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人教版初中英语八年级上学期期中考试模拟试卷(2)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)完形填空 Charlottes Web (夏洛特的网) is popular with readers of all ages. It is a story about two 1: a little pig called Wilbur and a spider (蝴蛛) with the name of Charlotte.One day, the pig Wilbur is sold (卖) to a farmer. Wilbur has no 2there, and other animals look down on (看不起) him. He is unhappy and sad. But his 3turns around when he meets the spider Charlotte and Charlotte becomes a great friend to him.There is 4news for Wilbur. He is going to be slaughtered (屠杀). It seems that there is no5for him until Charlotte thinks of a clever plan to help him. She uses her web to write messages of praise (赞扬) about Wilbur. People in this town never 6messages in a spiders web. So they think that the messages must come from God! Wilbur becomes 7enough to go to a big game. He doesnt 8the game, but the famous web makes sure that he will never be slaughtered. The sadness of the story is the spider Charlotte herself. Saving Wilbur makes her very9. And after giving birth to her babies, she dies (死). When Wilbur thinks he will have no friends again, three young and small baby 10come and become his new friends.(1)A . readers B . animals C . students D . farmers (2)A . money B . food C . friends D . family (3)A . way B . life C . hobby D . taste (4)A . late B . early C . bad D . good (5)A . hope B . time C . use D . hurry (6)A . write B . see C . send D . hear (7)A . old B . clever C . tall D . famous (8)A . lose B . win C . enjoy D . change (9)A . happy B . strong C . tired D . excited (10)A . pigs B . ducks C . monkeys D . spiders 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)2. (10分)阅读理解 A tornado happened in Illinois, the USA on April 9th. The tornado hit the ground at around 7:00 p. m. on Thursday evening. According to a report, eight of the 150 local people were taken to hospitals after the tornado. All the people there were evacuated(撤离), and the power was off across the area. The Red Cross and Salvation Army built a rescue centre in a high school.Chad Connell, the Chief of Kirkland Community Fire District, said he watched the tornado moving toward the town from his house. “Ive never seen anything like it in my life, he said, almost lost for words.It is reported that about 20 houses in Ogle County were badly damaged or even destroyed. Luckily, no people were killed or badly hurt there. It is also reported that 12 people were trapped(被困住) in a restaurant which collapsed(坍塌) in the tornado in Rochelle, about 20 miles south-west of Fairdale. Raymond Kramer, 81, was one of them. He said they were trapped for 90 minutes before the emergency crews were able to rescue them.When the tornado hit, we all got a dust(灰尘) bath, Raymond told a reporter. Everyone there got covered with dust. We are so lucky that we are finally saved. (1)The first paragraph told us the following facts EXCEPT . A . why the tornado happenedB . when the tornado happenedC . where the tornado happenedD . what happened after the tornado came(2)According to the passage, it was the time that Chad Connell experienced a tornado in his life.A . lastB . firstC . secondD . third(3)What might be the 12 people doing when they were trapped? A . Sleeping.B . Having dinner.C . Taking a shower.D . Saving other people.(4)Whats the best title for the passage? A . A tornado hit IllinoisB . What to do after a tornadoC . What a tornado brings peopleD . People trapped in a tornado3. (10分)阅读理解 Teens are gaining(增加) weight. Today most teenagers axe at least one size larger than teens were 20 years ago. Even clothing sizes have changed. Did you know that a small today used to be a medium 20 years ago?A recent research shows 97% of teens need more exercise. Its bad news because too little exercise means you are missing a lot of good things in life. Exercise helps in two ways.First, exercise helps your body. Physical activity can make your body strong. It can also keep you at a healthy weight. Doctors say that people who stay at a healthy weight have fewer health problems.Second, exercise can help your mind. People who get plenty of physical activity might worry less and sleep better at night. They may even learn better in school. Students who are healthy can listen and understand better in class.You can change your life and be more active at any point. Its never too late. An article called How to Limit Screen Time and Get Moving gives these ideas:Step away from the screen. Doctors call watching TV or playing video games screen time. You should have no more than two hours of screen time a day. You will enjoy life more if you leave it instead of watching it!Start slowly. An hour a day can seem like a long time. Start with 10 minutes of new activities every day. Add more as you get stronger. Think about walking. Take the stairs instead of the lift. You will feel healthier.Make fitness fun. Find a sport you like. It doesnt need to be the traditional sports of basketball, soccer, or baseball. Those are all great sports and if you like them, play them. However, you can also try hiking, skateboarding, or even rope jumping. If you enjoy the sport, you will do it.Choose food carefully. Help your family shop for healthy food. Read the labels(标签). Look for healthy food. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Stop buying soft drinks and junk food. You will feel better if you eat right.Exercise with others. Find a friend or family member to exercise or play with you. You will have more fun and it helps keep you responsible for going.(1)What is the main idea of Paragraph 1 ? A . Teens are gaining weight.B . Teens are one size larger.C . Teens clothing sizes change.D . A small used to be a medium.(2)Which of the following is a FACT from the passage? A . You should have no more than two hours of screen time a day.B . You will have more fun and it helps keep you responsible for going.C . A recent research shows 97% of teens need more exercise.D . However, you can also try hiking, skateboarding, or even rope jumping.(3)Where might you find this passage? A . In a story.B . In a magazine.C . In a play.D . In a speech.(4)Which of the following shows the structure(结构) of the first 5 paragraphs? A . B . C . D . 4. (10分)阅读理解 Im a Russian student. Last year I came to China for a holiday. It took me 8 hours to arrive in Beijing by plane. It was 11pm when I arrived at the airport. I was tired and wanted to find a hotel. The airport was big and black. I didnt know where a hotel was. I saw a Chinese girl in front of me. I studied a little Chinese before, but I couldnt speak well. I spoke to her in Chinese. She couldnt understand me. I asked again and again. At last, she understood. She asked me in Russian, Are you from Russia? She could speak Russian well. She told me where the nearest hotel was and sent me to the hotel. What a friendly girl she was!(1)When did the writer arrive at the airport in Beijing? A . At 20:00.B . At 21:00.C . At 22:00.D . At 23:00.(2)What happened to the writer when he just arrived in Beijing? A . He didnt meet his friends.B . He didnt know where a hotel was.C . He didnt know where the bus stop was.D . He lost his cell phone.(3)Why didnt the girl understand the writer at first? A . Because the girl didnt want to help him.B . Because he couldnt speak Russian.C . Because the girl couldnt speak Russian.D . Because he couldnt speak Chinese well.5. (10分)阅读理解 Toms Calendar(日历)MondayMorning: schoolAfternoon: soccer practiceEvening: do homeworkThursdayMorning: schoolAfternoon: babysitting(临时照顾)my sisterEvening: help my parentsTuesdayMorning: schoolAfternoon: visit Uncle LiEvening: study for the testFridayMorning: schoolEvening: Susans PartyWednesdayMorning: SchoolEvening: do homeworkSaturday: rest at homeSunday: rest at home(1)How many days does Tom have to go to school in a week? A . Seven.B . Five.C . Six.D . Four.(2)When is Tom going to Susans party? A . On Tuesday.B . On Sunday.C . On Friday.D . On Saturday.(3)What is Tom going to do on Thursday afternoon? A . Visit Uncle Li.B . Babysit his sister.C . Help his parents.D . Do homework.(4)Is Tom going to study for the test on Friday? A . Yes, he is.B . No, he isnt.C . Yes, he will.D . We dont know.三、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)选词填空 color child say ghost celebrateAnn: Can you tell me when the Halloween is?Lily: Halloween is a holiday _on October 31. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts hung out around the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in _or witches. Ann: What are the main _of Halloween?Lily: They are black and orange. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. Ann: What do the _do on Halloween?Lily: They usually go from house to house _ Trick or Treat! Children might play a trick on people if they do not give treats, like pelting houses with eggs or old tomatoes or crying for the candies. Ann: Thanks for telling me so much! Lily: You are welcome. 四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)Saturday is my _ (最忙的) day in a week. 五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填人一个适合的单词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 It was my first trip to space. We had made good preparations before we started off. I felt a little bit nervous, though. There was so much work _(do)in the space ship that we had to take breaks in turn. One of us had to stay awake all _time. After _(fly)for 20 hours, we reached the space station finally. There, we would have _(little)pressure, as there would be more people to share the work. I felt relaxed as _as we moved into the space station. There was much more space in it. They even had a garden in the space station, where they grew vegetables. The six astronauts received us _(happy). They said, We have been waiting for you _we heard the news that you would come. We said we were glad to see them, too. The _(one)night in the space station was great. We had a good dinner and then watched the stars shining in the darkness. it was really wonderful. As a child, I used to dream of becoming an astronaut so that I _travel in space. Now my dream had come _. 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)陈琳准备在学校外语文化节上介绍巧克力脆饼(chocolate crunchies)的制作方法。请你帮她从A-E中选择相应的图片,填入各个步骤中,完成PPT演示文稿。Ingredients200g dark chocolate 50g butter4 spoons of cornflakes (玉米片) 50g honeyInstructions_ Step1. Break the dark chocolate into small pieces. Put them into a saucepan._ Step2. Add the butter and honey (sugar is also OK)._ Step3. Heat gently until the mixture is smooth. Stir (搅动) the mixture while it is heating. Do not let the mixture boil._ Step4. Take the saucepan off the heat and wait for 5 minutes.Add the cornflakes to the mixture. Mix it well._ Step 5. Spoon the mixture into paper cake cups. Put the cups with chocolate crunchies into the fridge. Leave them for six hours to set.A. B. C. D. E. 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)假如你是王昆, 你的美国网友Tom对中国的传统节日春节非常感兴趣, 请你以My Favourite Festival为题, 写一封邮件, 给他做一下介绍。要点包括: 节日简介、节日准备、节日活动等。词数要求: 100词左右。提示: the Spring Festival, traditional, get together, clean up, be dressed inSubject: My Favourite Festival From: Wang KunDear Tom, Wang Kun第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)6-1、四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)7-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)8-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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