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外研版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷C卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)Have you seen_ film Save the earth ? Of course, Its _ most interesting film Ive ever seen.A . a; theB . the; aC . a; aD . the; the2. (1分)_ is it from your home to your school, Anna? Its quite near, only five minutes walk.A . How manyB . How farC . How long3. (1分)I hear you have just finished making the flash mob(快闪) My Motherland and Me ? Thats true. It is really a way to show our love for our country.A . traditionalB . humorousC . wonderfulD . boring4. (1分) Which do you want to order, sir? Coffee, lemonade, milk or tea? _ is my cup of tea.A . EitherB . NeitherC . NoneD . Both5. (1分)Its cold, so we decide _out. A . goB . to goC . not to goD . went6. (1分)Is he a new teacher in your school? No, he has worked here_.A . since five yearsB . for five yearsC . for five years agoD . in five years7. (1分)Its time home and have supper. A . goB . to goC . goingD . goes8. (1分)Mother told her daughter that the sound more slowly than the light. A . wentB . would goC . goesD . is going9. (1分)I want to know if Mr. Green _here tomorrow.If he _, Ill tell you.A . comes, comesB . will come, will come C . will come, comesD . comes, will come10. (1分)Do you know _? Yes, well take a bus there.A . When we will go the museum tomorrowB . When will we go to the museum tomorrowC . how we will go the museum tomorrowD . how will we go to the museum tomorrow11. (1分)My father is strict _ me _ my study. A . in; withB . with; inC . in; onD . on; on12. (1分)Do you know _ secondhand smoke? To protect our health and memory. A . how we should preventB . where we should preventC . why we should preventD . whether we should prevent13. (1分)This song _ by the girls after class. A . often singsB . often sangC . is often sangD . is often sung14. (1分) We must act now because time is . Yes. Lets start. A . coming outB . giving outC . cutting outD . running out15. (1分) How was your interview with the boss? _. He seemed interested in my experience, but he didnt ask for my recommendation letter.A . PerfectB . Im not sureC . Thats rightD . Couldnt be better二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的 A、 B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项。Canton Tower is the highest tower in China.1you stand on top of the tower, you can get a birds-eye view of the Pearl River. At weekends, people in Guangzhou often visit the tower with 2families. Visitors are 3in taking photos of the city at the tower.In 2005, workers 4to build this tower. In 2010, the colorful lights of the tower lighted up the sky for the first time. People spend over four years 5it.Canton Tower is in the center of our city. It is 6to get there by bus or by underground. We can also find 7useful information of the tower on the Internet. For example, there 8a 4D cinema in it. The tower is open 99 a.m. to 11 p.m.For people of Guangzhou, Canton Tower is 10work of art and a new symbol of our city.(1)A . If B . So C . Or D . But (2)A . they B . them C . their D . theirs (3)A . interesting B . interested C . interest D . interests (4)A . started B . start C . starts D . starting (5)A . build B . builds C . built D . building (6)A . easy B . easily C . easiest D . more easily (7)A . a few B . some C . many D . any (8)A . has B . have C . is D . are (9)A . on B . from C . in D . about (10)A . / B . an C . the D . a 三、 、阅读理解 (共3题;共11分)17. (5分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。BHi, boys and girls! My name is Gina. Im an assistant at Mr. Millers Store. Now let me say something about the store. On the first floor (层), we sell clothes for girls. The skirts in white, red, black and yellow are only $35. We have socks in all colors. Theyre only $8 for two pairs. How much are our sweaters? Only $25!If you are a boy, you can go to the second floor. Look at those baseball hats. Do you like them? They are only $6. Are you very fat? We have some big jackets for you. They are $40. We have some shorts, too. They are only $18.What do you need? Come to Mr. Millers Store now!(1)The underlined word “assistant” means “_” in Chinese.A . 护士B . 警察C . 售货员D . 清洁工(2)If you go to Mr. Millers Store, you cant find _ skirts.A . blackB . purpleC . redD . white(3)Mr. Millers Store sells _.A . clothesB . fruitC . vegetablesD . food(4)Mrs. Brown buys a pair shorts for her son and a pair of socks and a sweater for her daughter, she pays (付款) _ dollars for them.A . 51B . 57C . 69D . 47(5)下面哪项叙述是正确的?A . Mr. Millers Store has two floors.B . Linda can buy a sweater on the second floor.C . www.dearedu.com Mr. Millers Store has shorts for fat boys.D . Jack has ten dollars, he can buy two baseball hats.18. (5分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案BWe can not live a modern life without travelling. The fastest way of travelling is by air. With a plane one can travel in one day to places which it takes a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but one can see the country while-he is travelling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable.Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible. There are large luxury liners(客轮) or river boats. They are not as fast as trains or planes, but travelling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.Many people like to travel by car. They can make their own timetable. They can travel hundreds of miles a day, just as their wish. They can stop wherever they want to see something interesting or to enjoy a good meal at a good restaurant, or to spend the night at a hotel. That is why people choose travelling by car for pleasant trips, while they usually take trains or planes for business. (1)According to the passage, the fastest way of travelling is _.A . by carB . by trainC . by planeD . by sea(2)If we travel by car, we can _.A . enjoy the longest journeyB . travel only fifty miles a dayC . make our own timetableD . travel to a very far place in a few minutes(3)When people travel on business, they usually take _.A . a boat or a trainB . a car or a trainC . a plane or a carD . a train or a plane(4)_have comfortable seats and dining-cars.A . CarsB . Modern trainsC . PlanesD . Buses(5)If possible, people like travelling by sea because _.A . it is as fast as trains and planesB . it is a pleasant way to spend a holidayC . it is very cheapD . it can stop wherever they like19. (1分)Answer the questions according to the passage. My mom hates to cook. Shed rather ride her motorcycle or practice rock climbing. She also spends a lot of time with me. Every morning Mom takes me to school by motorcycle. Occasionally Ill come home to find her scaling(攀爬)the side of the house.As her daughter, I used to feel embarrassed that my mom was so different. But now_.It all started with a cooking project. Every student in Mrs. Maitlands home-economics class was supposed to create an original dish, then present it at school the following Tuesday morning. Mom and I spent hours in the kitchen. We tried jelly-filled hot dogs, baked ham with chocolate sauce, and hard-boiled eggs rolled in coconut. We eventually agreed on chocolate cakes with bright green pepper mint frosting. I was satisfied. It beat hot dogs, anyway.The big day came. Our parents appeared, bringing many tasty dishes. Finally, I saw Mom, empty handed! I met her at the door. You forgot it, didnt you?Moms eyes opened wide. Im sor- She couldnt finish her apology. A loud alarm cut her off. Mrs. Maitland yelled, Fire! This is not a drill! Everyone out of the building!We all headed for the stairs and gathered at the parking lot. Smoke started to curl out of one of the third-floor windows. Mom held my hand tightly. I forgot about my cake.Suddenly, we heard a scream. We looked up and found Danny Patterson was trapped in the burning building! Mom disappeared. She grabbed her climbing tools from her motorcycle and walked quickly toward the building.She scaled the huge pine tree next to the school. At the top, she started to throw her weight back and forth. The tree swung toward the window, and she hopped onto the ledge and into the building.Moms ropes flew as she created a harness. She secured one end, and then lowered Danny safely to the ground. Everyone cheered!Who cares if my mom hates to cook?(1)The writers mom doesnt like cooking, does she? (2)How does the writer go to school every morning? (3)Why did the writer and Mom spend hours in the kitchen? (4)What did Mom bring to school on the big day? (5)How did the writer and Mom feel when they saw the smoke? (6)What can be filled in the blank in Paragraph Two? Give your reason. 四、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)Its not easy for me _ (understand) the native speakers if they speak too quickly.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)根据短文内容, 完成各题。Reading is a good habit, but the problem is that theres too much to read, and too little time to read every word of it. So we need to find good ways to read faster. There are hundreds of skills (技巧) to help you read more in less time. Here are two skills that I think are especially good.Preview (预看) if its long and hard. This skill is especially useful for ideas of heavy reading like long magazine articles (文章) and business reports (报告).Heres how the preview goes.Read the first two paragraphs (段落) and the last two paragraphs carefully.Then read only the first sentence of the other paragraphs.This skill doesnt give you all the details (细节, 详情). It stops you spending time on things you dont really want or need to read.Skim (略读)if its short and simple (简单的). Skimming is a good way to get ideas of light reading like popular magazines or sports and entertainment (娱乐) papers.Heres how to skim.Get your eyes to move fast. Sweep across each line.Pick up only a few key words in each line.Everybody skims differently. You and I may not pick up the same words when we skim the same piece, but well get a similar (相似的) idea of what its mainly about.(1)How many skills are recommended in this passage? (2)What should we do when we read sports news in a daily paper according to the passage? A . Get our eyes to move fast. Sweep across each line.B . Pick up only a few key words in each line.C . Both A and(3)将短文中画线的部分译成汉语。_(4)请给短文拟一个适当的标题。 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)某英语教育网站正在开展主题为How can a teenager have a successful life?的讨论,为此你采访了一些同学(结果见下表)。请据上经用英语写一篇短文参与讨论,并阐述你的观点。 同学主要观点你的观点l 努力学习l 尊重父母l 服务社会l 计划未来(至少两条)注意:短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节;你的观点至少两条;词数:80100;短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。参考词汇:尊重respect短文首句:I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、三、 、阅读理解 (共3题;共11分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、19-6、四、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)20-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)22-1、


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