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上海新世纪版2020年初中毕业生学业模拟考试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)1. (10分)完形填空Some students dont like cooking, and they1learn it. Some like it and they learn it from their2at home.In our school, students can have cooking3So if (如果) our parents are not at home, we dont4to go to KFCs for meals.I have great5in cooking classes. Cooking in class with the6is interesting. But sometimes things dont go on7You know, we must (必须) take food for the lessons from home. Its sometimes not8to carry it in our schoolbag, because our9and pencil cases can get dirty. But I dont think it a problem (问题). Its10great to learn to make food for our family!(1)A . always B . never C . often D . usually (2)A . parents B . classmates C . cousins D . teachers (3)A . games B . matches C . classes D . schools (4)A . want B . hope C . like D . need (5)A . fun B . time C . place D . lesson (6)A . parents B . classmates C . friends D . brothers (7)A . well B . bad C . good D . nice (8)A . difficult B . interesting C . easy D . late (9)A . food B . clothes C . books D . eggs (10)A . sometimes B . seldom C . never D . always 2. (15分)阅读下面文章,从所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Martin Murray is a 1boy. He used to be a problem child, but a 2conversation with his mother changed his life. He 3give his mother many problems. However, after his fathers death a few years ago, Martins life became 4difficult. His mother 5to pay for her childs education. To do this, she had to work, and so was often not at home.His mother looked after him 6she could. Unfortunately Martin still caused problems for himself and his family. He was not interested in studying and he often got into trouble 7the police. Luckily, his mother was very patient and didnt give up trying to help him. In the end, she made a difficult decision: to send him to 8boarding school, Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble. One day, he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting his time.The head teacher said 9was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother. Martin called his mother, but to his surprise, this phone call changed his life. It was exactly what I needed, he said., my mother helped me to understand 10she had given me. She also told me that even though my father 11with us, he was watching me and would always 12everything good I do. Thats when I decided to change. I realize that since my father 13, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.Now Martin has really changed. He has been working hard and is now one of the 14students in his class. How was he able to change? His mothers love helped him to feel good about himself, and 15Martin himself says, Its very important for parents to be there for their children.(1)A . fifteen year old B . fifteen years old C . fifteen-years-old D . fifteen-year-old (2)A . moved B . exciting C . recent D . recently (3)A . used to B . didnt use to C . was used to D . didnt used to (4)A . much more B . more much C . very much D . much even (5)A . cant afford B . had no money C . had enough money D . can afford (6)A . so well as B . as good as C . as well as D . so good as (7)A . for B . about C . with D . of (8)A . a boys B . a boy C . a boys D . a boys (9)A . that B . this C . it D . he (10)A . how much B . how many C . a lot D . too many (11)A . is no longer B . isnt any longer C . was no longer D . wasnt no longer (12)A . take pride of B . take proud of C . be proud of D . be proud in (13)A . died B . die C . dead D . death (14)A . good B . better C . best D . great (15)A . like B . as C . for D . as for 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)3. (6分)(1) If you want to find a job as a waiter, you canto apply for it.A . go to 6756 Main St. SouthgateB . go to 224 West Rose Ave. RichmondC . fax resume to 555-0001D . email resume: lewisnclarkdot.org(2)If you do office work at Franciscos Shoe Shop, you should.A . be trainedB . have experienceC . speak EnglishD . know Spanish(3)If you work as a guide, you can getan hour.A . $ 8B . $ 10C . $ 12D . $ 134. (10分)阅读理解A: Good afternoon. Are you Zhang Li?B: Yes, I am.A: Is Li your family name?B: No, Li is my given name. My family name is Zhang. Whats your name?A: My name is Alice. Im from the USA.B: Nice to meet you, Alice.A: Nice to meet you, too! Im a student in Sunny Middle School.B: Oh, great! We are in the same school. Im in Class Three, Grade Seven. What class are you in?A: Im in Class Four, Grade Seven.B: My English teacher is Mr. Miller. He is from the USA, too. Is he your English teacher?A: No, he isnt. Hes my father.B: Oh? Thats good. My QQ number is 2521786. Do you use QQ?A: No, I dont . But you can call me at 789-0765.B: OK, my phone number is 675-4721.A: OK! See you!B: Bye!(1)Alices family name is _. A . BrownB . MillerC . AliceD . Black(2)划线单词same的汉语意思是_. A . 不同的B . 附近的C . 相似的D . 同样的(3)Alice is in Class _ Grade _. A . 3, 7B . 4, 7C . 7, 3D . 7, 4(4)Zhang Lis QQ number is _. A . 2521867B . 675-4721C . 2521786D . 789-0765(5)Which statement is right? (以下哪个描述是正确的?) A . Alice and Zhang Li meet in the morning.B . Alice and Zhang Li are classmates. (同班同学)C . Alices father is an English teacher.D . Alice has a QQ number.5. (10分)(2017武威)阅读短文,根据其内容回答文后各个小题。BUsing iPads to Make Learning FunPaper, pencil, whiteboard, textbook are the tools you need if you want to go to school. But recently, you can add another one to the list: an iPad.Because the popular Apple tablet is not only useful for searching the Internet and watching videos, but it is also being used to make learning fun.Scientists now know that we learn better when we are enjoying ourselves, so recently software developers have made iPad applications(应用程序) that look like video games, but have strong educational content. One of the best examples of this new form of teaching application is Futaba,a game in which up to four children try to recognize a spinning(旋转的)object,and then identify what it is. The game can be used to teach English,math, foreign languages, or just about anything, and students love it. Teachers can even make their own questions. The important thing is that children enjoy the game, and dont even realize how much they are learning!So the next time you have to choose between making your child study or letting them play game, just rememberthey could do both at the same time!(1)What can be added to the school thing list according to the passage? A . An ipad.B . An English textbook.C . A pencil.D . A whiteboard.(2)What does the underlined word tabletprobably mean in Chinese in this passage? A . 药片B . 掌上电脑C . 牌匾D . 桌子(3)Futaba is _. A . an old kind of classroomB . a new outdoor activityC . a new educational applicationD . a very old tool of teaching(4)How many children can take part in one Futaba game at a time? A . 7.B . 6.C . 5.D . 4.(5)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A . Scientists think that we leam better when we are enjoying ourselves.B . Futaba can only be used to teach languages.C . Teachers can make their own questions.D . The writer thinks children can study and have fun playing games at the same time.6. (10分)阅读理解CThere is good and bad news about the number of trees on out planet. The good news is that there are seven times more trees for everyone than we thought.A few years ago, scientists believed that the world bad 400 billion(十亿)trees. However, a new study from Yale University shows that there are around three trillion(万亿)trees. Thatmeans a three followed by 12 zeroes. That means there are about 420 trees for everyone in the world today.The bad news is that thousands of years ago, the earth had six trillion trees. Humans cut in half the number of trees on the planet. Take Europe for example, it was a large forest thousands of years ago. Now much of it is cities and towns. And another 15 billion trees are lost each year.Dr. Thomas Crowther is one of the scientists from Yale University. He said the new number of trees from their study would change nothing. The study only shows we need to do more to protect our forests. He said.(1)The passage is about the study of _ in the world. A . the kind of treesB . the number of treesC . the kind of animalsD . the number of animals(2)_ is one trillion.A . 10,000,000,000,000B . 1,000,000,000,000C . 10,000,000,000D . 1, 000,000,000(3)In the past, we thought everyone had about _ trees. A . 400B . 12C . 60D . 420(4)Thousands of years ago, _ covered Europe. A . many mountainsB . a large seaC . many cities and townsD . a large forest(5)What can we learn from Dr. Thomas Crowther? A . We still have enough trees to cut down.B . We can find more trees in the future.C . We should do more to protect forests.D . We should stop cutting trees down now.三、 单词拼写 (共6题;共15分)7. (1分)Please give me a hand. Im not tall _(足够地) to reach the books on the top of the bookshelf. 8. (10分)根据音标写单词/lez /_/ ku:l /_/hev /_/dr:m / _/ klam / _/ga:dn/_/ ba:/_ /nant/ _/ gza:mpl /_/bld /_9. (1分)Do you agree that health is more important than w_? 10. (1分)How_(愚蠢的)the old man is !11. (1分)Shenzhen is a _ (南方的) city of China. 12. (1分)Every day the No. 1 bus passes by our home. Its c_to take the bus. 四、 翻译 (共7题;共31分)13. (3分)看到那双鞋的价格时莉莉吃了一惊。Lily_when she saw the price of the pair of shoes14. (5分)人们正过着舒适的生活。 15. (7分)根据中文提示完成句子。(1)她受过良好的教育,甚至在结婚之后她还去上班。She has a good_,and she goes to work even after_(2)虽然我很高兴看见她每天忙着工作,但有时候我感到孤独,因为她不能常来看我。Im happy_shes busy_every day,but sometimes I feel_because she cant come to see me often.16. (11分)A)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 (1)这只狗有生命危险。This dogs life is_(2)人们在这个公园里经常会迷路。People often_in this park(3)我喜欢这些由不同种类木材制成的东西。I like these things_different kinds of wood(4)帮帮它们,要不然它们会失去它们的家园。Help them,or they will_.(5)彼得是我的一个好朋友。Peter is_my good friends17. (1分)请站在我的旁边。 (next to)_18. (2分)大家仍在工作。Everyone is still_.19. (2分)Zhao Pin met some _ _(南美人) on her trip to Hainan. 五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共22分)20. (22分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude. A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:Speak loud When you are not confident, you cant do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. Try to speak loud enough so that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you become more confident.Play sports Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. A strong body helps you be full of confidence.Encourage yourself Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things youve done.Get rid of (消除) fear Fear comes along with failure. But its easy to overcome (克服) if you know that failure is part of your life. Dont hide your head just because you said something stupid last time. Try to start again and believe you can do better.Pick up a hobby If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you outstanding. And it will make you happy and confident.(1)Is confidence important in daily life? (2)How many suggestions can help you to be more confident? (3)Which can help you be more confident, speak in a low voice or speak loud? (4)How can you encourage yourself? (5)Whats the passage mainly about? 六、 材料作文 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)环境保护已经越来越受到人们的重视。2016年的世界环境日的主题是“改善环境质量, 推动绿色发展”, 而2017年的世界环境日也即将到来。为此, 杭州市的各个中小学正在开展“绿色生活, 美好世界”的主题宣传活动, 倡议同学们从日常生活做起, 还世界一片蓝天。请你根据活动主题并结合表格中所给的信息, 以“Green life, better world”为主题, 用英语写一篇倡议书。Green life, better worldthings that we do nowrive to work/school;leave room without turning off lights;.things that we can doave water;take a shopping bag;.hopeencourage your family members;act from daily lives;.注意:内容应包含表格中的三方面信息, 并合理给出理由, 可适当发挥;文章的开头已经给出, 但不计入总词数;词数80左右。Green life, better worldMy dear friends,Protecting our planet is our duty. But I m sorry to see that 第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)3-1、3-2、3-3、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 单词拼写 (共6题;共15分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、四、 翻译 (共7题;共31分)13-1、14-1、15-1、15-2、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、18-1、19-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共22分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、六、 材料作文 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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