(新版)人教新目标版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas单元测试3(I)卷.doc

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(新版)人教新目标版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas单元测试3(I)卷.doc_第1页
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(新版)人教新目标版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas单元测试3(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共9题;共18分)1. (2分)Would you please explain the problem them?A . withB . ofC . toD . on2. (2分)What _ things do you want to buy?A . elseB . otherC . othersD . another3. (2分)- Oh, so many people are standing outside the hall. _ will the film start?- _ seven oclock.A . How soon; Not untilB . How long; Not untilC . How soon; UntilD . How long; Until4. (2分)Helen, whatre those on the table?They are an _ and three _.A . pear; strawberryB . apple; strawberry.C . apple; strawberriesD . pears; strawberries.5. (2分)There is _ s in the word spell.A . aB . anC . theD . /6. (2分)Lisa works very hard and spends _ in the library. A . many timeB . many timesC . much timeD . a lot of times7. (2分)If you are _, you feel calm, comfortable, and not worried or annoyed. A . relaxedB . excitedC . busy8. (2分)Its a nice house _ it hasnt got a garden. A . andB . orC . becauseD . but9. (2分)Bob wants(想) to eat _ apple and dessert.A . aB . anC . theD . some二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)10. (15分) I sat down to read under an old tree in the park. I felt my life was 1, for my whole world was dark.A young boy ran up to me, out of breath. He stood 2before me with his head down and said 3, “Look what I found!” In his hand was a flower, and what a poor sight! The flower was dry and 4. I gave him a small smile and then turned my eyes away so that he could take his dry flower and go off to play.5, he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his 6and said in surprise, “It smells sweet and its beautiful, too. Thats 7I picked it. Here, its for you. ” The flower before me was dead. But I knew I must 8it, or he might never leave. So I accepted the flower, and replied, “This is just what I 9. ” Just then, for the first time I noticed that the boy could not 10he was blind.Tears (眼泪) came down my face as I 11him for picking the best one. “Youre welcome. ” he smiled, and then ran off to 12. I sat there and wondered how he was able to learn about my pain (痛苦).Through the eyes of a blind child, 13I could see the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. And for all those years I myself had been 14. I decided to see the beauty in life, and 15every second of my life. And then I held that dry flower up to my nose and breathed in the smell of a beautiful rose.(1)A . hopeless B . colourful C . simple(简单的) D . wonderful (2)A . just B . right C . straight D . along (3)A . dead B . fresh C . alive D . heavy (4)A . sadly B . strictly C . angrily D . excitedly (5)A . dead B . fresh C . alive D . heavy (6)A . So B . Or C . However D . And (7)A . head B . nose C . ear D . neck (8)A . how B . when C . where D . why (9)A . buy B . sell C . accept D . break (10)A . admire B . dislike C . want D . have (11)A . cry B . speak C . smile D . see (12)A . forgave B . thanked C . paid D . hated (13)A . at most B . at times C . at first D . at last (14)A . cheerful B . useful C . blind D . deaf (15)A . waste B . enjoy C . lose D . forget 三、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分) Fashion isnt very environmentally-friendly because it makes people buy things they dont need, just because theyre new. We want to take care of the environment, we dont want to pollute the air and we dont want to waste energy and resources. But we also want to be fashionable. How can we buy fashionable clothes and protect the environment?Old styles are fashionable again, so one way is to buy second-hand clothes recycled clothes. Another way is to buy fair trade clothes. These clothes are either recycled or made in a way that protects the environment. They also protect the people who make the clothes. Surprisingly, white cotton is one of the least environmentally-friendly crops of all. To protect the cotton, the growers use chemicals that pollute water, make farm workers ill and kill wildlife. New materials, such as hemp and bamboo, grow quickly and are more environmentally-friendly. These materials are very soft, and look fantastic. The best materials are coloured using natural dyes, made from plants.Environmentally-friendly clothes are practical but until now they were often dull. Now fashion-designers are working with these materials and the clothes are beautiful as well. So now we can buy fashionable clothes that are also environmentally-friendly.(1)Why do people often buy things they dont need? Because _.A . new things can be more comfortableB . everyone wants to be fashionableC . people are richer than before nowD . people care about the environment(2)Whats the topic for paragraph 2?A . Recycled fashion.B . The problem with fashion.C . Fashion doesnt have to pollute.D . New materials.(3)Which of the following is more environmentally-friendly?A . Materials soft and looking fantastic.B . Any materials coloured using natural dyes.C . Hemp and bamboo.D . White cotton.(4)Why are environmentally -friendly clothes more fashionable now? Because _.A . people pay more attention to our environmentB . environmentally-friendly clothes are practicalC . all old styles become fashionable againD . fashion-designers are working to make them beautiful(5)What is the best title for the passage?A . Cotton or Hemp and Bamboo?B . Environmentally-friendly ClothesC . Old Style, New Fashion AgainD . Fashion and the Environment四、 汉译英。 (共2题;共4分)12. (2分)哪串钥匙是你的? Which set of _ _ yours?13. (2分)不要吃太多糖。Dont eat_sugar.五、 从方所给句子中框中选择一个最佳选项完成对话。 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整、合乎情境。A: Hey, Cindy! Were you at home at 7:00 last night?B: _A: Where were you then?B: _A: The Music Club? _?B: Oh, I played the violin there.A: _?B: I began to learn it at the age of 6.A: I want to learn the violin too. Can you teach me?B: _A: Thank you!六、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共8分)15. (8分) Look into the mirror and what do you see? You see yourself. But when you move. you do everything backward(相反地)in the mirror! If you wave your left hand, your right hand waves in the mirror. If you wink your right eye, your left eye, your left eye winks(眨). Try to read a page in the mirror .The words will be backwards.What is really happening? You do not see through the glass of a mirror as you do through a window. The glass of a mirror has a silver coating on the back. The light from the sun or a bulb bounces (弹回)off you ,goes into the mirror ,and bounces straight back out to you again.Mirrors have been used for thousands of years. The earliest were round pieces of shiny metal. Glass mirrors came late. The ancients thought that a mirror was magic. They did not understand how it worked. They thought they saw their spirits in a mirror and breaking a mirror brought bad luck.Today mirrors have many uses .For example, they can make rooms look bigger and prettier. They also show us if our hair is combed(梳理) well and our faces are clean. On cars, buses and trucks, mirrors help drivers see traffic behind them. Mirrors are also used in telescopes(望远镜)and searchlights(探照灯).Fun houses use mirrors. They make people look funny. Some mirrors are curved to make people seem short and round or tall and tin They make people laugh at themselves.(1)If you wave your right hand, you can see yourIn the mirror.A . left hand downB . left hand waveC . right hand waveD . right hand up(2)Mirrors.A . appeared a long time agoB . were made of glass at firstC . made of metal are popular todayD . had many uses in ancient times(3)Mirrors were magic in the past because.A . people thought they could see their spirits in mirrorsB . they were used in magic showsC . hey could make people change their heights and weightsD . they could make people laugh(4)What does the word “curved” mean in Chinese?A . 雕刻B . 油漆C . 扭转D . 弯曲七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)配对阅读:阅读左栏的五段文字,然后在右栏A-G中找出与他们匹配的信息。(有两个多余)_Wang wei is a big boy.He wants to have a part-time job and make some money for his family._Sam is a careless boy.He left his Jacket outside the classroom yesterday._Liu Hua is a schoolgirl.She usually goes shopping and buys some tiny things._Wei Ling likes reading very much. She is going to borrow some story books this weekend._Job likes playingBasketball very much. He does well in it and he wants to do more practice.A. Xin Ling library:You can borrow and read all kinds of books here. There is a big and quiet reading room for readers.B. Found:A jacket was found. There is some money and some other things in its pockets. Please come to teachers office and take it back.C. Family cooking:It is a popular and useful program. It is on FTV at 10:00in the morning.D. Worker wanted:We need some strong boys to work in our garden or do housework. Please call Mr. Lee at 22448838.E. Sunny Basketball Club:DO you like NBA? Are you a fan of Yao Ming or Yi Jianlian? Then welcome to join us and have fun.F.WWW. English. Funnyzone.com:A site teaches students English grammar, reading and writing. Students can take part in many interesting activities.G. Andy-Kittys Sale:Boys and girls can buy cool things like sunglasses, sock, hats, bags and etc. Everything is at a very good price!第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共9题;共18分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)10-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、四、 汉译英。 (共2题;共4分)12-1、13-1、五、 从方所给句子中框中选择一个最佳选项完成对话。 (共1题;共5分)14-1、六、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共8分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)16-1、


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