外研版(新标准)2019-2020学年九年级英语上册Module 1 Unit 3 Language in use课时练习C卷.doc

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外研版(新标准)2019-2020学年九年级英语上册Module 1 Unit 3 Language in use课时练习C卷一、 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空。有的需要变换形式,每个限 (共1题;共4分)1. (4分)用and, or, but填空。 (1)Go _see who is knocking at the door (2)Li Lei _Wang Ming went shopping yesterday. (3)Hurry up, _youll catch the bus. (4)Hurry up, _youll miss the bus. 二、 根据语境及括号内所给动词提示用适当的时态填空。 (共10题;共13分)2. (2分)_he _ (lie) on the ground at nine yesterday evening? 3. (2分)Millie usually_(spend)her pocket money_(collect) stamps 4. (1分)I wonder what makes him a good English teacher. He _(serve) as a volunteer in the UK for two years, which helps him with his work a lot.5. (1分)Please answer the phone, Steve. I _(clean) the room now. 6. (1分)Tomorrow is Sunday. Lily_(visit) her grandparents.7. (2分)_the Smiths_(decide) to go to China for their holiday?Yesthey have8. (1分)Maria _(play) the piano when her mum walked past her bedroom. 9. (1分)What are you doing? I_(do) my homework. 10. (1分)She _(read) the storybook several times. 11. (1分)If it is sunny this weekend, I _ (climb) the mountain. 三、 选择合适的单词,补全短文 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分)选词填空。(用所给词的正确形式填空,有两项多余)(10分)happy, interest, problem, never, get away, eye, run , tire, have, miss ,catch, thinkA man was sitting in the doctors office. He was telling the doctor about his _ .“I like football, Doctor.” He said, “ Please help me. My life has_ been a good one since I became _ in football and it is getting worse and worse. I cant even_from it in my sleep. When I close my _, Im out there in the football field and _ after a flying ball. When I wake up, Im more_than I was before I went to bed. What am I going to do? ”The doctor sat back and said, “ First of all, you _to do your best not to dream(做梦) about football. Before you fall asleep, try to_about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.” “ Are you crazy (疯了) ?” the man shouted, “ Ill_ the ball !”第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空。有的需要变换形式,每个限 (共1题;共4分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、二、 根据语境及括号内所给动词提示用适当的时态填空。 (共10题;共13分)2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、三、 选择合适的单词,补全短文 (共1题;共10分)12-1、

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