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仁爱版2020年初中毕业生学业考试适应性试卷英语卷(二)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) This is our nice 1. In our school, there2twenty classrooms. 3every classroom, there is a TV 4 some computers. 5 to the classrooms, you can see two beautiful 6. The students like reading 7and magazines there. There are six science labs in our school,8.We can have science lessons there. Oh, look! Some students are playing games in the 9. After school, lets 10 tennis there.(1)A . library B . gym C . classroom D . school (2)A . has B . are C . is D . have (3)A . On B . Behind C . In D . Under (4)A . or B . and C . with D . but (5)A . Next B . Behind C . On D . In (6)A . libraries B . gyms C . classrooms D . offices (7)A . flowers B . books C . matches D . television (8)A . also B . either C . too D . only (9)A . library B . gym C . classroom D . school (10)A . watch B . look C . play D . read 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)2. (4分)阅读图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择出最佳选项。(1)Where can you see this sign? A . In a sandwich shop.B . In a college.C . In a hospital.(2)What did the German boys come to Changsha for? A . To celebrate Childrens Day.B . To meet pen pals in Changsha.C . To learn Chinese in Changsha.3. (8分)阅读理解 All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not mean the same thing to everyone. In different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea.In China, for example, tea is always served when people get together. The Chinese drink it at any time of the day at homes or in tea houses. They prefer their tea plain with nothing else in it.Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea called a tea ceremony(仪式). It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. There is even a. special room for it in Japanese homes.Another tea-drinking country is England. In England, the late afternoon is teatime. Almost everyone has a cup of tea then. The English usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with cream and sugar. They also eat cakes, cookies and little sandwiches at teatime.In the United States people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to make their tea. Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots. In summer, many Americans drink cold teaiced tea. Sometimes they drink iced tea from cans, like soda.(1)The passage is about .A . Chinese teaB . why tea is importantC . the teatime in EnglandD . different ways of drinking tea in different countries(2)Tea is popular .A . all around the worldB . only in the United StatesC . only in English-speaking countriesD . in Asian countries(3)The Chinese drink tea .A . for breakfastB . in a special ceremonyC . when they get togetherD . only in teahouses(4)The English like to .A . eat cakes and cookies with their teaB . drink their plain teaC . drink tea for breakfastD . drink their tea in a special room4. (10分)阅读理解The best day of the week for shoppers is Saturday. In America, women do most of the shopping, while the young also enjoy shopping with their friends. Men dont enjoy taking time in the store. There are many places to shop. A mall is a group of many shops where you can buy clothes, furniture, and everything of the house. Shopping malls provide parking of the cars which is very important to the shopper. Usually the mall is under one roof, so each people doesnt get cold or wet from rain, wind, or snow. Mothers can buy clothes for family members. For the children, shoes, socks, dresses, coats, and sweaters are bought in August for the new school year. For the kitchen the mother might buy cooking pots, drinking glasses, and the television set. The bedroom furniture has beds, mirrors and so on. Finally, there are pictures in most rooms.To buy all these things at the mall takes many trips but mothers enjoy this kind of shopping. (1)Who often goes shopping for the family members from the passage we know?A . Mothers.B . Fathers.C . Young people.D . Children.(2)In America, women like shopping on .A . SundayB . SaturdayC . MondayD . Friday(3)Men do not enjoy shopping in the store, because .A . it will cost more moneyB . takes shorter timeC . it takes a lot of timeD . they will get wet from rain(4)The word “furniture” means .A . 电视柜B . 家具C . 电器D . 立柜(5)What is a shopping mall?A . Its a group of many shops where you can buy everything you need.B . A department store where you can buy everything you need.C . A supermarket where you can buy vegetables, fruits and so on.D . You can park your car there.5. (10分) My friend Matt and I arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation wasnt wonderful,but we had everything we needed(beds,blankets,food),and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air.On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends,Kevin and Simon,while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. There were some other members I didnt know. We had come from different places and none of us knew the area.We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors,but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves(岩洞) first. Climbing out was harder than going in,but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last. Though we were covered with mud,we were pleased and excited by what wed done.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(1)The writer spent the Saturday morning _.A . rock-climbingB . sleepingC . meeting friendsD . caving(2)There were _ members in all in the writers group.A . 6B . 8C . l0D . 12(3)We can learn from the passage that _.A . some of the group had been there beforeB . the group had done rock-climbing many timesC . some of the group already knew each otherD . group all came from the same city(4)The write thought her weekend was _.A . interestingB . relaxingC . frighteningD . unpleasant(5)This passage mainly talks about _.A . the writers friends at the Activity CentreB . the writers experience at the Activity CentreC . outdoor sports at the Activity CentreD . how to go rock-climbing and caving三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共11分)6. (10分)读出音标,找相应的单词,并把单词的字母编号写在相应的音标后面。A. know B. favorite C. letter D. color E. otherF. mine G. banana H. hers I. schoolbag J. shirt(1)/(r)/_(2)/man /_ (3)/kl(r)/_ (4)/let(r)/_ (5)/:(r)t/_ (6)/feivrt/_ (7)/sku:lbg/_(8)/h:(r)z/_ (9)/n/_ (10)/bnn/_ 7. (1分)My parents said nothing, but I can read the sadness from the e_ on their faces. 四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)语法填空。Hello, we are students from Thailand, and we want _ (save) the elephants. The elephant is one of Thailands symbols. Our _ (one) flag had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck.Elephants are smart animals. They can _ soccer or music. They can also draw very _ (good). People say that an elephant never forgets . Elephants can walk _ a long time and never get _ (丢失). They can also remember places with food and water. This helps _ (they) to live.But elephants are _ great danger. People cut down many trees _ elephants are losing their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory(象牙制品). Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before). We must save the trees and not _ things made of ivory. Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)星期五是阳光中学的学校活动日,学生们可以进行各种有趣的活动。阅读下面五名学生的信息,选出各自感兴趣的活动。 AThe best game of the yearCome and meet our school basketball stars!Basketball Court3:00p.m. 5:00p.m.Tel: 357-7682BWater gamesIts very cool!Xingsha Pool.1:00p.m. 6:00p.m.Tel: 357-7442CTalent showAre you good at singing, dancing or acting?Come and show yourself!Music Hall7:00p.m. 9:00p.m.Tel: 357-9876DChess is fun!Who will win at last?Chess Club8:00a.m. 10:30a.m.1:00p.m. 3:30p.m.Tel: 357-7465EGuitar showPlaying the guitar is exciting!Come and join us!Guitar Club8:00a.m. 12:00a.m.Tel: 357-4678(1)Li Pings favorite activity is swimming in the pool. _(2)Wei Fang wants to play the guitar show. _(3)Sue is interested in chess. She wants to win. _(4)Lily likes music very much. She wants to watch a show at night. _(5)Li Weis favorite star is Yao Ming. He plays basketball in the school team. _六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)以“My Dream Home”为题来谈谈自己的梦想家园,80个单词左右。我的梦想家园在山脚下。有两层,房前有一个大花园,种满了花。一楼有一个厨房和家庭影院,因为我喜欢我的父母住在二楼,我有自己的卧室,我可以我最喜欢的地方是因为我爱我的梦想家园。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)2-1、2-2、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共11分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、6-6、6-7、6-8、6-9、6-10、7-1、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)8-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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