牛津深圳版七上英语Module 1 My life unit 1 making friends单元测试(I)卷.doc

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牛津深圳版七上英语Module 1 My life unit 1 making friends单元测试(I)卷一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)The bottle is filled with milk. So there is no need to add more.A . full ofB . empty ofC . next to2. (2分)Would you like to live by yourself abroad?No. I think I will be lonely and scared.A . with friendsB . on your ownC . without money3. (2分)Be _, and you will do well in the English exam. A . carefulB . politeC . sureD . friendly4. (2分)I think his dream can _ one day if he works hard.A . come overB . come fromC . come true5. (2分)Whose idea is it?Lilys. She _ the idea this morning.A . came up withB . got along withC . caught up with6. (2分)The officials are kind to the people here. They help them do many things. A . officersB . farmersC . workers7. (2分)I that you will be late if you dont go now A . explainB . fearC . decideD . promise8. (2分)You really play tennis well. I believe you will become a star in the future.A . great trainerB . famous playerC . good learner二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)Lily and I are in _ grades, but we are good _. A . the same; friendsB . different; friendsC . same; friendD . different; friend10. (2分)We like to sit on the floor and _ the sea. A . look outB . look forC . look out atD . look out of11. (2分)Hans gave the lecture instead of Einstein perfectly.A . happilyB . excellentlyC . hurriedlyD . simply12. (2分)They often help kids _ dancing.A . onB . withC . toD . at13. (2分)How about your interview on Sunday?_!It is the last thing I want to talk about.A . Dont mention itB . WonderfulC . Not badD . Thats Ok.14. (2分)As a result of playing computer games too much, Michael is near-sighted and has to wear glasses.Its difficult for youngsters to stay away from gamesA . Thanks toB . Result inC . Because of15. (2分)Linda has changed a lot since she hosted the show. She is very outgoing now.Oh? I hear she used to be very shy.A . had to beB . was. in the pastC . will be. in the future三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) When I was about 12 years old, I really wanted a new bike! I 1my parents my birthday wish, but I knew there was little hope because my family could 2 have that money.On my birthday my parents told me they had my 3 outside in the back yard. At once I 4 out to the yard. There was my bike, 5 it wasnt the bike that I thought it would be. This one was pink, old and worn with age. It was so 6! I thought I 7 my parents feelings because I could see the disappointment 8 their faces and I was sure they could see it on mine. I 9the old bike and rode it, feeling 10 that I had made my parents feel this way. So I put on a smile, rode as fast as I could and didnt 11.As time went by, I began to understand my parents gave me 12 much more than just a rusty(生锈的)old bike. They gave me a life lesson about 13. When you give something out of love, it doesnt matter what it is in fact. What matters is the love that is in it. I like to remember this 14 because giving a gift is not about money. Its about how much love you can feel from it. Do remember, a gift that 15 two dollars isnt any less valuable(有价值的)than one that costs one hundred dollars, or even more.(1)A . talked B . spoke C . said D . told (2)A . hardly B . quickly C . slowly D . easily (3)A . guitar B . gift C . cake D . card (4)A . rushed B . rode C . climbed D . came (5)A . and B . or C . but D . because (6)A . exciting B . interesting C . relaxing D . disappointing (7)A . liked B . hated C . hurt D . thanked (8)A . on B . in C . at D . for (9)A . got in B . got on C . got off D . got up (10)A . surprised B . excited C . happy D . bad (11)A . look ahead B . look back C . come up D . come down (12)A . anything B . nothing C . something D . everything (13)A . love B . money C . friendship D . knowledge (14)A . idea B . news C . advice D . story (15)A . spends B . costs C . pays D . offers 四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共41分)17. (10分)I am a middle school student. My name is WeiFang. Im thirteen now. I study at No.52 Middle School. I am in Class 3, Grade 1. There are twenty boys and twenty-three girls in my class. We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We like English very much.(1)WeiFang is _.A . elevenB . twelveC . thirteenD . fourteen(2)There are _ students in her class.A . 23B . 20C . 40D . 43(3)WeiFang is in _A . Class Three, Grade OneB . Class One, Grade ThreeC . Grade One, Class ThreeD . Grade Three, Class One(4)Do they have six lessons in a day?A . No, they arentB . Yes, they doC . No, they dontD . Yes, they are(5)Which sentence is wrong(错误的)?A . WeiFang is in No.52 Middle School.B . WeiFang likes English very much.C . WeiFang has six English lessons every day.D . WeiFang is a middle school student.18. (8分)阅读理解Some people in the world are still living with hunger. As many as 815 million people in the world didnt have enough food in 2016.Heifer international wants to end world hunger. It began in 1930 when an American farmer went to Spain to help people in need. These people often went hungry in the war. That framer, Dan West, tried to use milk to feed these hungry people. And there was a continuous(持续的)need to feed people. This got him to think that what they needed was not a cup, but a cow.In 1939, West went back to Indiana and decided to find ways to stop hunger. He thought about giving animals to the hungry people as a gift. Then they can feed and sell the animals for money. Only then could there be an end to hunger.On Heifer internationals website (/www.heifer.org), you will see a lot of animals you can buy to help those in need. But not just cows, goats, and pigs are for sale. You can also buy fish, or even honeybees! More importantly, you are not just buying an animal for one person. You are buying what can help at least 1000 families. Each gift could make a continuous change.But Heifer Internationals work doesnt end there. They will work with communities(社区) until they dont need outside help. If everyone works together(一起), maybe hunger really can end.(1)When did Heifer International begin its work to end world hunger? A . In 1930B . In 1939C . In 2006D . In 2015(2)The under lined word then in paragraph 3 refers to the time _. A . when West went back to IndianaB . when West used milk to feed the peopleC . when people live with animalsD . when people feed animals to make money(3)Which of the following statements is true? A . Dan West thought that there was no way to end hunger.B . People may bring an end to hunger by working together.C . People can buy any animal on Heifer Internationals website.D . Buying animals on the website cant help the hungry families.(4)The passage is mainly about _. A . what communities can do to end hungerB . where Dan West built Heifer InternationalC . why many people are still living with hungerD . how Heifer International works to end hunger19. (10分)阅读理解It was nearly dark, the sun was dropping down the mountains far away. Little Tom came back home, with tears in his eyes.“Whats the matter, Tom? Hows your trip?” his mother asked with a big smile. “I failed. The mountain is so high and full of big or small stones on the way, I still go ahead. But I was tired and it was so late that I had to come back.” Tom cried. “It doesnt matter, you are only 14 years old after all. You will have another chance.” his mother said. “But, standing at the top of the mountain is my dream!” Tom said. His father came over and asked, “Did you see the green trees on your way to the mountain?”“Sure, and there are a lot of beautiful flowers by the side of the road.” Tom replied. “Did you hear the birds singing?” his father asked. “There were many kinds of birds singing in the trees, and the sound was very sweet.” Tom said. “Did you feel the beauty of nature?” his father asked. “Yes, the blue sky, the white clouds, the green trees and the colorful flowers made a nice picture.” Tom answered. “Thats enough!” his father smiled and said, “Please remember, son. For often, achieving what you expect is not the most important thing. Although you didnt reach the top of the mountain, you got a lot on the way.”It is true that not every goal will be achieved, not every job will end up with a success, and not every dream will come true. The most beautiful scenery (风景) is on the way.(1)Tom got back home _ when the sun was dropping. A . slowlyB . sadlyC . quicklyD . early(2)Toms parents wanted Tom _. A . to be friendlyB . to be happyC . to be cleverD . to be healthy(3)Whats the main reason that Tom didnt reach the top of the mountain? A . The mountain was so high.B . The way was full of big or small stones.C . He was tired and it was so late.D . He was only 14 years old.(4)Tom saw a lot of things on the way to the mountain except _ . A . clear waterB . blue skyC . colorful flowersD . green trees(5)The writer tries to tell us that _. A . the goal is not importantB . everyone should climb the mountainC . the mountain is very beautifulD . the process (过程) is more important than the result20. (5分)根据短文内容,填人适当的词,完成句子。每空词数不限。Im Kitty. Today the clothes at Xingxing Clothes Store are on sale. So I want to buy some clothes for my grandparents, my parents, and myself. Let me have a look. This yellow sweater is at a very good price-only 15 dollars. And its OK for my grandfather. For my grandmother, I want to buy a pair of black shoes. Its very comfortable (舒适的). How about this blue T-shirt? Oh, my father can wear it to play basketball. And-there are many socks in green, yellow, black, blue, red, and white. I know my mother likes red very much, so I will buy these red ones. I need pants, so I will take these blue ones.(1)The_ is only 15 dollars.(2)Kitty wants to buy _ for her grandmother.(3)The blue T-shirt is for her_ .(4)Kittys mother likes red_ .(5)Kitty needs_, so she will buy some.21. (8分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。While Mr. Wan, his wife and their little daughter were in Europe, they decided to drive three days to Germany.His little daughter had never travelled at night before. She was scared(害怕) the first night in the car, with the deep darkness outside.Where are we going, Daddy? To your uncles house in Germany.Have you been to his house before? No.Do you know the way? Kind of, we will read the map.Do you know how to read the map? Yes, we will get there safely.Where are we going to eat if we get hungry before arriving? We can stop at a restaurant if we get very hungry, my honey.Do you know if there are restaurants on the way? Yes, there are.Do you know where? No, but we will be able to find some.The same dialogue repeated a few times during the first night and second night. But on the third night, the daughter was quiet. He couldnt help wondering why she was not asking the questions anymore.Honey, do you know where we are going? Germany, to uncles house.Do you know how we are getting there? No.Then why arent you asking me any more? Because Daddy is driving.Because Daddy is driving. That answer from his little girl gave Mr. Wan strength for many years after, whenever he had questions and fears about his life journey.(1)The little girl asked so many questions during the first night because A . she was afraid of the deep darkness.B . she didnt want to go to Germany.C . she didnt believe in his parents.D . she was very hungry on road.(2)What does the underlined sentence really mean? A . Mr. Wan didnt know the way at all.B . Mr. Wan couldnt read the map very well.C . Mr. Wan was not quite sure about the way.D . Mr. Wan was familiar with the way.(3)When the little girl didnt ask any questions more her father felt . A . excitedB . satisfiedC . surprisedD . relaxed(4)What gave Mr. Wan more strength after this trip? A . His daughters questions.B . His daughters trust.C . His good driving skill.D . His strong will about life.五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下列短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Mozart was a famous composer (作曲家). He was one of the greatest composers in the history of music.He _(be) born in Austria, in 1756. He was the son of _musician and he had one sister. She was five years _(old) than him. Mozart and his sister were both very _(interest) in music.Mozart began to play the piano when he was three. He liked music very much and his father never had to tell him _(practise). He wrote his first piece of music at the age of five. Later, he and his sister travelled all over Europe with_(they) father. They played music for kings and queens _other important people.Mozart _(become) ill when he was in Prague(布拉格) in 1791. He died on 5 December, 1791 when he was only 35. Although he died young, he left a lot of musical works to the world. He was still composing _(short) before he died. _a great composer Mozart is!六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)你擅长体育运动吗?假如你想竞选你班里的体育委员,请说明你当体育委员的理由。句首已给出,不计入词数。提示:1.竞选的理由;2.你的爱好及特长;3.你能为班级带来什么。要求:不少于60词。I want to第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共41分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、


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