyone on the train heard.Mom smiled.43.B a young couple who were sitting nearby looked at the young womans childish(孩子气的) behavior with pity.“Poor girl.There must be something wrong with her 44.m,” they thought.A few minutes later, the young woman shouted 45.a,“Mom, look! The clouds are running with us!” Mom smiled again.And she seemed very happy with her daughters 46. w that she said just now.Finally, the couple couldnt help asking the old woman, “Sorry if we offend(冒犯) you.But why dont you 47.t your daughter to a good doctor?”The old woman smiled and said, “Actually, we have just come from a hospital.”“Then you should go to a 48.b one.Because it seems that your daughters situation(状况) hasnt improved,” said one of them.They felt so bad for the old woman.“No, in fact Im very happy with the treatment(治疗),” said the mother. “My daughter was blind from birth. Today, she is seeing the world for the 49.f time.”Every single person has a story.Dont judge(判断)people before you know 50.t well.The truth might surprise you.参考答案.1.C2.D3.D考查动词的时态。根据时态和主语our teacher可知第二空填came;根据时间状语从句“when our teacherin”可知,主句中要用过去进行时。故选D。4.B5.B句意:房间里太热了,你应该脱下你的外套。go off意为“离开”;take off意为“脱下”;turn off意为“关闭电源”;put off意为“推迟”。根据句意可知选B。6.D第一空表示数量,故用基数词five;第二空表示次序,故用序数词。故选D。7.B考查数词辨析。强调第一艘应用序数词,且前面有形容词性物主代词时,序数词前的the要省掉。故选B。8.B9.B10.B考查情景交际。I disagree意为“我不同意”;Thats true意为“的确是这样;是真的”; I dont think so意为“我不这样认为”;Im afraid not意为“我恐怕不能”。根据“I often do it.”可知,答语赞成对方的看法。故选B。.主旨大意 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讨论在生活中如何和邻居友好地相处。因为你不知道什么时候可能需要他们的帮助。如果他们因为某些事情让你感到不高兴,你应该采用礼貌的方式协商解决而不是用争吵的方式。11.D考查连词辨析。根据句意可知,你不知道“什么时候”可能需要他们的帮助。故选D。12.D考查形容词的比较级。根据关键词“than”判断应该用比较级。再根据句意可知,采用礼貌的方式解决问题“更好”。故选D。13.A考查动词短语辨析。turn down关小,调低;turn up调大,出现,发生;turn off关掉,关闭;turn on打开,发动。根据句意“如果你很反感你的邻居大声地播放音乐,你可以礼貌地要求你的邻居关小音乐而不是直接打电话让警察来帮忙”可知,选A。14.C考查动词辨析。根据句意判断,是“打电话让”警察过来帮忙。故选C。15.B考查名词辨析。corner角落,拐角处;cause原因;result结果,成绩;message消息。根据句意“树木和栅栏问题可能也是邻居们意见不一致的原因”可知,答案选B。16.C考查副词辨析。此空修饰动词“sitting”,因此选用副词修饰。根据句意判断,外婆喜欢坐在“外面”。故选C。17.A18.C19.D20.B.2125TFTFT.26.D27.B28.F29.A30.E.31.active32.In order to33.by accident34.success35.ourselves36.were asked37.except38.two thirds39.to raise money40.was preparing for.41.from42.loud43.But44.mind45.again46.words47.take48.better49.first50.them


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