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2020年备战中考初中英语专项训练-阅读理解(人物传记类)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共21分)1. (3分) In life, people come across many experiences, which they remember all their lives. I had a similar experience, too.It was the day of my last paper of the final exam. My uncle had invited me to spend my vacation with him. I was especially excited about the invitation that my uncle had given me to stay with him for a few days in Cambridge.On that day we got into our classroom. The teacher quickly handed out the paper. The exam would last two hours and some of the expected questions came. I finished it almost forty-five minutes earlier. But since it was a rule not to collect the paper before the allotted(规定的)time. I had to sit till the teacher collected the paper. I checked my paper twice and corrected some of the mistakes in it. I started thinking about the place my friends and I had planned to go to after the exam. The time seemed to be endless. So I thought of drawing something on the paper and turned it overleaf. I was shocked to see that the page which I had supposed to be blank had four more questions on it which carried 20 marks and would take at least half an hour to complete. There were only 10 minutes left. I was so nervous that I could hardly write anything. They were the sub-questions(小题)of the last question. Suddenly our physics teacher came in and told all of us that in the last question, out of 6 sub-questions only 2 had to be solved. I felt very relieved.From then on, I realized that my anxiousness and excitement could have cost me to lose 20 marks and decided never to make such a mistake again. (1)Which of the following statements is true?A . The writer didnt work hard at physics.B . The writer lost 20 marks for the last question.C . The writer made some mistakes during the exam.D . The questions on the paper were difficult for the writer.(2)The underlined word “relieved” means _.A . less worriedB . less afraidC . more surprisedD . more nervous(3)We can infer(推断) from the passage that _.A . the writer did 2 sub-questions of the last questionB . the writer finished doing all the sub-questionsC . the writer spent 45 minutes finishing the paperD . the writer got full marks in the physics exam(4)We can learn from the passage that we should _.A . learn some exam skillsB . be careful not to make mistakes in the examC . try our best to do well in the examD . concentrate on what we are doing2. (10分)阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将该选项填入答题卷上相应的空格内。(1)Kitty enjoys chatting with _. A . her fatherB . her motherC . her classmatesD . her friends(2)Amy likes _ best. A . badmintonB . footballC . basketballD . volleyball(3)What doesnt Daniel like doing? A . Chatting with his friends.B . Watching football.C . Playing football.D . Doing outdoor sports.(4)Amy and Daniel both like _. A . badmintonB . footballC . basketballD . table tennis(5)What does the word fan mean in Chinese? A . 迷,粉丝B . 扇子C . 运动员D . 场地3. (8分)(2017温州)阅读理解DStuffy Pete sat down on a bench in the New York City Park. It was the third bench to the left as you enter the park from the east.Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years, an Old Gentleman had come to find Stuffy there at one in the afternoon. He led Stuffy to a restaurant and watched him eat a big dinner. He was trying to make it a tradition.Stuffy had just come from a dinner so big that he had almost no power to move. How he expected that gentleman would not come this year! Then his eyes grew wider and his breath stopped.The Old Gendeman was thin and tall, dressed all in black. He wore eye-glasses. His hair was whiter and thinner than it was last year. His legs did not seem as strong as they had seemed the year before, but he moved, straight and proud, to Stuffy and toward the tradition that he was building.I am glad to see everythings fine with you. For that blessing you and I can give thanks on this day of thanksgiving. If you will come with me, my man, I will give you a dinner that will surely make your body feel as thankful as your mind, said the gentleman. The words themselves were almost a traditionStuffy was very full, but he understood that his desire for food on Thanksgiving Day was not his own. It belonged to this kind gentlemam.The gentleman led Stuffy to the restaurant and to the same table where they had always gone. He sat at the table, watching.The turkey and all the other food were gone almost as quickly as they appeared Stuffy saw the look of happiness on the gentlemans face. He continued to eat to keep it there.In an hour the battle was finished.Thank you for my Thanksgiving dinner, Stuffy stood up heavily.They said goodbye, as they did each year, at the door.Stuffy went around the first corner, stood for one minute, and fell. He was picked up and taken to a hospital.An hour later , the Old Gentleman was brought to the same hospital.That nice old gentleman over there, a doctor was talking to another. Do you know whats wrong with him? Hes almost dead for the need of food. A very proud old man, I think, He told me he hadnt eaten anything for three days.(1)How many Thanksgiving dinners had the Old Gentleman invited Stuffy to have? A . One.B . Two.C . Nine.D . Ten.(2)Why did Stuffys eyes grow wider and his breath stop when he saw the Old Gentleman coming? A . He felt awful because he was too full. B . He was afraid to have another big dinner.C . He felt excited to see the gentleman was fine.D . He was surprised to meet the gentleman there.(3)What does the underlined word it in the story refer to? , A . The gentlemans need of food.B . Stuffys effort to finish all the food.C . Stuffys thanks to the gentleman.D . The happiness on the gentlemans face.(4)Why did the Old Gentleman still offer Stuffy the big dinner after he had been hungry for three days?_第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共21分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、

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