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Ellipsis Grammar 1 Thisradio butthatonedoesn t 读下列句子 说你的感觉 workwell workswell 2 Whenpure acolorlessliquid wateris wateris 3 Areyou Yes Iam ready ready 4 Hewasashehadbeeninhisyouth aloverofsports aloverofsports 5 Theriverdeepandtheicethin was was 6 akecare You T t 1 省略句的定义 省略是为了避免重复 突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的一种语法修辞手段 省略在语言中 尤其在对话中 是一种十分普遍的现象 2 句子成分的省略 省略前提 主谓宾 定状表 如有重复可删掉 省略原则 词语省略后 不致令人费解 省略类型 1 心照不宣型 用于祈使句和某些现成的简单句中 2 承前省后型 用于对话 并列句和动词不定式中 3 可有可无型 用于宾从中的that 定从中作宾语的whom which that和某些状从中 4 虚拟倒装型 只用于需要倒装的虚拟条件句中 1 省略主语 祈使句中的主语通常被省略 其他省略的主语的情况多限于少数现成的说法 1 You Comein please 2 I Seeyoutomorrow 3 I Thankyouforyourhelp 4 I Begyourpardon 简单句中的省略 2 省略主语或谓语的一部分 简单句中的省略 1 Thereis Nosmoking 2 Willyou Haveasmoke 3 Why doyou notsayhellotohim 4 How doyouthink aboutacupoftea 5 Youcome thisway please 3 省略宾语 可省略宾语的全部 可省略作宾语的动词不定式 只保留to 但如果该宾语是动词be或完成时态 则须在to后加上be或have DoyouknowMissHu Idon tknow her 2 Don ttouchanythingunlesstheteachertellsyouto touch 3 Areyouateacher No butIwanttobe ateacher 4 Hehasn tfinishedthetask Well heoughttohave finishit 4 省略表语 Areyouthirsty Yes Iam thirsty Hisbrotherislazy Norishissister lazy 5 同时省略几个句子成分 Areyoufellbetternow I mfeeling better now 2 Iwish Goodluck toyou 3 Let smeetattheschoolgateasthesameas wemet yesterday 并列句中的省略 两个并列分句中 后一分句常省略与前一分句中相同的部分 Myfatherisadoctorandmymother is anurse 2 Istudyatcollegeandmysister studies athighschool 3 Lin sfatherwasnotathome buthismotherwas athome 主从复合句中的省略 1 主句中有一些主谓被省略 I m Sorrytoheatthatyouareill 2 It s apitythatyoumissedsuchagoodchance 2 省略从句中与主句相同的部分 Theydonotvisittheirparentsasmuchastheyoughtto visittheirparents 3 主句与从句各有一些成分被省略 Thesooner youdoit thebetter itwillbe 4 省略一个从句或从句的一部分 可用so或not代替 常用于此类的动词有believe think expect guess hope imagine suppose say tell等以及appear seem afraidetc 4 Doyouthinkhewillattendthemeeting Iguessnot 1 Ishecomingbacktonight Ithinkso 2 Shemustbebusynow Ifso shecan tgowithus 3 Isshefeelingbettertoday I mafraidnot 其他省略 1 连词that的省略 宾语从句中常省略连词that Iknowheisastudent 2 在定语从句中 that在从句中作宾语时可省略 另外 凡是进行时态和被动语态的定语从句都可省略关系代词和be动词 Helikesthesongs that AndyLausings Helikesthesongs thatare sungbyAndyLau that 2 在某些状语从句中 从句的主语与主句的主语一致时 可省去 主语 be 部分 1 Whenstillaboyof10 hehadtoworkdayandnight 2 Shetriedherbestthoughratherpoorinhealth 3 Whilecycling don tforgetthetrafficlights 骑车时 不要忘记看红绿灯 youare you hewas shewas 3 不定式符号to的省略 1 并列的不定式可省去后面的to Itoldhimtositdownandwaitforamoment 2 help当 帮助 讲时 后面的宾语或宾补的不定式符号to可带可不带 Iwillhelp to doitforyou Iwillhelpyou to doit 3 介词but前若有动词do 后面的不定式不带to Theboydidnothingbutplay 4 某些使役动词 let make have 及感官动词 see watch hear notice observe feel lookat listento等 后面作宾语补足语的不定式一定要省去to 但在被动语态中须将to复原 Isawtheboyfallfromthetree Theboywasseentofallfromthetree Thebossmadeuswork12hoursaday Weweremadetowork12hoursaday 5 主语从句中有动词do 后面作表语的不定式的to可带可不带 Whatwecandonowis to wait 6 find当 发现 讲时 后面作宾语补足语的不定式符号to可带可不带 Wefoundhim to workveryhardattheexperiment 但如果是不定式tobe 则不能省略 Shefoundhimtobedishonest 3 Shouldtherebeaflood whatshouldwedo theywouldcertainlycomeandhelpus 2 WereIyou Iwoulddotheworkbetter Hadtheytime If Ihadtime IfIwereyou Ifthereshouldbeaflood 4 连词if在部分虚拟条件句中可省略 但要将后面的should were had提到主语的前面 5 英语中有一些固定的省略结构 在以if when though asif 好象 等连词引导的从句中 如从句中的主要动词是be 常将主语it和动词be省略 Ifnecessary weshallsendatelegramhome 如有必要 我们就往家里打电报 Wheneverpossible hewillcometomyhelp 他一有可能就来帮助我 itis itis Notes 1 省略句可同时省掉句子几个成份Whatexcitingnews Whatexcitingnewsitis 多么令人激动的消息啊 Pityhe sfailed Itisapitythathe sfailed 很遗憾 他失败了 Ilikehimmorethanher IlikehimmorethanIlikeher 我喜欢他更甚于喜欢她 3 被省略的部分一般可以在句子中补上 但有时省略结构已经定型 如果把省略部分补上 反而不合乎习惯 HeistallerthanIam 他比我高 am之后省略tall 补上不合习惯 Noparking 禁止停车 告示用语 Noparkingisallowedhere 有一些习惯表达很难补上所省略的部分 Notatall 不用谢 Nomatter 不要紧 Thanks 谢谢 1 Haven tseenyouforages 2 Soundslikeagoodidea 3 Sorrytohearthat 4 thisway please 5 Joiningusforawalk 6 Somemoretea 7 Doesn tmatter 8 Pityyoucouldn tcome 9 Terribleweather 10 Goingtothesupermarket Exercise I It Iam Walk Wouldyoulike Wouldyoulike It Itisa What Such Areyou Exercise ShecanswimunderwaterlongerthanIcanswimunderwater 2 Theydiscussedwhethertheyshouldstayinthehouseortheyshouldtrytheopenair 3 Theyhadameal theywentoutforawalkandthentheycamebacktosleep 4 Don tbatheifyoudon ttobathe 5 Idon tvisitmyparentsasmuchasIoughttovisitmyparents 1 Theresearchissodesignedthatonce nothingcanbedonetochangeit A beginsB havingbegunC beginningD begun D 单项选择 2 Whatsurprisedmewasnotwhathesaidbut hesaidit A thewayB inthewaythatC inthewayD thewaywhich A 3 Acomputerdoesonlywhatthinkingpeople A haveitdoB haveitdoneC havedoneitD havingitdone A 4 I llbeawayonabusinesstrip Wouldyoumindlookingaftermycar Notatall A I venotimeB I drathernotC I dlikeitD I dbehappyto D 5 Youhaven tlosttheticket haveyou Iknowit snoteasytogetanotheroneatthemoment A IhopenotB Yes IhaveC IhopesoD Yes I mafraidso A 6 itraintomorrow wewouldhavetoputoffthevisittotheYangpuBridge A WereB ShouldC WouldD Will B 7 Let sgoandhaveagooddrinktonight Haveyougotthefirstprizeinthecompetition A Whatfor B Thanksalot C Yes I dliketoD Whynot A 8 Tomorrowisaholiday Whyareyoudoingyourhomework IamdoingtheseexercisesnowsothatIwon thave onSunday A itB themC forD to D 9 ShallIinviteAnntomybirthdaypartytomorrowevening Yes It llbefineifyou A areB canC inviteD do10 Aren tyouthemanager No andI A don twanttoB don twanttobeC don twantbeD don twant D B 11 Won tyouhaveanothertry A Yes IwillhaveB Yes Iwon thaveC Yes Iwon tD Yes Iwill12 Iwon tdoitanymore A WhynotB Whydon tdoanymoreC WhynotdoD Whydon t D D 13 Doyouthinkitwillsnowtomorrow A Idon tthinkB No Idon tthinkC Idon tthinksoD No Idon tso14 Haveyoufedthecat No but A I mB IamC I mjustgoingD I mjustgoingto C D 15 DoesyourbrotherintendtostudyGerman Yes heintends A B toC soD that16 Theboywantedtoridehisbicycleinthestreet buthismothertoldhim A nottoB nottodoC notdoitD donotto17 WhatdoyouthinkmadeMarysoupset hernewbicycle A AsshelostB LostC LosingD Becauseoflosing B A C 18 If we llcontinueourexperimentafterofficehours A beingnecessaryB benecessaryC isnecessaryD necessary19 Doyouthinkit sgoingtorainovertheweekend A Idon tbelieveB Idon tbelieveitC IbelievenotsoD Ibelievenot20 Generallyspeaking accordingtodirections thedrughasnosideeffect A whentakingB whentakenC whentotakeD whentobetaken D D B 21 Oneofthesidesoftheboardshouldbepaintedyellow and A theotheriswhiteB anotherwhiteC theotherwhiteD anotheriswhite22 Wouldyoulikesomewine Yes just A littleB verylittleC alittleD afew C C 替代 一 so和not作替代词 代替被省略的某个词 组 或句子 一般同表示个人看法或想法的动词连用 作beafraid believe become all do expect fear hope imagine say see speak suppose think等的宾语 Not代替否定的句子还可放在perhaps probably absolutely等副词后 e g Shewasnotangryatfirst butbecameso angry afterawhile Ishethebeststudentintheclass Ithinkso Heisbeststudentintheclass Ithinknot Heisnotthebeststudentintheclass 二 替代的应用 1 so可以放在句首或句尾 但若谓语动词是see notice hear等 则只能放在句首 如 Ibelieve say think so SoIbelieve say think Heisabsenttoday SoIsee hear notice 2 在表示肯定或怀疑意义的句中不可用so 如 误 Idoubtso 正 Idoubtit 4 doso一般只用替代动态动词 不替代静态动词 如 Shesaidshewouldgowithme butshedidn tdoso Alicefeelsbettertoday Ithinkshedoes Soshedoes 而不能说Ithinkshedoesso 3 在ask和know之后也不用so 如 误 Whydoyouaskso 正 Whydoyouaskthat Homework 1 GoovertheusageofEllipsis 2 DoExercises2 3 4onpage37


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