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人教版2020届九年级英语二模试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1. (0.5分)My teacher encouraged _a summer course to improve my writing skills. A . for me takingB . me takingC . for me take careD . me to take2. (0.5分)His grade in the exam put him _ the top students in his class.A . betweenB . overC . amongD . above3. (0.5分)_ do you spell tree? TREE.A . WhereB . WhyC . HowD . What4. (0.5分)John gives me a call again _ he can make sure when the meeting will start. A . asB . so thatC . for5. (0.5分)Miss. Li is a young_. She _ us English. A . teaches; teachesB . teacher; teachC . teaches; teacherD . teacher; teaches6. (0.5分)I think staying with our family is _ than any other thing in the world. A . happierB . the happiestC . more happilyD . the most happily7. (0.5分)Charlie _ here next month. A . isnt workingB . doesnt workingC . isnt going to workingD . wont work8. (0.5分)Neither he nor l _ from Canada. We are both from Australia. A . isB . areC . amD . be9. (0.5分)What do you think of his speech? Its good. The only pity is that I the first few minutes.A . missB . will missC . was missingD . missed10. (0.5分)The river _ to the sea. It is _ one in the country. A . runs, the longestB . runs, a longerC . is run, the longestD . run, a longest11. (0.5分)Where _ Tom and Linda? A . isB . areC . amD . be12. (0.5分)Could you tell me_? A . when will they leave BeijingB . when would they leave BeijingC . when they will leave BeijingD . when they would leave Beijing二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13. (8分)完形填空 I designed(设计) some of my own Smile cards personally. One of them is for hiding 1in unexpected places. I hoped that this would be found by someone who really 2it.So, I went to a local supermarket near here and placed a $20 bill with the 3behind a product(产品). I then went to another side to see who would find it. I wanted to see 4he or she would react(反应) !After a while a lady5the money with the card. Then she looked around to see if she could know who left it. I was 6to find she put it back! I guessed she really didnt need it.After about another seven 7a lady with a young boy found the money. They started looking around the 8! I guessed they were looking for hidden 9! Again the money was put back.I never saw who finally needed the money 10I did get to see just how amazing some people were! Also, Im glad that those who didnt think they needed the money left it for someone who did! Very warm!(1)A . food B . drink C . money (2)A . stole B . needed C . lost (3)A . card B . toy C . ball (4)A . when B . why C . how (5)A . found B . picked C . got (6)A . angry B . excited C . surprised (7)A . minutes B . hours C . days (8)A . bank B . hospital C . supermarket (9)A . lights B . cameras C . people (10)A . and B . or C . but 三、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14. (6分)阅读理解 Li Ping and her family are going to spend holiday in Sydney during the summer holiday. She finds a hotel on Airbnb and this is the reply from the manager.From: Charlotte, hotel manager of Vinh& StuartHi Li Ping, Thanks for choosing our hotel. Your Sydney Home: Amazing views of the Sydney Harbour, Opera House, and White Bay Only 5 minutes to walk to Art Gallery, Australian Museum and 10 minutes to Bondi Beach Close to the Airport & all public transport like bus and train Surrounded by busy cafes and popular restaurants Free wifi throughout the entire hotel Fully air-conditioned Light Breakfast (cereals, fruits, toasts, teas & coffees) It is also important to mention the shopping malls and the most famous shops in the world that are close to my hotel. My hotel is ideal for those who look for sightseeing, for those who want to shop, for those who come to business or local events. Things you do need to know before you book: The location is great, but the Kings Cross area is busy on a Friday/Saturday night. While the hotel itself is quiet, and I doubt you might hear some noise from the street at night on the weekends. But I think the location is totally worth it. Bring enough clothes, we are now in winter. Please just send us a message if youve any question about staying with us or visiting Sydney. Cant wait to meet you!Cheers,Charlotte(1)The hotel is _. A . far away from the airportB . close to Australia MuseumC . surrounded by movie theatresD . built on Bondi Beach(2)According to the passage, the hotel might be suitable for those who_. A . prefer exciting sportsB . look for amazing viewsC . like to play with kangaroosD . need sleep without any noise(3)Whats the purpose of the passage? A . To invite people to visit Sydney.B . To explain why they visit Sydney.C . To describe what Sydney is like.D . To tell people what the hotel is like.15. (6分)阅读理解。根据文章判断对错。 I think the most terrible thing in life for my little brother is getting up in the morning. He is almost sick when my mother calls, Herbert! Its seven oclock! Get up! Hebert answers, Im coming!” and goes right back to sleep. Im not all like my brother. I dont like to go to bed at night but I dont mind getting up in the morning. I usually wake up before my mother calls me. I jump out of bed and go into the bathroom to take a shower. I get dressed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and get ready to go downstairs for breakfast as soon as my mother calls.But not for Herbert. He just sleeps. After calling a few more times my mother has to come upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed. Its that way every day with my little brother. Perhaps some day hell learn to get up on time, but I really dont think so.(1)My name is Herbert. (2)I dont like to go to bed at night. (3)My brother and I live in upstairs. (4)My brother gets up by himself every morning. (5)I wake up early in the morning. 16. (6分)阅读理解 Populations of white-tailed deer(白尾鹿) are growing rapidly in many parts of the United States. As populations grow, food becomes a problem. Many deer die of hunger. Others grow up small and unhealthy. In search of food, hungry deer move closer to where humans live. They eat farm crops, vegetables and even trees. Besides, increased numbers of deer near roads can cause traffic accidents.People admire the grace and fast speed of deer. Most people dont want these animals to be hungry and ill. Should people take action to control the growing deer populations?Should People Take Direct Action?Many people think that hunting(打猎) is the best way to control the animal populations. Wildlife managers will see if theres enough food in an area and decide its carrying capacity(容量). Then hunters with licenses are sent to help control the number of deer. Hunting is usually not allowed in cities or suburbs, however.Some people have the idea to catch the deer and move them to other places. But this method is expensive and requires finding another place that can accept the deer without breaking the balance of ecosystem(生态系统).Scientists are also working to develop chemicals(化学药品) to control the birth rate(率) in deer populations. But this plan works for only one year at a time.Should People Take Indirect Action?Some suggest bringing in natural enemies of deer, such as wolves, lions and bears, to areas with too many deer. But these animals could also hurt dogs, cats, and even humans. Other communities have built tall fences(篱笆) around areas to keep out the deer. However, this is impossible for farmers. Some people are against any kind of action. They support leaving the deer alone. Animal populations in an area naturally go up and down over time. Doing nothing means that some deer will die of hunger or illness. But finally, the population will reach a size within the carrying capacity(容量) of the environment. So, let nature go its own way.(1)According to the passage, increased numbers of deer can bring to people in the area. A . water pollutionB . traffic accidentsC . serious illnessesD . growing populations(2)Which of the following is the best to fill in the in the passage? A . Should People Do Nothing?B . Should People Protect the Deer?C . Should People Take Special Action?D . Should People Drive the Deer Away?(3)The writer most probably agrees that . A . farmers can build fences to keep the deer outB . people should leave the deer alone in the wildC . hunting is the best way to control the deer populationsD . its great to catch the deer and move them to other places(4)The writer organizes this passage by . A . telling storiesB . using numbersC . giving opinionsD . describing scenes (场景)17. (8分)阅读理解Maybe you are an average (普通的) student. You probably think you will never be a top student (尖子生). However, anyone can become a better student if he or she does his or her best. Here are some tips (技巧) to help you.Plan your time carefully. You should plan your time for such things as eating, sleeping and dressing. Then make a good, regular time for studying. But dont forget to set enough time for entertainment(娱乐).Keep your study quiet and clean. The study should have a desk, a chair and some study materials(材料), but no games, no radio and no television ! When you sit down to study, you can put your heart into it. Make good use of your time.Listen to everything that the teacher says. Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.After you get home from school, go over(复习) your notes . Review (复习)the important points. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss next day, read the material. It will help you study better.Develop(培养) a good attitude (态度) to tests . The purpose(目的) of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject . It helps you know what you are not good at. The world will still go on even if you fail (不及格) in a test , so dont be too worried . (1)How many tips are mentioned in the passage? A . ThreeB . FourC . FiveD . Six(2)Which is a good place for studying? A . A clean and beautiful place.B . The place with a computer.C . The place with a television and radio.D . A quiet place with a chair, a desk, and some study materials.(3)Which of the following is NOT true? A . The test is the most important for a student.B . After class, you should review what you have learned.C . You should listen to your teacher and take notes carefully in class.D . When you plan your time, you should think of the time for eating, sleeping and so on.(4)Whats the passage mainly about? A . How to become a top student.B . How to plan your time.C . How to study English.D . How to take notes.四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能够填入短文空白处的最佳选项。 One day, I fished with my grandfather. When we sat by the river, our bobbers(浮漂) floated(浮动)together. He told me to be patient. We were lucky to enjoy the warmth of the sun. I was with my grandfather happily. I wanted to be like him. _He worked hard all the time for everyone, but he managed to find time to smile at the life.My grandfather was an amazing man. He taught me many things the way to fish, the value of good friends, the respect for the old and the importance of working hard. The list was long. My grandfather didnt always teach me or tell me directly. _When she was a child, it was my grandfathers duty to teach and guide her. _Its a family tree.The family tree is a learning tree. _ They balance the family structure(结构). Over time, the branches(树枝) above grow large, join with other families, and protect the older branches below. _The branches above take over (接管) their role on the learning tree, supporting the new family members. In this way, the life goes on for generations forever.A. Instead. I learned them from my mother.B. He was well liked by everyone.C. Gradually, the old branches grow weak, die and fall away.D. Then the things my grandfather taught my mother would be passed on to me.E. The larger, older branches support and guide the smaller, younger ones.五、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)假如你叫肖鹏,是英语学习小组组长。英语课上老师要求展开小组调查,内容包括爱好,理想职业及原因。然后由各组组长在班内汇报。请你根据表格内容提示,介绍本组成员及自己的情况,写一篇80-100词的调查报告。 surveyNamesHobbiesDream jobsReasonsYi KewritingwriterBring her pleasure and successZheng YongtravelingguideExperience life and learn different culturesMeng XinLooking after animalsWWF workerHelp animals live in peaceI(Xiao peng).要求:1)语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范。2)文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称。3)文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Boys and girls,Everyone has hobbies and dreams. Now let me share ours with you.I hope we enjoy our hobbies and our dreams can come true.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13-1、三、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18-1、五、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19-1、

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