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数词 Numerals 表示数目多少或顺序多少的词叫数词 数词分为基数词和序数词 表示数目多少的数词叫基数词 表示顺序的数词叫序数词 什么叫数词 2 1基数词 cardinalnumber 1onetwothree4four5five6six7seven8eight9nine10ten 111213141516171819 eleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteen 2030405060708090100 twentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninetyonehundred 基数词的构成 1 1 12 独立成词 onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve2 13 19 由3 9 teen构成 14 fourteen16 sixteen17 seventeen19 nineteen特殊拼写 13 thirteen15 fifteen18 eighteen3 20 90 以 ty结尾 20 twenty30 thirty40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety4 21 99 两位数 十位与个位之间有 21twenty one55fifty five99ninety nine5 101 999 三位数 百位与十位 个位之间加and 101onehundredandone840eighthundredandforty693sixhundredandninety three 5 29 7 hundred and 基数词三位数的构成 6 twenty nine 729 hundred and seven 03 5 hundred and 再来一个 7 three 503 hundred and five 基数词三位数的构成 8 hundred and 百位数 十 个位数 fourhundredandthirty two onehundredandseventy eighthundredandsixty five onehundredandnine 109 432 170 865 作业 339 126 203 451 704 178 926 854 703 151 309 326 703 651 307 428 注 1 1000以上几个的词 每三位数加一个逗号 第一个逗号前的数为thousand 第二个逗号前的数为million 百万 第三个逗号前的数为billion 十亿 第四个逗号前的数为trillion 万亿 888 888 888 888 888eighthundredandeighty eighttrillion eighthundredandeighty eightbillion eighthundredandeighty eightmillion eighthundredandeighty eightthousand eighthundredandeighty eight trillion tr lj n 万亿billion b lj n 十亿million m lj n 百万thousand a znd 千hundred h ndr d 百 29 431 500 7 6 thousand hundred million billion and 6 1 000以上数目 从右向左每三位用 分开 分别读为thousand million billion千百万十亿 基数词的构成 12 基数词的构成 6500431729sixbillion fivehundredmillion fourhundredandthirty onethousand sevenhundredandtwenty nine fourthousand threehundredandtwenty one sevenmillion sixhundredandfiftyfourthousand threehundredandtwenty one 7 654 321 1 987 654 321 4321 4 321 onebillion ninehundredandeighty sevenmillion sixhundredandfifty fourthousand threehundredandtwenty one 1 hundredthousand 表示具体数字 millionbillion2 hundredsthousands 表示概数 millionsbillions 三 基数词的用法 数词 several of the some many these thosehundredsof 基数词的用法 1 表示具体数目 hundred thousand million不用复数表示不确定数目 用复数 即hundredsof 数百 thousandsof 数千 millionsof 数百万 名词复数 1 Ourcountryhasapopulationof1 300millionpeople 2 Thereareseveralthousandstudentsinourschool 3 Afterthewar thousandsofpeoplebecamehomeless 作业 7046534210 178346790 1254321307 4283216547 6704653421 817034679 3120432130 9428320654 warmingup1 tresswereplantedonthemountainlastyear A ThousandsofB ThousandofC FivethousandofD Fivethousands 2 ofthestudentsaregirlsinourclass A TwothreeB TwothreesC TwothirdsD Secondthree3 Whenwasheborn Hewasbornon A secondofOctoberB theOctoberthreeC OctoberthesecondD threeofOctober 18 1 Ifa 3 b 4 what stheanswertotheproblem a 2ab 1 theansweris A twentyeightB twenty eighthC twenty eight2 Inourschoolaboutfive studentsareabletosurftheInternet A hunderdofB hunderdsofC hundred 3 sheepwerekilledintheaccident A ThousandofB ThousandC Thousandsof4 Thereareovernine workersinthefactory but ofyoungpeoplehopetoworkinit A hundred0f hundredsB hundred hundredsC hundreds hundred 5 peopleintheworldaresendinginformationbye maileveryday A SeveralmillionB ManymillionsC SeveralmillionsD Manymillion A 1基数词 cardinalnumber 序数词的构成 1 1 3 first second third 2 4 19 相应基数词 th fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth 3 20 90 y变成ie th twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth 4 21 99 只把个位的基数词变成序数词如twenty first ninety ninth5 序数词缩写 数字 最后两字母如1st 2nd 3rd 4th 基变序 有规律 词尾加上 th 一 二 三 特殊记 结尾字母t d d八去 t 九去 e f 要把ve替见 y 变成 i 和 e 词尾加上 th 若是遇到几十几 只变个位就可以 序数词缩写记清楚 数字后跟两字母 序数词构成规律 24 一 基数词 序数词 first second third fourth fifth sixth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth twenty first fortieth onehundredth onehundredandfifth onehundredandtwenty ninth nineteenth oneo clock tenpasttwo halfpastthree twentytofive aquarterpastfive aquartertoseven sevenfifty 表示在几点钟用介词at 数词的表示法 时间 1 It salready7 40now Whenwillthefilmstart Westillhavefiveminutes A AquartertosevenB AquartertoeightC Sevenpastforty five 月日年在1998年10月1日 数词的表示法 年月日 onOctorberthefirst nineteenninety eight onAugusttheninth inMay twothousandandten 天日用on年月用in onOct 1st 1998 月日在8月9日 月年在2010年5月 1 Theaccidenthappenedon A April5 2001B 2001 April5C April2001 52 Iwasborn A inMarch8 1993B onJuly9 1994C onMay 1995 20世纪90年代 inthe1990s 1990 s 在他50多岁时 inhisfifties 数词的表示法 1 年代世纪 inthe inone s 整十基数词复数在某人几十岁时 nineteen nineties 2 基数词 名词 的合成形容词作定语 中间有连字符 当中的名词用单数 a3 year oldgirlaseven dayholiday 3 表计量 基数词 度量单位 形容词 Theclassroomis7meterslong 6meterswideand3metershigh 31 1 Therewillbemorechancesin centurythanin century A twenty one twentyB twenty first twentiethC thetwenty first thetwentieth2 Thecitychangedalot A in1980 sB inthe1980sC inthe1980 3 Hegraduatedin of century A thesixtieth twentyB sixty thetwentiethC hissixties thetwentieth4 Shegottheprize A inherfiftiesB infiftiesC inherfifty 5 Thewinneris Heisan boy A eight year old eightyearsoldB eightyearsold eight year oldC eight yearsold eight year old6 HecametoChina A attheageof20B whenheis20C atageof20 7 Theriverisabout A 6 000meterslongB 6 000 meters longC 6 000 meter long be 数词 度量词 形容词 15 分子基数词分母序数词 onefifth 27 分子 1分母 s twosevenths 14 分子a分母quarter aquarter 34 threequarters 12 ahalf 13 threeandonethird 3 基数词 and 分数 数词的表示法 分数百分数 80 基数词 percent eightypercent 百分数 of 可数名词复数谓语动词用复数百分数 of 不可数名词谓语动词用单数 SeventypercentofstudentsinourclassaregirlsOverseventypercentoftheearth ssurfaceiscoveredwithwater 1 ofthestudents boysinClassA Twothree areB Twothirds areC Twothirds is2 ofhermoney spentonclothes A Twothree areB Twothirds isC Twothird is3 theteachersinourschoolisaboutonehundred and ofthemarewomenteachers A Thenumberof twothirdsB Thenumberof twothirdC Anumberof twothirds 一个半小时两个半小时 twoandahalfhours twohoursandahalf oneandahalfhours onehourandahalf 数词的表示法 半的表示法 1 Theboyalwaysstaystherefor A threeandhalfhourB threehourandahalfC threeandahalfhours2 Theoldmandrank beer A twobottlesandahalfB twoandahalfbottleC twobottleandahalf 一倍once 两倍twice 三倍threetimes 三倍或以上基数词 times 数词的表示法 倍数 Thisboxisfivetimesasbigasthatone Thisboxisfourtimesbiggerthanthatone A be 倍数 as adj 原 as B A是B的 倍 A be 倍数 adj 比 than B A比B 倍 1 Thisbuildingis thatbuilding A threetimeastallasB twicetallerthanC threetimesastalleras2 我的箱子比你的重六倍 Myboxis yours 2 Whatatable I veneverseensuchathingbefore Itisitislong A halfnotaswideasB widenotashalfasC nothalfaswideasD aswideasnothalf sixtimesheavierthan seventimesasheavyas C 一般编码用名词 基数词207房三年级一班第五部分第一课3号汽车第一中学 Room207ClassOneGradeThreePartfive thefifthpartLessonone thefirstlessonBusNo 3 theNo 3busNo 1MiddleSchool 数词的表示法 编号 1 Mymotherlivesatonfloor A RoomSix thesecondB SixRoom secondC Roomsix twoD theroomsix thesecond A 1 小数的读法小数点左边的数通常按基数词读 若为三位以上的数 也可按编码式读法读出 即将数字单个读出 小数点右边的数通常按编码式读法单个读出 如 6 86sixpointeightsix14 15fourteenpointonefive 2 小数中 0 的读法 0 在小数中通常读作nought 英 或zero 美 也可读作字母o 如 0 08 nought pointnoughteight或 zero pointzeroeight 小数表示法 6 5 11Sixplusfiveiseleven或Sixandfiveiseleven 11 6 5Elevenminussixisfive 或Sixfromelevenisfive 4 5 20Fourmultipliedbyfiveistwenty 或Fourtimesfiveistwenty 20 4 5Twentydividedbyfourisfive 或Fourintotwentygoesfive 3Threesquaredisnine 2Twocubediseight 加减乘除式的表达方法 2 3 表示 大约 接近 常用nearly about some almost around等 about700peoplesomefiftyyearsago表示 左右 用orsoInthepastfiveyearsorso 少于 用lessthanLessthan30yearsold不到30岁 多于 用morethan overMorethanayearagoover70yearsago 约数表示法 1 序数词作定语 前面要加the Thefirsttruckiscarryingafoodbasket Johnlivesonthefifteenthfloor SheismyfirstEnglishteacher 2 有时加a an 再一 又一 的意思We llhavetodoitasecondtime ShallIaskhimathirdtime WhenIsatdown afourthmanrosetospeak Theyhadasecondchildin1988 序数词的用法 46 选择填空 1 Marchis monthofayear A athreeB thethirdC athird2 Wewillhaveameetingat8 05 A fivetoeightB eighttofiveC eightofive3 Eightpluseightis A sixteenB sixty fourC one4 Heisan boy A eightyearsB eight year oldC eight years old5 Wewillhavea walk A tenminutesB tenminutes C ten minutes B thethird C eightofive A sixteen B eight year old B tenminutes 6 Thewallis A fourmeterslongB fourmeterlongC four meterlong7 What sthedatetoday It s A MarchtheeightB MarchtheeighthC eight March8 Ithappenedinthe1040 s A inthefortiesoftheeleventhcentury B inthefortiesofthetenthcentury C intheforty9 About oftheearth ssurfaceiscoveredwithwater A three foursB three fourthC three fourths A fourmeterslong B Marchtheeighth A inthefortiesoftheeleventhcentury C three fourths 10 Hewentdowntothevillagewhichwas milesawayfromthecity A threehundredsB threehundredC threehundredsof B threehundred Homework1 Grammarfocustextbook p30 exercise1 22 Workbook p19 exercise4 50 THEEND


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